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Everything posted by ReeFit

  1. Mine does act a little spooky usually but its pretty good most the time, been in the tank about a month. it doesn't like my yellow shirt.
  2. ReeFit


    I saw the topic whale and thought who's trying to put a baby whale in their reef tank!
  3. ReeFit

    Carpet Surfin'

    I'll keep it in mind, i've just never seen it act aggressive towards anything. It just darts around in the rocks and picks at them. I've seen it clean parasites off the blue damsel and the yellow tang. The gobies don't even bat an eye at it when it swims by and it comes out and eats right along side everyone else. I'm putting more on possibly water parameters and new fish stress more than anything. could be the light foot sally crab too, sometimes it can be a little aggressive.
  4. ReeFit

    Carpet Surfin'

    It will happen eventually. My fireshrimp is very docile, he's at least 3" and is probably 3-4 years old i'm guessing. My cleaner shrimp and him all get along very well.
  5. I have a Natural Wave Power strip with the built in alternating wave feature. 6 ports, 3 standard and 3 alternating. 15amp. Shoot me an offer or trade for a frag or 2. Thanks
  6. ReeFit

    Carpet Surfin'

    I have 2 6 line wrasses in two separate tanks and both have been model citizens. They pretty much do their own thing and don't bat an eye at anyone, often they will pick parasites off the other fish if the fish will let them.
  7. I wouldn't even use a copper barrel, i'd just splice it with a butt connetor, something easy. crimp ons suck imo.
  8. I never heard back from you on sat. Did you still want this stuff? Thanks
  9. I personally believe that glass tanks are getting much better in design and quality. If you can buy a tank new i think your chances are minimal that it will ever leak in its life time. Always do a water test, i learned the hardway by setting up a 72 with live rock, sand only to find a pinhole leak about 2 weeks into the cycle. Doh! I have also had a 15g biocube fracture about 12" on me for absolutely no apparent reason other than to much pressure and a weak spot in the glass. luckily i spotted it within about 5 min of it occurring and siphoned out the water and moved all the inhabitants into a hospital tank.
  10. i guess i should example my setup: 55 gallon tank, mostly soft corals, leathers, mixed LPS, minimal SPS 1200 circulation 2200 koralia 800 auqueon 250 auqueon
  11. It all depends on what your growing in there. I have my mixed tank setup so there is a slow area and a really fast area that way the mushrooms can come out and photo.
  12. (sad)if you weren't in cottage grove, i'd take it...
  13. I feel for the shop owners. its a hard battle to fight. I've watched people come in and finagle free items off the store owner and then gander off and out the door. Nothing ticks me off more than freeloaders.
  14. Another thing i thought of, is it possibly bacterial or parasite related and have you thought about doing a coral dip? Coral RX should also get rid of algae. Just a thought.
  15. i'm no expert but i'd bring your ph up a bit
  16. Agreed, if its hard pipe conduit, it would be easy to pull a new wire through also, but its probably that metal flex conduit. either way i agree, tug on it some and see if you can tone it out or trace its origin to another plug, you could loosen the other end an inch probably.
  17. ReeFit

    Skimmer ideas

    SWC is a great brand and it works really well. Couldn't be happier with mine.
  18. my onyx clown female killed off a pair of false percs of the same size defending a seabae. I've never had my clowns attack me. but i let me fish eat out of my hand so i donno if that makes a difference or not.
  19. I prefer glass if its new from purchase. I've had several CL glass specials that end up with pinhole leaks from being moved to many times. Glass will eventually leak. Acrylic is cheap but can be cheaply made, if you don't buy a high quality acrylic tank, they can bow out and distort, they are very hard to maintain and scratch very easily so the beginning hobbiest will probably have better luck at cleaning glass. In fish only tanks you can easily buff out scratches underwater with wet sand paper, but reef systems i'd highly recommend against it unless you have excellent skimming and high high flow.
  20. +2 I am a small business owner as well, but we all experience the retail side of things as well being consumers. I know what customer service is about and how to pick and choose battles. I will definitely shop around but i also am not into driving or calling around 10 different stores, 5 different websites just to save $2.50. If I'm treated well at a store thats close to me, i will 9 out of 10 times go right back to that store first and give them the option to price match, but i don't beat up, if i get a price match or something close to what i'm looking for, i'm not haggling more or going back to the other store for a lower price. I prefer to make friends in this hobby even with the LFS owners. Beating them up only makes future transactions less desirable.
  21. Sign of addiction, when you get the kids out of bed on saturday morning to goto the LFS and the only reason you can possibly come up with is the free donuts and coffee. Lets see what am i out of hmmm....I could possibly use a 4th bucket of salt mix right..
  22. I would take a real small pair of needle nose pliers or vice grips and hold onto the wires at the base. Then take that barrel off the two wires with another set of pliers. Save as much of the wire length as you can. Then use something like these. The first pic is something i use alot. you can just slip the wire up into the hole and it automatically grips the wires. then just jumper out with another wire to your gfi.
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