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Another Store hit with copper

Rick T

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Wow' date=' it actually made the news. Imagine how much more attention it would have received if it was puppies and kittens instead of corals...[/quote']


Sadly, imagine how many unstable people or those with a grudge towards a particular store will now be inspired to copycat. :(

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insurance cover something like this i feel so bad for the owner.

i have a feeling people/kids will do this now that they know of it... i hope not but you know how poeple get when they get a wiff of something..


you cant even buy bath salts anymore , crack heads smoke them.....


nothing is safe anymore


other jelious stores needing business's?

pissed off customers


people are having hard enough times making money and providing for there family's , they dont need some punks destroying there livelihood



sad you have to have surveillance in a fish store...(censored)

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this was reported here earlier...total of two stores in the area...really aweful. thanks for the vid link' date=' though[/quote']


I must have missed the earlier report


I'm just appalled, I don't get how someone that obviously knows that they're killing all of these living beings could do something like that


Credit for the news vid goes to Austin, he posted the link on RC

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This just screams miss informed activist. Really awful aren't we trying to help the reefs?



I tend to disagree.The large majority of the more radical eco/pet activists find harming animals to be counter to their philosophy and would probably be shunned by their small community. I am not using the term "eco-terrorists" which is a misnomer for the most part. Again, they seek public attention but often wish to be fully acknowledged as being responsible for their wrong deeds. I don't think it is above a few of them to do this, just not real likely.


I think that a competing business trying to sabotage another business is also not very probable. Most businesses see a scare such as this as being harmful to all shops. I could be wrong but most shops are pretty pragmatic.


This looks, to me, to be a person (likely younger "loner" male, sorry) with a hint of sociopathic tendencies. The kind of a personality that feels wronged by a minor or perceived slight and is so unstable that they can't let it go and seek retribution. There seems to be a component that is unable to see that the largely imagined wrong is and the act are all out of proportion. The self-importance takes precedence over reason. It can be one of the more dangerous forms of mental illness if left undiscovered because the person displays a certain cunning and an ability to continue.


If I lived in the area, I would transfer my purchasing over to the stores that were affected for a period of time, even if it were not my favorite shop, in a effort for our community to say that we will not be coerced. I am pretty certain that cameras will be installed at these shops and the chance of another incident will be minimal.

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I tend to disagree.The large majority of the more radical eco/pet activists find harming animals to be counter to their philosophy and would probably be shunned by their small community. I am not using the term "eco-terrorists" which is a misnomer for the most part. Again, they seek public attention but often wish to be fully acknowledged as being responsible for their wrong deeds. I don't think it is above a few of them to do this, just not real likely.


I think that a competing business trying to sabotage another business is also not very probable. Most businesses see a scare such as this as being harmful to all shops. I could be wrong but most shops are pretty pragmatic.


This looks, to me, to be a person (likely younger "loner" male, sorry) with a hint of sociopathic tendencies. The kind of a personality that feels wronged by a minor or perceived slight and is so unstable that they can't let it go and seek retribution. There seems to be a component that is unable to see that the largely imagined wrong is and the act are all out of proportion. The self-importance takes precedence over reason. It can be one of the more dangerous forms of mental illness if left undiscovered because the person displays a certain cunning and an ability to continue.


If I lived in the area, I would transfer my purchasing over to the stores that were affected for a period of time, even if it were not my favorite shop, in a effort for our community to say that we will not be coerced. I am pretty certain that cameras will be installed at these shops and the chance of another incident will be minimal.




I agree with most of what you say, but. From what I have heard/know this seems to be a EX-customer one that feels bad buisiness practice and most likely feels so burned by these shops that he felt hitting the owners in the pockets was the way to go.


Sadly this person could be very friendly, think Jefferey Dahlmer. No one knew anything was out of the ordinary, in fact he was well liked. Polite etc. My point you never know what any given person is capable of doing. I can't watch the news anymore. I cant watch what other humans can do to children, to animals, to other humans. It's a sad world that we live in and it makes me sick. I choose to surround myself with positivity, with laughter and good friends it makes getting through life enjoyable. OK my nightly rant/commentary is over. Peace and Love to all.... Lol (peace) (rock2)

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that is actually the 3rd shop owner to report that in the portland area. Every shop needs cameras now. Period. My enthusiasm for opening a shop just went right in the toilet. No way' date=' forget it.[/quote']


Who is the third shop now? I just saw that on facebook on another thread as well?

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This looks, to me, to be a person (likely younger "loner" male, sorry) with a hint of sociopathic tendencies. The kind of a personality that feels wronged by a minor or perceived slight and is so unstable that they can't let it go and seek retribution. There seems to be a component that is unable to see that the largely imagined wrong is and the act are all out of proportion. The self-importance takes precedence over reason. It can be one of the more dangerous forms of mental illness if left undiscovered because the person displays a certain cunning and an ability to continue.




Doesn't this fit the personality of at least one former member of this forum? Just askin'.

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So much for sitting chatting with the owner when someone knew walks in. Im sure the feel the need to watch everyone closely. I dont blame them at all. Personally I would be paranoid and telling people to leave there bags at the door. I think they should all put a camera and a monitor on the entrance so you see your face when you walk in the door. Pretty easy to identify people that way.

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So much for sitting chatting with the owner when someone knew walks in. Im sure the feel the need to watch everyone closely. I dont blame them at all. Personally I would be paranoid and telling people to leave there bags at the door. I think they should all put a camera and a monitor on the entrance so you see your face when you walk in the door. Pretty easy to identify people that way.

What good does that do? The damage would of already been done...they need some kind of copper tester in each tank to set off an alarm...or put locks on all the tanks with like a master key. sounds drastic but you can never be to paranoid...


I would hate to be a LFS owner. I get nerves when I see my 2 year old running around with pennies. I can only imagine how they feel!

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Going to have to start sealing up the tanks and locking them... so sad..


Sad but true. When I worked at a petstore an eternity ago they had locks on the front of the fish tanks. I never understood why until now :(

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unfortunately i have long been aware of the need for locks and astounded at the local shops that leave everything wide open. Any customer can have a starbucks cup of whatever and look innocent. They can have it empty and fill it with frags. They can have it full and dump it in the tank. And there are accidents, leave something on the edge of the tank it can get knocked in, see this all the time with expensive things like phones and refractometers, digital meters, etc. If the cabinets were designed right the store would not blind the customers with the halides, wreck the workers' retinas with the UV or have as many fish jump. So there are many good reasons. Plus it just looks better. Locking maybe is not so important as them being shut, you can put a baby alarm on them that the staff know how to open without setting it off. You know like you put on cabinets if you have a toddler. Imagine if this person switches to something that can't be tested for, though if this is really happening (Part of me remains in disbelief, thinks it's an accident or insurance scam) it's probably a fish person who wants the owner to find out they got hit deliberately so they use copper. Scary as hell and very very discouraging. Why even bother opening a fish store if you have to worry all the time about some two faced passive aggressive creep murdering your livestock and wiping out your life's savings and dream? Sick people out there.

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when did this happen? I was in about a week ago and some of the corals looked pretty bad, wondering if it was already in the tank then. No it was not me (: If I find out who it is they are going to find out just how creative and patient I can be when I am angry.

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