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Attempting a growout "My Miami chalice"


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Saw that another forum is doing a growout with MI Miami and I would like to get in on it. But I thought it would be cool for us on this forum to do it. So PM me and let me know if any of you would like to do this and we can discuss price and how many people we want in on this. There is a two eye frag for sale for a decent price or we can contact a Reputable shop. This would be a great way to get this coral for a good price. I have seen some of the last growout threads for you guys and would like to get one started.




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Biggest problem with chalice grow-outs is the slowness of the growth, depending on how many people you get involved, it could be 2 years or more before they all get a frag...That's why zoas are the preferred coral for grow-outs...They grow fast as opposed to most other corals...We, the members only grow-out participants, talked about getting chalices involved in that grow-out, because we were offered a pretty nice chalice pack for a pretty nice price, but ultimately decided, that due to the length of time we were looking at to recover our investment, it just wasn't worth it...And while I may be totally off on this, since I don't pay attention to chalice prices in general, is not the My Miami chalice a fairly expensive chalice? Thats one of the reason both of our members only grow-outs were so large was because of the price, and now, almost a year after the first one started, we are just now starting to see a return...


Just some thoughts...

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That is one freakin beautiful chalice!


How much is it selling per eye??




Me an another member went in a frag w/2 eyes-hopefully next week it shows.

I agree with Mick, I would not do this with more than 2-3 people at most-IMO. only because it grows slow-I'll sell my first eye for say 400.00 (laugh) if you want to wait.(whistle)


Sure better than the 1500.00 that ebay person paid


bump bump

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Me an another member went in a frag w/2 eyes-hopefully next week it shows.

I agree with Mick, I would not do this with more than 2-3 people at most-IMO. only because it grows slow-I'll sell my first eye for say 400.00 (laugh) if you want to wait.(whistle)


Sure better than the 1500.00 that ebay person paid


bump bump


Hmmm, well thanks for the offer Brad... but I think I will wait till the price drops on this one!! LOL Don't want to get in trouble for spending that kind of money on a coral!! (wife)

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Me an another member went in a frag w/2 eyes-hopefully next week it shows.

I agree with Mick, I would not do this with more than 2-3 people at most-IMO. only because it grows slow-I'll sell my first eye for say 400.00 (laugh) if you want to wait.(whistle)


Sure better than the 1500.00 that ebay person paid


bump bump


That's a steal! I was just checking it out and saw it for $1000 an eye!!!



I guess I'm out on this one.

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I told you about this chalice Beth and when I told you the price and what a good deal it was you thought I was crazy!(laugh)and admittedly it kinda was!


I thought this was the same chalice... beautiful... but still not willing to pay that price $400 or $1000 per eye!!! Now if it was $400 for that whole coral in the picture I would be ALL over it!

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Biggest problem with chalice grow-outs is the slowness of the growth, depending on how many people you get involved, it could be 2 years or more before they all get a frag...That's why zoas are the preferred coral for grow-outs...They grow fast as opposed to most other corals...We, the members only grow-out participants, talked about getting chalices involved in that grow-out, because we were offered a pretty nice chalice pack for a pretty nice price, but ultimately decided, that due to the length of time we were looking at to recover our investment, it just wasn't worth it...And while I may be totally off on this, since I don't pay attention to chalice prices in general, is not the My Miami chalice a fairly expensive chalice? Thats one of the reason both of our members only grow-outs were so large was because of the price, and now, almost a year after the first one started, we are just now starting to see a return...


Just some thoughts...


With the amount of people I am thinking you would think it would be less than a year. I was just throwing this out there since I saw that other forum doing it. If we could do this for $100.00 or less per person that would be a good deal in my opinion. There are 3 people including me at this point that want in. I know that it might take awhile but I was thinking for that price people might be willing to wate a little time.

