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Everything posted by Longiotti

  1. not sure yet depends on how I wire it. right now I have a 4 T5 and 2 MH system and I have the t5s turn on and then 1 MH and then the next about 30 mins later. I like it so I might go that route or just have it get brighter and brighter then dimmer and dimmer not sure yet though. it sure does get me thinkin though thank you for bring up that option. I might not have thought about it.
  2. sorry I have been really busy going to get started back on this real soon
  3. here is what I have so far still a lot to do. might just say up all night and get it done
  4. I will be running 6 Mean Well ELN-60-48D dimmable driver. for each driver I will be running 12 LEDs in series and then 7 of those in parallel these LEDS are 100 MA and they run 3.0 to 3.6 volts per LED
  5. Longiotti

    504 LED Build

    starting my rebuild of my 504 LED hood for my 90 gal tank it has 504 10 MM leds. 50% white and 50% blue. I build it once before and it worked great but started dimming after about 2 months and then finally gave out. This had to of been from over heating. because the 10mm LEDs do not have very good heat sinks. this time I am going to use more fans, along with LED drivers instead of 12v power source with resisters. I am also making little heat sinks for each LED. here is the old hood. I will update pictures with my progress as I go. I wasn't going to do a build thread on this but I need something to do in between all this soldering. here is what it looked like before it blew up visually the only change is that I will be running rows of white and blue because it will be easier to wire.
  6. I have personally driven this thing. very fun and a great buy. wish gabe would not sell it because now I will have no one to have fun with but it is a very good ride!
  7. call ecotech they will take care of you. I had the same issue. I think they had a bad batch go out. it seems the tolerance in the ceramic bearing it to tight. I ground it out just a little and it worked until I got the replacement. warning though they told me not to do this but I did it anyways. I mean they were sending me a replacement so I didn't think it mattered
  8. sold! yeah I feel you. I almost painted it. it would not be that hard but now I don't have too I think I am going to build my own now this thread can be deleted.
  9. SOLD this can be deleted I love the color of this light but it is just not going to work for me it is too bright for my taste and I burnt a couple corals. it is 6 inches by 24 inches by 2 inches for info please google search orphek I am selling this for $600. new it is $950 it is in great shape. only used it for 3 days
  10. I have 2 400 watt retro fit. well it is in wood hood but it is kind of ugly I also have the odysea 2 250 DE MH hood. I replaced the CF with 4 T5s let me know if you are interested. is the 120 Gal 4 foot wide? does it have built in over flow?
  11. this is my first time! s-h-a-r-e t-h-e l-o-v-e did I do it right? I FEEL SO USED! LOL (whistle)
  12. the one I bought back then was yellowish. but that is what i wanted for the refugium. I bought another one to add to it and they both run now all night long. the new one was a bright white. it seems to be doing great. I have even put zenia and mushrooms down there and they stay alive. they do not get very big or look really great and healthy but they are down there.
  13. to bad you are in washington I would take the calc reactor...... Do I get a 4 inch frag? LOL (laugh) that coral is SWEET lookin
  14. I have been wanting an Achillies tang for 3 or 4 years now. Every time I ask a LFS to get me one they say they ordered it but it didn't so up. can anyone get one of these? any fish stores in Portland have these in stock? how much are they? I would be willing to drive up there if I can get 1 or 2. Let me know!? I have read a lot about them also. I know that they are hard to keep and are temperamental. this is a challenge that I really want to take on. I have had a purple tang for over a year and am really looking forward to something differnet. I just love the way these fish look also. Lance
  15. I got one of these at wal-mart for about 35 bucks. I use it on my refugium. grows the algae great and it has been going for about a year no with no issues. if anyone cares http://www.google.com/products/catalog?hl=en&q=ge+led+par30+lighting&cid=12415339983293261765&ei=dBzGS7DjGpCOjQTQ3eiUDQ&sa=title&ved=0CAcQ8wIwADgA#p
  16. LOL funny story I had one just like this. My temp probe was off and my tank was about 91 degrees. once I fixed it, the Red Bubble went back to normal after about 5 months. My hammer turned florescent green also. my local fish store gave be double trade in for it because he liked it so much. told him it would probably go back to the normal color but he didn't care.
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