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I need your prayers please...


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I don't know how to say what I really want to so here it goes.


My Grandpapa, who helped raise me and has been there for me at every moment I ever needed him is very very ill. He is 81 and has liver cancer and his kidneys have all but failed him at this point. I've shaped my whole life around trying to be half the man he has been and it's killing me to stand by and see him like this and be helpless for him. I could write a novel on how great of a man he is but I'll just leave it there. Two weeks ago he was the healthiest person I knew so this has all been a huge shock for my whole family.


I just ask if you pray, please say a little something for him. We are praying for a miracle, because that's all we can do at this point... Thank you all...

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Ohhh so sorry to hear Brandon. Your Grandpapa sounds like such a wonderful man who you are lucky to have in your life. I'm sorry he is suffering with such a terrible illness.I know how difficult this must be for you, him, and your entire family. You are both in my thoughts.

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Prayer is powerful, He listens and always answers. My prayer will be that His answer is yes, but whatever His answer is, I have hope that your family will get to enjoy and appreciate the time you have and the peace He offers. I'm going to my grandpa's 90th birthday party sunday, so I can sympathize some of your sentiments and empathize with them all.

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Thank you all for the thoughts and prayers... Please keep them going for this great man. It's amazing how many people are touched by him. Neighbors from 30+ years ago are visiting him, people he's only met once or twice ever, his physical therapists office came up to see him and brought flowers, and their has been so many people up seeing him at all hours that the hospital brought a cart to his door for everyone visiting him with all kinds of snacks and drinks. Even the nurses (Maybe just doing their job) hang out in the room and chat with us and him. They say they wish that they could just tend to him because he is so polite and nice. In my Grandpapas true form, he is still telling everyone sorry for putting us all through this. He always tries to take everything on himself. I don't know what the master plan is but I'm hoping it is for a miracle because I know of anyone, he has earned that right 10 times over. Regardless, I have spent as much time as I could with him since I can remember. I've been there for holidays, birthdays, gardening, house repairs, car repairs, auto swap meets, historic car races, blazer games, trips to the airport, and even anytime I can just to have lunch with him and my grandma, just because. I have no regrets about the time we have got to spend together over the years and I hope we get to continue those things as well. He has taught me most of what I know and shaped who I am as a person. He's shown up to soccer games, baseball games, wrestling matches, football games, basketball games, and any other event I was in for one reason or another. He has taught me all I know about cars and just doing things the right way in general. I am rambling at this point and that could go on for pages so I'll stop there...


Please keep those thoughts and prayers strong, and we are gonna do the same and try to keep him strong and see if he just can't pull out of this yet... seriously, thanks you all of your thoughts and prayers, they are much appreciated...

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