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hitchhiker, you won't believe it.


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I have had this rock for a few weeks now (16.5 lbs). It traveled from salem to Redmond out of water. Placed in a holding tank for a week, then taken out to burn some pests off the rock, placed in RO/DI water and finally into a freshly setup Nano tank (not cycled yet). Last night my son goes down to get a glass of water and finds a Snowflake Ell swimming around. We feed him, obviously very hungry. This morning I look for the little guy and nothing. So I grab some more food and sure enough he comes out. Crazy how hardy this guy is. Just thought I would share my find. He's not staying. We'll fatten him up then find him a good home.:D








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hehe ya those suckers are tough. I brought one home in a tupperware tub, went around a corner too fast, tub spilled out on the floor, so there was an eel squirming around on the floorboard of my car for 30 mins. Got him home, washed him off in saltwater and tossed him in the tank none the worse.

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Oh I have a snow flake in my reef tank. we even hand feed him. I think he is ten pounds now. Had him for ever. he never bothers anything in my tank. except small hermit crabs. Thats even the tank my clowns lay their eggs in. The cool thing about the snow flake is that they are the mellowest of the eels and he eats all my bristlle worms. he tunnels through the sand. I hade to close all the tops to my tank though. little excape convics they are.. he even tries to swim up my skimmer. If you werent so far away Id say id take him.


But boy are you going to have fun catching him

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When I took mine out it was easy to catch. I just put a piece of krill in a net and it swam into it.


yep, they can't see so they are easy to catch. Mine swam into the net after the food in it, then I grabbed the rest of him(he was 2 ft) and put him into a big rubber made container...


I miss mine. how big is he? My be cool in a little tank for the office(plotting)...

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He was placed in the (fresh no salt) RO/DI water for about 30 seconds before being placed in the Nano.


Garrett, thats kinda funny. Your always trying to sneak in freebies.:D


This guy will not come out unless their is food? Do you think a Spider Decorator Crab would be ok with him?

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This guy will not come out unless their is food?

If they can smell the food then chances are they will come out. It doesn't even need to be in the tank yet as they have great smell but poor eyesight. Because of the poor eyesight and dirty mouths (Possibility of nasty infections from the bites) I highly recommend that you do not hand feed it. They will not intentionally bite your hands but rather will accidentally do so if they are trying to get the food. (And I've found that they can be quite fast when they do) You will occasionally see them come out at other times or will see their head poking out of a hiding place unless they are getting hungry. Then you will see them out hunting for food. (Mine would start hunting every 3 or 4 days which is when I knew it was time to feed it)



Do you think a Spider Decorator Crab would be ok with him?


I wouldn't count on it. While they are sometimes okay with some inverts chances are good that they will eventually eat them. Mine decimated my cleanup crew. When I took it out I still had maybe half a dozen snails, 2 hermits, and my red fire shrimp. Prior to putting it in I had a fairly large cleanup crew (125g tank) including a couple of sally lightfoot crabs that also disappeared. It also ate a few of my fish including one orange clown and 3 gobies.

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If they can smell the food then chances are they will come out. It doesn't even need to be in the tank yet as they have great smell but poor eyesight. Because of the poor eyesight and dirty mouths (Possibility of nasty infections from the bites) I highly recommend that you do not hand feed it. They will not intentionally bite your hands but rather will accidentally do so if they are trying to get the food. (And I've found that they can be quite fast when they do) You will occasionally see them come out at other times or will see their head poking out of a hiding place unless they are getting hungry. Then you will see them out hunting for food. (Mine would start hunting every 3 or 4 days which is when I knew it was time to feed it)




I wouldn't count on it. While they are sometimes okay with some inverts chances are good that they will eventually eat them. Mine decimated my cleanup crew. When I took it out I still had maybe half a dozen snails, 2 hermits, and my red fire shrimp. Prior to putting it in I had a fairly large cleanup crew (125g tank) including a couple of sally lightfoot crabs that also disappeared. It also ate a few of my fish including one orange clown and 3 gobies.


Thanks Rick for the info. I will keep him for a while in the nano alone. He just doesn't fit into the direction I want to go with the Reef tank. I have a friend that has a aggressive fish only tank. I'll see if he's interested.

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FWIW, my reason for removing mine was because I had too many big eaters for the tank. (A Dwarf Lionfish, a decent size Niger Trigger, and the Snowflake Eel) It was a matter of choosing the one that was the least favorite however it was a hard choice as the Eel added a lot of personality to the tank.

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