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Flashy Fins

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New fishy! Can you spot him? I found three of these red-eyed, pink-lipped, 1" barnacle blennies at World of Wet Pets and bought them all. In quarantine, the two smaller ones paired off, and the larger one wanted nothing to do with them, so I decided to keep only the big guy (if 1" can be considered big!). The smaller pair now live in Roy's refugium, so you can check them out in action if you're at the March meeting. They're super fun to watch, darting in and out of their little homes at lightning speed to catch food. Maxi-minis from Holly. :)




His first day in the tank, he darted into a spot on the backside of the rockwork, which made me think I'd never see him again. Thankfully, it was just first day jitters, and now he prefers being out front and is easily found by checking the three or four homes he's claimed. Too bad he's not interested in cleaning up his front lawn full of bubble algae!




Nice chunk of montipora setosa sold to me at a very tasty price by our club's own reef goddess, Holly. It's been in my tank a few months and done well. I'm not a fan of most SPS (colors just aren't loud enough for me), but this is one I'm very happy to have. I want to add a purple stylophora, and I think that'll be it for SPS. I like the green slimer, but I have plenty of green with the LPS, so it depends on how much room I have left once I start packing in the corals.




Sweeeeet scoly I bought for a great price at Seahorse. I like how much blue/purple it has, because my tank is being taken over by red, orange, and green, as most LPS-heavy tanks are.




Insanely bright plate in my favorite colors of pink, orange, and yellow! This is also from Seahorse. I was scared to ask the price, considering it was the most blindingly bright thing in the shop, and I didn't know how much I should pay for something like that, but according to Roy, I got a smoking deal! Acans came from the Bob Moore swap - Garrett of The Premium Aquarium in Salem gave me a killer price on the two-polyp rainbow frag, and the larger piece was practically a steal from the Sea King Aquariums booth. I bought another acan frag from Dynasty Corals that ended up dead after a nasty sting by a favia or chalice in QT, but thankfully it was the least spectacular in color of the three.




I suspect one of these guys is the culprit of the just-mentioned acan sting, but I don't know which, since they were all in close enough proximity. The green piece (favia?) was my wet raffle frag at the Bob Moore swap, which I was very pleased with for the $5 cost. The pink favia I got from a booth whose name I don't remember (couple of Asian gals, maybe a hobbiest table?), and it's less gaudy in color than what I'd normally pick out, but it's so pretty! I find it very difficult to resist pink. The chalice, eh... I'm not sure I like it as much as I did at the show, so I might trade or sell it. I didn't spend much on it, so no loss, either way.




The mushroom/ricordea/fuzzy whatever-it-is came from the Barrier Reef booth at Bob Moore. Gonioporas both from The Premium Aquarium in Wilsonville. The blue one isn't doing as well for me, but the purple is loving life and gives me a nice replacement for my grow-out frag, which took a turn after I moved house and recently decided to melt, despite my pink and green flowerpots doing as well as ever.




Nems from Bob Moore - maxi-mini from the Golden Basket booth and rock flower from Sea King Aquariums, the booth that got most of my business. They had fabulous corals and fantastic prices! Never been to their retail store, so I'll have to make a trip up sometime.




So pretty! Bought this chunk of cloves dirt cheap from a hobbiest table at Bob Moore. Beautiful shape and colors!




Tiniest reef fish I ever did see! I always assumed eviota gobies were fish you see on reef blogs, yet never find in stores. Well, I found one! He was front and center in a tank at Pets On Broadway, not scared of any people walking by or larger fish in his shared tank. He's confident and eager to be seen, much like a neon goby or yellow clown goby. Eats well, too!








Sunburst anthias from Cuttlefish! Jeff gave me a deal too good to pass up, and this one is a terrific litter eater, so I expect he'll make it through QT just fine. Perfect addition to my tank, since it's about the only round fish suitable. Lucky for me, sunbursts are also the prettiest!






Speaking of pretty... this blue flasher wrasse was having an absolute flashing fit in the tank at Seahorse, and I had to have him! Even in QT, he's going absolutely nuts flashing those colors, and I am loving it! The last blue flasher I had never flashed once in my prescence.




Nothing too special about this picture, except the size differences of the fish. The bluestriped pipefish came from The Premium Aquarium in Wilsonville. He's eating, but not as enthusiastically as ones I've had in the past. They had seven or eight in the tank, and I went for the brightest, but now I'm wishing I went for the fattest, which I did not. Hoping he makes it through QT. These pictures were taken between tank transfers, with the fish in a breeder box for about 15 minutes while I snapped their pictures like a Momarazzi with a newborn. I used that time to stuff them with five different types of food, since I didn't have to worry about fouled water they'd be leaving in a few minutes, anyway. He sampled this and that, but I've had bluestripes that were pigs before, so I don't know. Fingers crossed!




Grrrrr and durrrrr. The end!

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Wow!  You picked up some really cool fish and some nice corals lately.. congrats!  Those pink lip blennies are interesting and sound fun - will have to keep my eye out for some of them. Blue scoly is super sweet - I have noticed quite a few nice ones at Seahorse lately (as well as nice wrasses like your flasher).  If you do decide that the pink favia isn't quite showy enough for you I would be happy to give it a new home  :D

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Those pink lip blennies are interesting and sound fun - will have to keep my eye out for some of them.

Squint as you do! The tan and brown colors on their bodies allow them to blend in incredibly well. I noticed one in the shop by accident, only because a yellow clown goby grabbed my attention and happened to be sitting right next to one of the blennies. The smaller two, I didn't see in the tank until the shop employee told me they'd had three in there for months and not sold any of them, likely due to no one noticing them. Took us several minutes to locate them, and of course they turned out to be hiding in plain sight! Nice little treat to spot things like that, though!

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Jackpot, holy smokes.  If only I was in front of you guys.

Haha, we took all the best stuff! Actually, some of this I've had for a month or two; a lot of the corals came from the Bob Moore swap. Like most, I'm lazy when it come to taking pictures and sharing. I got some nice zoas, too, which I forgot to photograph, but I'll post an updated FTS once everything makes it through QT and into the display. I am the QT Nazi Queen - not even snails get to bypass that gate!

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Cherany, I've always loved how deliberate you are with your choices. Every single thing in your tank is well thought out and uniquely you. Can't wait to see it all put together.


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Sad news to report... the flasher wrasse didn't make it. Found his stiff body in full flash color this morning, entirely blue and purple. Looked the best he could possibly look, aside from the whole being dead thing. No visible evidence of disease, and the other fish are still doing great, so who knows? I don't do fish necropsies, because I don't know what I'm looking at/what to look for (if anyone does, let's talk), but he appeared healthy and ate well, so perhaps cyanide poisoning or another cause difficult to pinpoint? :sad:  I thought if I lost any, it would be the pipefish, but he's still kicking.

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11 minutes ago, Flashy Fins said:

Sad news to report... the flasher wrasse didn't make it. Found his stiff body in full flash color this morning, entirely blue and purple. Looked the best he could possibly look, aside from the whole being dead thing. No visible evidence of disease, and the other fish are still doing great, so who knows? I don't do fish necropsies, because I don't know what I'm looking at/what to look for (if anyone does, let's talk), but he appeared healthy and ate well, so perhaps cyanide poisoning or another cause difficult to pinpoint? :sad:  I thought if I lost any, it would be the pipefish, but he's still kicking.

That is sad news... sorry to hear.  He was pretty awesome looking.  Hopefully the pipefish does well for you.

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