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Dueling Tanks


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Its so hard to be patient though(scary).....lol


I am curious if anyone has any opinions on the Reef Octopus Protien Skimmers? Or any Experience with them.....They seem to get fairly good reviews...


I have an older model and I'm quite pleased with mine. It does have a small issue of the air intake hose getting blocked by detritus from time to time, but that's an easy fix and I'm pretty sure it's not an issue with the newer models due to a larger intake hole.


You should be happy with it I think.

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I have an older model and I'm quite pleased with mine. It does have a small issue of the air intake hose getting blocked by detritus from time to time, but that's an easy fix and I'm pretty sure it's not an issue with the newer models due to a larger intake hole.


You should be happy with it I think.


Thanks for the reply and feedback, I am looking forward to giving it a try....

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Curious why he is talking you out of it? Did he give any reasons as to why he doesn't like them?



He didnt have any specifics other than for the money they were not worth it and showed me a different skimmer thats on marine depot.


I havnt really heard anything negative regarding its operation.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well Amanda has her new light and protien skimmer up and running, she is just awaiting for me to tear down the 40 column so she can get some more live rock and the aquascaping will begin.


(Pic taken with my cell phone, sorry about the crappiness)



This weekend mine will be setup, I still have equipment comming but at least it will be filled with water and up and running...I hope to have mine 100% up and running by the end of the month.

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Well Amanda did some aquascaping, and this was her first attempt, as you all know I am sure nothing is ever set in stone the first time, but I like it...and I think she does too...She is all gung-ho on her tank, I still have not done anything aquascape wise, all the corals are still in their spots...I will get around to it..lol(whistle)


Anyway, Here are some updated pics of Amandas aquascaping...





I FREAKIN LOVE those Orange skirted Zoas she has, I am going to sneak out i the middle of the night and frag them when she is not looking...(plotting)



And my tank has cleared up but I need to do some aquascaping, it looks like a frag tank (laugh)....I will update mine when I aquascape it...




And the side by side shot of the Dueling 40 Breeders....nothing is 100% done, we both have upgraded equipment comming and plan on doing a few different things, but at least they are both up and running(rock2)



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Agreed Awesome thread and not being biased or anything but so far I pick Amanda. Nice aquascaping and also like the orange zoas!


RRRRrrrright....(enforcer) Remember this back on the first page.....(nono) No fare!!! I am not going to post anymore pics till my tank is shipshaped up...She just got a head start on me thats all....(laugh)


Go Amanda win one for the girls!(rock2)


Would those be 40bs from Petco by chance?;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
Any Updates?


Soon, I am in the middle of redoing EVERYTHING I had originally planned, I TOTALLY should have waited before setting mine up, untill I had all the equipment and everything ready, I jumped the gun and will probably be tearing my tank down again to replace it with a different 40g breeder that will be drilled and have a intank overflow.


Amandas is doing well, she might be upgrading her lighting, but for the most part she is content with her setup, I on the other hand am still trying to figure everything out, I want to do this how I want, and do it right, so that I can enjoy it, rather than jumping the gun and tweeking things as I go, its a pain....but once I am finished we will post more pics....I promise:D

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Well, here is an unexpected update.....DOH!.....(sad)


Awoke to the sound of rushing water, in a panic I snapped a couple of pics to document this horrible and unforgettable event.


I guess the seal/seam of silicone on my 40b gave, and proceeded to empty my tank, ALL OVER THE FLOOR!!:eek: luckily we started syphoning out the rest of the water and moving the corals and fish, but our whole kitchen was flooded, dinning room and bar area, if we had not caught it and the whole tank had drained, I can't imagine how bad the flood would have been....(scary)


Anyway.....needless to say, I no longer have a fish tank at this time....(sad)






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Was that one of the Petco 40b units? I'd love to know why is failed. Any close ups of the area that failed?


Yes it was, I am now SCARED to death the other one is going to fail, I was actually literally going to out today and buy another one cuase they have the sale going on, and I had plans to have it drilled and an overfow, but at this moment I am really hesitant buying another one....kinda freaked out...(scary)


I know it was the back/bottom area, at least that is where it was pouring out, there wasn't a crack or anything, it just seemed like the silicone gave out right there, I will try and get some pics....


What a messDOH!

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The silicone should not have just gone out like that. How long was it up with water running in it? I have never had a tank leak or burst in 15 years. At one time when I was doing FW discus I had 15 tanks in my garage. Never a leak.


The tanks where purchased brand new at Petco on 7/10, I didnt set mine up right away, I first put water in it on 9/11 so it would be 4 weeks exactly tomarrow....4 weeks and it leaks...:eek:


I have had many tanks in the past and have never had this problem, There are no cracks, nothing to visually clue you that there is a problem, I can't even visually see where its leaking from, but when you fill it up with water, it pours out the bottom, so it has to be something to do with how it was siliconed together, I visually checked everything before filling it up with water, and it did fine, till friday, then BAM:eek:....water pouring out of the back/bottom area....I don't know what to say, but that the silicone seal gave out and now it won't hold water.


It has me freaked out now that Amandas is going to the same thing(scary).....I guess we just have to hope for the best...hope that if it does give out, that we will be home, or it could be an even bigger mess to clean up that what mine did...


Here are some pics and a video I did after cleaning out the tank...





And the video I took...not the best video, but hopefully you can get the idea...




Here is an update on our combine tank now, after some reaquascaping, and moving some corals around, we choose to just leave it this way...man I hope this tank holds up...(scary)




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