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Official 2012 SPS Growout Thread! Contestants post here!

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So I think it's pretty obvious which choice is going to be taken first prize. I have already offered up once it's able to be fragged to give a piece of the chalice to the club for auction if I were to win it. Sure I could do the obvious and sell it for $10 per eye (whistle) like some recent chalice sale threads but I figured what better way to help out the club than to offer up a sweet piece of chalice to them. Jody sells them for a good amount of money so when this goes up for auction I expect it to help drive some decent funds for the club. Thanks again to Jody, Kim, everyone in the growout (well except for Brad)(laugh), and all of the other sponsors involved in making this happen. Consider this my winning acceptance speech. (clap)


This growout helped raise funds for the parkinson's fund in Spokane and I will plan on holding an auction like we had in the spring each year to raise money in his honor and also raise awareness for parkinsons disease.

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Just got home from a wedding... Almost forgot to get this up




It got a little bleached from the new light but still kicking... Looks like I have a total of 4.5mm (not the growth I'd hoped for this month)


Wanted to clean the glass but have all these snail eggs everywhere and didn't want to kill off the free food

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