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Everything posted by SteveHash-fish20

  1. I'm pretty sure toadstools are mushrooms, Correct me if I'm wrong.
  2. Yeah, get a syringe or baster and shoot seltzer water into the hole he is living in, tip it upside down into a bucket of water and bam! You got a mantis. Done this twice both worked first try.
  3. Not ding dangs but still sound pretty nice. Love the BEGs if there were more polyps and no packs I probably would have grabbed Em for the right price. Anyways GLWS
  4. That's what I was thinking (scratch) lol Probably ding dangs.
  5. It's probably just it's molt, they can do this. Just put more flow on it and it should be fine. Super hearty coral IMO/E
  6. Awesome addition, yeah roomie wanted one but he QT process is hard. GL with the fish hope it grows with your tank!
  7. Probably going to buy a reefbreeders and put it over my 31g. I really like these fixtures. Check out nanobox LEDs sometimes they are the smallest fixtures with crazy par, the optics are off though. 3000 at the top of the water and I think almost 300 in the corners of the tank. Might be 200 though (scratch)
  8. Might give this $5 investment a shot. Always wanted a clown goby, just never wanted it with my sps. Sorry for hijacking your thread powder
  9. Said and done. Any if you right wings?
  10. Think a dwarf mantis would kill a clown goby?
  11. Yeah clowns and gobies would be one of the best routes. Two cool fish add a pistol shrimp and you can't really get anything better in that size of a tank.
  12. ZEOVIT tanks are amazing almost 100% of the time.
  13. Same thing with kessil except they are doing fine. But you YouTube kessil and its tomato growers and aquarium vids
  14. Good! When I had it he was low light high flow, no idea why but he just hated everywhere else in my tank I literally had him shaded besides a little piece.
  15. And his Red Sea is coming together niceeeeee. Seems like he adds something new daily.
  16. Always gonna be more herb reefers, than aqua reefers.
  17. I thought their corals are looking fine personally.. But that's just my opinion. Travis's selection is always pretty good.
  18. My cycle was 5 days. Also read on reef central picos almost always soft cycle. So that's a +1
  19. That's no good.. Who's josh gonna sales rep for? Lol Bummer though...
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