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Everything posted by Trautman

  1. i realized that there have only been a million threads on this. i search under "ich" but the forums came up dry. do you have any links?
  2. my advice: dont go cheap. the ten dollar mag float really sucks. found that out today
  3. well.... i got it! okay so i got a midas blenny on friday from patrick. i just looked at it an hour ago, it has white flakes on it. airing on the side of caution i put the fish in another tank, that only had a damsel in it, rather than expensive fish. so now what?
  4. foxfaces! cleaner shrimp chromis gobies(engineer, dragon) mollies? dragon wrasse niger trigger
  5. i would like to get a midas blenny, any one have one? on the medium/small side if possible
  6. i am doing a FOLWRM. that means Fish Only With Live Rock And Majano's i have the fish and the live rock.... now i need the majanos, i know this may go against some of your guys convictions and morals, but i am gonna give this a shot. Anyone have some majanos? preferably the "pretty" ones
  7. which fish store was it? i dont want to support them!
  8. Trautman

    BioCube 29

    all i can say is that i hate you. my bio cube 29 looks horrible compared to yours! keep up the good work!
  9. i am signing up for BRS. who has an account? what is your email i will put your name in so you get the reward point for "referring me"
  10. i know, i know! just gettin it out there!
  11. i am a good student! (does that count for anything these days?) 31.50
  12. the idea is that the bacteria take the NO3, and break it down to NO2, and then break it down into N(gas) and O2(aka oxygen gas) like LC said, this minor reaction which is most likely hard to notice normally is taking place and the gasses are pocketing under your rocks hope this helps
  13. to be perfectly honest, i have no clue about the hardiness of sharks. although imagine that they are going to be stressed no matter what you do. i say this because a fish that size travels a large distance, and IMO it doenst matter how big a tank you get, it will still be a stress factor on the fish. if the tank is opaque this might actually help though. once again, just guesses. so i suppose my point is that the better the water quality, the less stress on an already stressed fish. however they obviously have been successfully kept in aquariums by a lot of people, so you probably will do a fine job if you know what you are doing. (imo i think you do) GOOD LUCK
  14. if you have sharks, i imaging you would want to take the best care possible to insure premium water quality. however, i think that you can get away with using tho RO dirty water in a FOWLR tank, or a hardy fish tank. there a lot of liberatchi's around town who dont use any stuff, just the tap water, so i bet you would be fine. ask the dude at hollywood ( kinda a dick though) or CA2OR. they both swear by it
  15. haha oh jeeeze ... time for a new debate.... you don't need a heater! (at least thats what i have heard)
  16. okay cool, will i lose color though?
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