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Everything posted by Saltfishlover

  1. Yup, definitely worth the cost if someone wanted them. I know some think it's going backwards to freshwater fish, but they do a good job and it's unusual to see them in a salt tank. I've have found they are less stressed if I spend a week or more acclimating. I've even had babies from my pair but they get eaten with a few days
  2. I did this with mollies and some guppies. They are awesome at it. I'm currently acclimating more.
  3. Is a pressure pump needed in most cases?
  4. Not sure of my water pressure,but it's municipal water and def has chlorine. Should I just get a pump and guage for the one I have? Just seem to waste a ton more water than I make.
  5. What is one of the best, but don't break the bank RODI units? Do I need a pump with it? Garden hose ? Anyone share some thoughts or experience with some before I buy a new one? Been using the RO Buddie for a while, but it's just not as good as I need for the tank.
  6. Well woke up today and saw the shrimp with another cardinal in his mouth. Any ideas how to fish him out of a 90gal tank? The shrimp, not the fish
  7. https://www.thypet.com/products/aquatics-and-pet-supplies-golden-pearls-fry-coral-fish-food-size-1-5-50-micron-2oz-for-frys-corals-small-fish?gclid=Cj0KCQiAifz-BRDjARIsAEElyGJiAGZ3S9XlIeKMbmHVNVTtaJPfnCkrman4CBFx9xj3qyDs0fmS6tcaApEFEALw_wcB
  8. Have u seen your ever try? Today it almost looked like he was stalking my flame angel. Lol.
  9. Yeah, but I didn't read or hear anything about them snatching fish.
  10. So I've had this shrimp for months in a 90 gal. I feed tank well. I recently posted that he ate one of my cardinal fish. Well today I woke up and found him feasting on my cinnamon clown. Is this common for this shrimp? I'm thinking now he will spend the rest of his life in sump :(. I really like this animal. Any advice?
  11. I don't think so. They seem to pull food in and spit it out right away. Then never do it again. Today thought, the shrimp had him as breakfast 😞
  12. No i have not tried that. I fed shrimp with benepet reef food tonight. They showed a bitore interest but still spit them out
  13. Have had these for almost two weeks and never see them eat. They don't seem skinny, but tonight I found one in the clutches of my banded shrimp. It was released and missing just his tail :). No signed of disease. I've tried feeding flake, pellets, misis, brine, marine cuisine..nothing. The spot everything out.. any help or ideas to get them better?
  14. Not a good light? I've seen some tanks using them and seem to do pretty good.
  15. Congrats to everyone so far. Great prizes so far! Also,I appreciate the sponsorship for the prizes. Cheers!
  16. I think so, not striped tho. Is it normal for these to be all over and not in big clumps?
  17. Here is a picture. Looks the same on both sides
  18. Nope. Like tiny flying saucers all over the glass
  19. Definitely not vermetid. I've had them in the past. These are smooth oval , tiny like vermetid, but no obvious lines like spirobid and seem like hollow. I'll try using wife's phone for a better pic
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