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"its a fair;y fast grower.. i went from 1 to 5-6 eyes in about 2-3 months.. but i dont know about fragging them up into 5 eyes.. i would frag the big eyes off only and wait for the mature eyes to form before fragging them.. get me?


and yes ill throw in another nice chalice too"


This is a message I got from sexycorals about the MI Miami chalice. If anyone wants to get in on this let me know PM me. We will pick another person to grow out the other chalice. This would be a great chalice to have we would be able to trade a frag for any other chalice. And these frags have been going for over 500 on other forums. And all of these frags have been selling. Look it up on line shops have it posted for $1,000 + per eye. I would rather not do half the people from the other forum and half from this one. It would be nice to be just PNWMAS members.


Let me know


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Any ideas about costs yet.

"its a fair;y fast grower.. i went from 1 to 5-6 eyes in about 2-3 months.. but i dont know about fragging them up into 5 eyes.. i would frag the big eyes off only and wait for the mature eyes to form before fragging them.. get me?


and yes ill throw in another nice chalice too"


This is a message I got from sexycorals about the MI Miami chalice. If anyone wants to get in on this let me know PM me. We will pick another person to grow out the other chalice. This would be a great chalice to have we would be able to trade a frag for any other chalice. And these frags have been going for over 500 on other forums. And all of these frags have been selling. Look it up on line shops have it posted for $1,000 + per eye. I would rather not do half the people from the other forum and half from this one. It would be nice to be just PNWMAS members.


Let me know





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"its a fair;y fast grower.. i went from 1 to 5-6 eyes in about 2-3 months.. but i dont know about fragging them up into 5 eyes.. i would frag the big eyes off only and wait for the mature eyes to form before fragging them.. get me?


and yes ill throw in another nice chalice too"


This is a message I got from sexycorals about the MI Miami chalice. If anyone wants to get in on this let me know PM me. We will pick another person to grow out the other chalice. This would be a great chalice to have we would be able to trade a frag for any other chalice. And these frags have been going for over 500 on other forums. And all of these frags have been selling. Look it up on line shops have it posted for $1,000 + per eye. I would rather not do half the people from the other forum and half from this one. It would be nice to be just PNWMAS members.


Let me know



I have heard mixed reviews about sexycorals and would advise checking with forum people in general regarding the growth of this chalice.

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I have heard mixed reviews about sexycorals and would advise checking with forum people in general regarding the growth of this chalice.


Looking on the other forum people seem to like them. And like you all know it also depends on our tanks. The chalices that I got in my tank have been doing good I think. like the westside watermelon I have had for a couple months now started with I think 16 or 17 eyes and it now has 22 eyes and I have cut about 6 eyes off. And a frag of tyree alien eye watermelon I have had for about 1 1/2 months I think has about doubled in size and went from one to two eyes. I got that one from Rick Soutas and he said it is a very very slow grower. I know that is not crazy fast but it's not bad in my opinion.

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No that's not bad growth at all and it all does just depend sometimes on the tank doesn't it. Target feeding seems to help.

It's a beautiful chalice though. I just keep hoping that the price will eventually go down LOL!


I have never target feed my chalices's I guess I should try. Would I feed them at night when the lights are off with there feelers are out?

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I will put this out there. If you guys are doing any sort of grow-out take a look at the recent grow-out zoa threads. Set guidelines to were that kinda stuff doesnt happen.


This forum is for people to enjoy each other not dislike each other.

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Yes Roy please ask. I would rather go with WWC


Does this meen you are in? When I came over the other day Beth said she was going to talk to you. And I wanted to thank you two for that frag of Candy Apple's they look great in the tank. I also talked to her about Red Hornets let me know about both things.


Thanks Kris

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Does this meen you are in? When I came over the other day Beth said she was going to talk to you. And I wanted to thank you two for that frag of Candy Apple's they look great in the tank. I also talked to her about Red Hornets let me know about both things.


Thanks Kris


LOL just looking at my options Kris. Sorry I missed you last night. I was just seeing what the price was.

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