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Everything posted by pdxmonkeyboy

  1. sent PM... did you get? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  2. ok, i am FINALLY done working on this tank. the details.. 1. standard marineland deep dimension tank. 48x36x27 starphire front panel. 2. I removed the corner overflows (because they are hideous and kind of stupid) and built a central 2 foot long "ghost box" style overflow. 3. two 1.5" drains and one 1" inch bulkhead on the overflow for a beanimal style drain. 4. two one inch schedule 80 hoes drilled for the returns (next to overflow). 5. the tank is also drilled for a closed loop system. there is a two inch return and the two former stand pipes in the corners for returns. I know.. i know.. people don't run closed loops like they used to but that was before DC pumps came into play. With a $150 jebao you could push 4000gph+. I thought that two of the corner pipes flowing behind the rock work and two facing diagonal. That and maybe one gyre would keep any sps happy. stand is SOLID. .like ridiculous, but it does come apart so you can get it through doors to set it up. It is very nicely made. it's a SWEET tank and you could do some amazing aquascaping..especially since the corner overflows are gone. I was stoked when I bought it from another forum member but when running plumbing through my entire house for a basement sump and running new electrical circuits I told myself I wasn't going to do all this nightmare work and not have my dream tank which is a 6x3 rimless. The downside, this dream tank comes at a "i should have my head examined" price. comes with all the bulkheads and unions for all the returns and closed loop holes. $750 takes it home (bring friends to help unload it). Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  3. strike that. it IS working now!! big thanks to those IT folks that fixed the issue Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  4. still not working although I will try again Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
  5. mattv... so what do you add regularly?
  6. yes, if you are trying to dilute something like phos or nitrate or coral toxins that is true. But you had asked about adding trace elements and a water change will do that. It's all good, there are many ways to keep a successful reef tank. I have only seen maybe 6 tanks that I thought were amazing and they all did regular water changes. 2-3 of them, i can't remember has auto water change systems. regular water changes just seems an easy way to ensure micro elements are at satisfactory levels. But I have a super sick water mixing setup so they are easy.
  7. lol. what math is that? I can tell you this, if you have growing corals and your not dosing the three majors then your water is not going to have pristine parameters for long. I dose about a gallon of alk and calcium in about 7 weeks
  8. besides two part I would do some research on iodine. i just read a great article by randy Holmes farley about strontium and basically came away with don't worry about it. honestly though, while there are people that don't do water changes typically their tanks are large and VERY mature. regular water changes are an easy way to keep things in check. There is a,reason that almost everything "what's wrong with my tank" threads start with the advice.. do a water change.
  9. little over a year old, brand new t5 bulbs. $1500. condition is excellent.
  10. well, a couple things.. 1. you will probably get more fish 2. most people don't use hang on back or canister filters because they tend to become nitrogen sinks. They don't if you clean them often but if you don't keep them clean then you are just cycling all your water through all the nasty stuff stuck on the filter. 3. more water volume equals more stability so I would go with a bigger fuge. 4. i think a good skimmer and a large fuge would be just fine. if you wanted to polish the water you could run filter socks or some floss.
  11. yeah, its been broken on android for awhile. i enter my password... nada. I just use my browser.
  12. if you are at all handy you can build an Ato for about $15. and then get an aqua lifter pump for the water. you can easily wire in extra float switches for fail safes. people are right about the waves, but you can always mount a "slosh guard" around the float switch.
  13. i would be down for some zoas. I'll shoot you a PM
  14. giving this one bump before it goes on R2R where it will be gone within a week. cheers
  15. I'm still on the fence. i was interested in the vertex cerebral but the pulled it from the market and have not completed the redesign yet. who knows. It's just frustrating as no company comes out with a kit that includes everything you REALLY need. salinity probe.. really? I am waiting to see what apex does with their alk monitor. that would really make it worthwhile IMO
  16. oooohhh I see. you can put them right next to the Tierra del fuego. lol
  17. going sea kayaking up north this weekend. not fair :(
  18. lol... maybe I am short sighted, but I think brushing up on my emoticon fluency will remain waaaaay down on the to do list.
  19. i will be the first to admit that my emoticon knowledge is lacking. If my tank was ready I would be all over that WD frag, especially at that price!
  20. i was either going to do two of the same ones I'm using now or one single self contained LED unit. there are a metric buttload of crappy LED units on eBay. Anything with a decent amount of reds should grow chaeto. I mean, look at this cheap ebay bulb. the chaeto grows like mad.
  21. I would buy it but I never spend less than $200 on a frag
  22. like sponge Bob sponges? via Google I think they are sycanoid sponges??
  23. these are all over my sump. the look like tiny bug sacks or something but then I crush them, they feel like sponges??
  24. sean... are you still using that bulb?? looking at fuge light options for the new tank
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