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Everything posted by youcallmenny

  1. Was it the right voltage USB? They vary and should be pretty easy to wire if it's the right one.
  2. Well, used bacteria in a bottle (SmartStart?) and then moved everything over. Just finishing up the last of the sand now. This tank is like a dang fortress compared to the 75g! The rocks turned out so cool too. Pics by tonight but man I'm super stoked!
  3. Sounds fun. By local organisms do you mean a PNW tidepool tank? That would be incredible!
  4. Well I mean if they need a safe spot to grow...
  5. That's certainly one way to use a multimeter! Well played!
  6. No worries friendo! Gotcha on the list. You'll like both of those, definitely. I'll go do some fragging. I'd take you up on it but with two caps already I'm concerned about the long term effects of several cap colonies. I've considered thinning mine down to that cool green/purple one. @Bicyclebill I smushed your undata in the move and it I really liked that one. Any chance you're coming and want to trade?
  7. Absolutely! Looks like one 3/4" full head and two decent babies maybe 1/4" each. These grow fast and drip heads regularly though. Great colony for it to come from. All yours!
  8. I'll list my fraggable colonies. If anything catches someones eye let me know and I'll add pics. Mainly just interested in SPS for the new tank but the trades are more for fun for me. Let me know! That stylo in particular is cool, less branching and more mounding. The poccillipora is from Copps of RC renown. Red Cap Green scrolling Cap w/ Purple rim. ORA Green Birdsnest Birds of Paradise Birdsnest Rainbow Stylo Hot Pink Pussycat Poccillipora 2+p Magicians, these are literally all over my tank. Love 'em. 1x OME x 5-10 eyes, fills top of 1" plug
  9. Yea, we sure do that! @badxgillen usually posts a thread because he's a fantastic VP and reefer. Always a ton of love there. I'm already mounting a few frags for it.
  10. Any splits yet? Not because I'm trying to get one (lol not yet anyways) but I'm just curious how your bright little friend has been performing for you.
  11. I for one actually like bristles. I got a screen for my new tank and am going back to wrasse world. How do you tell which ones prey upon this level of life?
  12. I could see that. That has been my observation from watching @danlu_gt's scrubber adventures. For me it's just a matter of which really is easier. Personally I have always had a problem with chaeto itself (red macro's grow like crazy for me, no clue, switched bulbs/spectrums and everything) so I could see jamming it into a tube being a problem. I appreciate the input here, hopefully I can make a purchase soon! Definitely pushing me in a direction.
  13. @Lexinverts That's right, you were running a reactor. So have you switched to the scrubber yourself? What was clogging the reactor specifically, just the macro growing out into the lines/pump? I've been wanting to install one or the other for quite a while but haven't really seen enough to make up my mind. Low maintenance is key for me on this particular product so I've very interested to hear what ended up happening with yours. @Manny Tavan How long have you been running your reactor now?
  14. Oh that colony was you! Nice! I wanted to grab it while it was up but wasn't adding any new coral when you were offering. I'll pm you my #. Thank you for the quick hookup and friendly price. Mods, close please. @albertareef
  15. I was just doing some heavy reading on the whole bacteria in a bottle debate today. Though a polarizing issue in the community, it is definitely up to each of us how we prefer to cycle. After my own research and then this video, I've decided to give it a shot myself. After parameters show no ammonia or nitrites then I'm moving my current tank in. I think a big detail there is that I'm putting a bunch of very mature live rock in as well. Happy coincidence that you happened to have success at the same time. Thanks for sharing!
  16. Heh, I'd totally be after two of them but I'm really trying to avoid mounting a pump on the far wall. We'll see. Completely unrelated question, what is that wrasse on the far left? That the big bugger from the shop?
  17. Killed it during the move. It got buried when the rocks got shuffled. Wouldn't care normally but I love this particular piece and haven't seen it at a LFS lately. Anyone around Salem want to sell me a fuzzy stick? Got trades aplenty if that's more your flavor. Come on over and take your pick!
  18. Geez Jorge... Really beautiful setup there. Let me know if you decide to offload a gyre! My 150 isn't going to be big enough here shortly haha.
  19. Look at that yellow tail! Nice specimen.
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