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Do you use Twitter?


Do you use Twitter?  

  1. 1.

    • Yes, I tweet like a bird.
    • Kind'a, I follow a few feeds but don't post much.
    • NO! Get offa mah lawn! Damned kids...

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I refuse to use anything resembling a social networking site' date=' so that means, for me, no myspace, twitter, facebook and whatever else they plan to come up with.[/quote']


I refuse to get any of those also. Not worth wasting hours of time like a meaningless drone.(except on PNWMAS(clap))

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Im really suprised at this poll. There are a lot of anti-twitter people out there :)


Ive never used it but seems like it could work well for some people. I think it would be a great asset to a LFS or an online store. They could update stock and notify new shipments quickly and easily. If I ever ran any type of buisiness that went through stock like a fish store I would definetly use it.


Also for those who dont believe in social networking sites, what the hey do you think this is :)

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I refuse to use anything resembling a social networking site' date=' so that means, for me, no myspace, twitter, facebook and whatever else they plan to come up with.[/quote']



Hate to break it to ya but ...... this is in a way a social networking site. No it is not myspace or fb but people can "connect here." We can even make "friends." So you are doing something that does resemble social networking by posting here.

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Hate to break it to ya but ...... this is in a way a social networking site. No it is not myspace or fb but people can "connect here." We can even make "friends." So you are doing something that does resemble social networking by posting here.


[language filter] dude, i was in total denial an you just had to go an ruin it for me LOL

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Twitter by my understanding is rather useless...


On Facebook they have a 'update' bar or something like that, which I think would accomplish the same thing without needing a whole new website. I also could not care less if Lindsay Lohan is eating a bagel or if Ashton Kutcher just got a haircut.

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