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29 Gallon Biocube Reef build


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Well for those of you that have seen my many tanks over the past few years I have officially decided that a biocube is where I'm going to focus my time in this hobby for awhile. These big tanks just took way too much of my time and money and never really set the tank up the right way to begin with.


So with that being said I'm getting a 29 gallon biocube (yes I've had one in the past)

I'm going to outfit it with rapidled's 29 gallon nano kit along with using a reefkeeper lite and alc module to allow for sun up and sun down features. I'm going to redo most of what's inside the tank but I plan on keeping the two fish that are inside which are a mated pair of wild caught true percs.


Other than that I plan on adding a Ecotech Vortech MP10 ES powerhead to the tank. I want this to be a fairly simple tank but with some amazing color.


I will plan on being able to have just about anything in the tank which is why I decided to go with LED's (plus the half life of LED's is amazing)


Wish me luck as I do yet another build. The 240 gallon tank will be taken down I'm hoping by this weekend at the latest. I only have the rock in the fuge and all of the sand left to deal with.


Just a quick run down of tanks I've had since I started this hobby:


75 gallon TruVu

75 gallon standard

29 gallon biocube

14 gallon JBJ cube

10 gallon tank

120 gallon 6ft tank

27 gallon cube tank

240 gallon tank


and now this 29 gallon biocube. This hobby consumed way too much of my time and although I love the hobby and all of the people I have met over the past few years, my family is much more important than an oversized fish tank..(laugh)

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Well the tank is home. Thanks again to Steve for helping me tear the tank apart. Just before I got a mouth full of water I was telling him the story of when I was helping Robert (Reefit) tear down his frag system in his garage a year ago and was eating snails and all sorts of dead stuff. Boy it brings back memories now that i was driniking saltwater again tonight...(laugh)


Pictures will be up when the tank clears up and I decide which rocks I'm going to go with. For the time being the clowns get the penthouse suite in the 240 gallon tank since it's still up and running. I also have a bunch of corals and rock that came with the tank and I'm going to decide what stays and what goes.

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Hmmm... Tank has cleared up but still no pictures.... Does this tank really exist??? Noob always posts pictures of his tanks right away.


Well Still no pictures, not sure why but I have it packed full of rock as well as two frag racks that were in the 240. I ordered my LED's tonight too but they won't be in till next week at the earliest and with the holiday I'm figuring Thursday or Friday. I need to go pickup my Reefkeeper from OIAB tomorrow and I'm waiting for the ALC module that I ordered from Barrierreef to come in so I still have a few things in the works. I started to research out the MP10's and even with my reefkeeper it will not work exactly the way I wanted to with storm mode etc. so I may hold off on the powerhead for the time being. I have a ton of cleanup crew in the tank since it all came from the 240 gallon I previously had setup. I sent my mom home with a bunch of stuff for her tank as well. At some point I will get a picture of her tank and post it up too. Lots of softies but looks really good.


The fish are happy in this tank and are hanging out in the frogspawn. At some point I should probably get a nem but I think it's just too small of a tank to do a nem and they move too much anyways. Anyhow nothing really special at the moment since it's just running the compact florecents.

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Alright here's some pictures. I still need to get the aptasia out of the tank along with some mojano's that came from the other tank but all in all not a bad start. I pulled one frag rack out and I think I'm going to get one of those frag trees from THRIVE to make the tank look a little better.







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Looking good buddy. Did you have a problem with a mini cycle after moving the tank with the critters?


Nope no issues with a cycle that I'm aware of so far. I did turn off the heater in the tank and it keeps steady at around 75.6 degrees.


I also just got in my Digital Aquatics ALC module thanks to BarrierReef Aquariums. Cy hooked it up and shipped it down overnight. Even with the bad weather it made it here before my lighting has even arrived..LOL


Hoping to see my lighting tomorrow or Friday so I can start the new build in lighting. Can't wait to get sun up/sun down feature working on the tank.

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The clowns still hosting the frogspawn?


You sure you want them evil shrooms in there?


I still haven't decided on the shrooms or not. I do like the color of them but we will see. And as far as the clowns go yes they are hosting the frogspawn and the female is very protective of it to say the least. I'm still not sure if I plan on keeping them. I always wanted a pair of picassos but these two have such great personalities I'm still undecided. Every time I go up to the tank they seem to think they are going to be fed too.

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Got the led's in the hood and working right now. Took a few hours to work it all out but they look great so far. Also picked up an MP10 for flow. that's going to need a little more tweaking as well. In the next few days I will get a DIY thread for the lighting. I didn't take any pictures of what it looked like installed in the hood but it was pretty easy all together. I have 24 3watt Cree led's 15 blue's and 9 whites I wanted more of a 20k look. I only have the lights setup at 75% and will probably be turning it down some more. Just amazing so far.

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So for the past week or so I was thinking I had sundial snails. Thank god I don't. I'm pretty sure they tank was covered in them before I got it but it's just the Collonista snails. From reading online it doesn't appear to be much of a pest but was getting worried when I saw some of them on my frag plugs...DOH!


The freaking out is over now that I know what they are...(laugh)

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Hey Jesse I used to have Nassarius Snails laying eggs in that tank all the time when i had it, I wonder if it is those?


Tank is looking good BTW. Nice lights!!


Thanks. Your welcome to come check it out any time. I'm pretty sure it's the ones I researched out.


Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk

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Snagged some nice stuff at OIAB the other day will post pictures when I can get a decent picture of them. I really need a nice macro lense so I can get good pics. Anyways I snagged a nice blue/green acro colony with an acro crab as well as a yellow/green yuma.


Also just got back from helping Steve (Saltfinsax) with his new reefkeeper (hope it's still working)(whistle) and he hooked me up with a ric, pink chalice, blue digi, orange setosa, and sunset monti frag. Always great doing trades with you Steve.

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