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Dueling Tanks


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Well the final showdown has begun, after "Trying" to share our first 40g Column tank it didn't take long before Amanda (my wife) took over the "Frag Tank" and made it her own little Nano, but one can only do so much with a 15g nano....So, As any good relationship goes, things have to be equal right?(laugh)


I have never done a "Build Thread" before, I always think of it after the fact, we have thought long and hard about getting one big tank, and giving the whole share the tank thing a try again, but we chose to go ahead and do a couple of 40g breeders instead.


We are both very competitive with each other, so this will be interesting. This is what we are going to do...We are going to have just about everything the same, same lighting, same sized tank, same filtration, the only thing that will be different is what goes into our tanks, meaning how we do the aquascaping, what corals we put in there, what fish we get, ect..ect..


We will give ourselves say 1 year to finish our "Designs"...after that year we will take pictures of each of our tanks and post them for a vote of who likes which tank better, we won't say which tank is who's, the winner gets to go out and buy whatever peice of coral they want, and gets bragging rights of King (or Queen) of the Reef in our house....


Anyway...so here is the first pics...I know whoowee(scratch) not much to see yet...but I plan on documenting EVERY little step of this Dueling Build...


Bringing home the Tanks...





Next step..build custom stands for them....


Meanwhile here are a couple of tank pics of our current tanks...




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Re: Dueling Tanks


lucky dog' date=' i can't even get my wife to listen to me when i talk about saltwater anything. it puts her to sleep.[/quote']



Awesome....sorry man but I am actually happy to know I am not alone here....maybe we should let them 2 hang out and we can talk tank

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Thanks everyone...:D


Well, we have hit a snag....after much argueing, it looks as though we cannot come to an agreement, I wanted everything to be the same, same lighting, same filtration, leaving just the design of the inside of the tank to the individual, but we couldn't come to an agreement... so...we have changed the original "rules", Amanda wants T5 lighting, I want Metal Halides, She has her own ideas for filtration and so do I, so....Basically the only thing that will be the same will be the size of the tank...LOL(laugh) We both have a 40g Breeder...everything else, lighting, filtration, corals, fish, ect.ect...will be up to the individual person...may the best person win....


We will keep everyone updated as the build progresses...Thanks everyone for your replies...

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lucky dog' date=' i can't even get my wife to listen to me when i talk about saltwater anything. it puts her to sleep.[/quote']


I feel ya on this one!

Every once in awhile she will show interest in something but it is "just a sliver in time" when it happens!

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I feel ya on this one!

Every once in awhile she will show interest in something but it is "just a sliver in time" when it happens!


My sliver of time miraculously occurs at the LFS in which i end up buying her that cute little fishy in the window which costs twice as much as i wanted to spend and then dies in a few days which is still all my fault. DOH!

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Quick update...


My father who is a amazing carpenter chose to suprise us for our anniversery by building us a couple of custom 40g Breeder Stands:eek:


I had talked to him about possibly building some stands and wanted his imput on how we could do it, and within a few days I get a call to stop by thier house, and was astonished that he had gone ahead and built them for us....(clap) We are super stoked, and this build off is going much faster than we had anticipated...Whoooo Hooo!!!


Here are a couple of pics...More pics shortly...:D





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Thanks guys:D...I really do think it will be interesting, we both have such different views on every aspect, our tanks will be totally different from each other, but like I said...may the best person win...I'll just say I already have an idea of what I am going to buy when I do win...(naughty)..lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh this is going to be so cool. I've just started my 40B build (sorry it's on nano-reef) they're awesome tanks. I'm for sure tagging along with your builds. It's going to be cool watching as they progress.


I'm also interested in seeing what equipment you each decide on and how that goes together with the livestock you pick.


P.S. LOVE the "tanks in the jeep" pic (clap)

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Nice surprise! How big of sumps are you going to have? I ask because the door opening is a little small. Very nice looking stands' date=' though.[/quote']


I am still figuring it out, Amanda is going to go Sumpless I am still researching ideas for filtration for mine.


It was nice to meet you guys. I love the idea of the dueling tanks and David's "color theme" tank. I'm tagging along


Shhhh...Its a secret suprise..(whistle).....lol(naughty)


Thanks everyone,

Well Amanda has hit the ground running, while I am still trying to figure out what kind of sand to use, Amanda already has sand and WATER already going....Her tank has a BIG head start on mine....She is going to slowly start adding live rock to her tank...I snapped some pics of her working on it this weekend...I will post them when I get home...

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This is probably one of the coolest 40g breeders I have seen EVER....He had it set up for 5 years that way, until he recently broke it down and got out of the hobby....Its pretty amazing how he was able to not only keep but GROW coral like that with no fancy equipment....its very interesting.




I like equipment, I like researching equipment, compairing, ect...Amanda likes simplicity...she is going minimal and simplicitic....


P.S. I don't know if linking to another forum is allowed, please delete if its not ok...I just thought it was so cool I thought I would share.

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