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Harold B

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Everything posted by Harold B

  1. I really like when there is a "rinsing tube(s)", really improves the efficiency of each wiping cycle. Either way they are NICE !
  2. Now that Im able to log in as myself, that ^ was me I have two sitting here PM if intrested
  3. MODERATOR: can you please erase the 3 links posted in the above post.(and then this post as well) They were meant to simply be pics of the bare tank. not links to my photo bucket acc.t. THANKYOU Harold B.
  4. I have a Tank for sale. $800 ............................................................................................................................. MANY EXTRAS INCLUDED! (entire system being sold)
  5. I'm sorry for not responding faster, I didn't realize so many spoke up all of the sudden. I'm in Hillsboro. I must honor those who spoke up first so we'll go down the line I guess. I have them still they are PERFECT specimens I assure you, all I have is crappy cell camera and never have been able to get any good pics but I'll try to capture an image of each but it wont do them justice and that sucks. But they must have proper homes. So those who spoke up first PM me and I'll give you my Phone # and we'll figure out a Day/Time to make the exchange since a bit more care will be taken than a simple parking lot Frag Swap: Line for Naso Tang $50: 1)Paratore 2)Bamburgb 2)swoop Line for Orange Shoulder Tang $45: 1)Bambergb 2)Nivman14 Line for Blue Hippo Tang $55: 1)swoop Line for Cortez Wrasse $40: https://encrypted-tb...aCcpBt1Jbay4rqA Hopefully this is correct if not speak up. I'll send PM's to each of you in order giving you all your fair shot. This isn't an easy thing to do for me.
  6. Cortez Wrasse: https://encrypted-tb...aCcpBt1Jbay4rqA
  7. I do. BB HY-5000 w/ fittings that came w/it and one to connect to an SWC skimmer.
  8. I've had her(Naso)since she was 3" for about 4 years or so. Had the Blue Hippo since it was the size of a half dollar.
  9. Deleted 10 More. Here is the type of cortez wrasse I have, found this on another post I had so thought I'd show the one I have as color may vary. sorry the pics so small. https://encrypted-tb...aCcpBt1Jbay4rqA
  10. Males develop long streamers at the top and bottom of there tail fin, Females do not. That's the way I've always known. How to when they are juveniles ? .
  11. She (the Naso) is by far my favorite if I had to choose. She likes to "patrol" the tank and make sure things are mellow. She'll gladly eat from your hand and swim up into your hand. She pays the most attention to what's going on in the room outside of the tank. I Was wondering what size tank you have? These fish will need larger tanks as they still have growing to do. As long as a proper home can be provided then I'm good.
  12. I should be able to receive messages. I even deleted a couple when I put the post up, anyhow I deleted a few more.
  13. Hi all, as most know I'm breaking down and selling a Marineland 250G DD Tank/Equipment but before I can do any more real disassembly/cleaning etc. the fish sadly need to go. I have 1 Female Naso Tang aprox. 6" Price $50 1 Orange Shoulder Tang aprox. 5" Price $45 and 1 Blue Hippo Tang approx. 5" Price $55 all OBO to right home. I also have a Cortez Wrasse or "Mexican Rock Wrasse" It's Black w/a pink, a yellow and a white stipe Price $40, very cool fish IMO. If anyone is interested let me know these are all A+ specimens with no torn fins, scars, just healthy happy & mellow . The 2 green chromis and 2 yellow and purple damsels $15 or I'll throw in on some deal or donate to TFT. Thanks Harold B.
  14. +2 Stress is a CONSIDERABLE factor with ICH.
  15. That's sound advice from one of the most successful long term SPS refers I've known. +1 Reef n Junkie
  16. PM sent..... Thanks Harold B..................................................oops double post, seems to be a bit slow or something.
  17. I HOPE to have the complete inventory list posted by Thurs. morning. The only reason I decided to pause and prepare a proper list (as long as it may be) and not just start naming off parts , equipment , systems, ETC. ETC. ETC. Is because I have to decide on a price for each and every item to post (as per PNWMAS rules) and frankly that's taking me a little bit.
  18. Yes, we've text back n forth. PM with my # on its way immediately. Remember I said I'd drive them back/meet ya or something? We'll set a time and get this sorted out as well. I don't know why my box would say full I'll check again but I deleted many old messages. I'm here if anyone doesn't have contact info, this is starting to sound like I have a system of borrowed parts. JK Thanks Harold B.
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