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Everything posted by rubberduck9

  1. Nice Il take the frag of BMW you have in the driveway!!
  2. Hmm It says they were dead before hitting the ground. So they got beat up in the sky. I love how they said that they all had heart atacks from fireworks! Dont think so!!!
  3. the shortcut the shortcut below the post. 5000 birds drop out of the sky and 100000 birds die off 100 miles away. all the same type of fish. hmm dunno.
  4. Wow check this out. Alittle scary if you ask me! What's everybodys thoughts? I really doubt they were scared to death from fireworks!!! lol http://www.yahoo.com/_ylt=AjsABFO7sN9U34IvtbwtU8WbvZx4;_ylc=X3oDMTlydHM2ZWpxBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMTAxMDMgbmV3cyBibG9nIGFya2Fuc2FzIGRpZS1vZmZzIGJ2BGNwb3MDMgRnA2lkLTU4ODA1BGludGwDdXMEaXRjAzAEbHR4dANTZWNvbmRlZXJpZWRpZS1vZmZoaXRzc3RhdGUmIzM5O3N3aWxkbGlmZQRwa2d2AzM2BHBvcwMyBHNlYwN0ZC1mZWF0BHNsawN0aXRsZQR0YXIDaHR0cDovL25ld3MueWFob28uY29tL3MveWJsb2dfdGhlbG9va291dC8yMDExMDEwMy90c195YmxvZ190aGVsb29rb3V0L21hc3NpdmUtYmlyZC1maXNoLWtpbGxzLWluLWFya2Fuc2FzLWxlYXZlLW1hbnktc2NyYXRjaGluZy1oZWFkcwR0ZXN0Azk2Ng--/SIG=14pna0e83/EXP=1294268328/**http%3A//news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110103/ts_yblog_thelookout/massive-bird-fish-kills-in-arkansas-leave-many-scratching-heads
  5. +1 sand bed and live rock Keep it all natural. Ive found we have nothing that can do a better job then nature.
  6. Yes Im going to try as well! Let me know what it costs if ya dont mind.
  7. yo thats a sweet settup my friend!!! Hey I was also wondering if anyone on here has brewed there own rootbear? Ive heard it tastes amazing but was wondering how difficult it would be?
  8. WOW Hey thats a good one!!! LOL Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrn
  9. I know I know! I would almost put money on a Eunicid worm!! I have seen the same thing happen in many tanks and it always ends up being a Eunicid worm. Nasty little things and hard to spot. You shouldnt have to boil all the rock. Just take it out piece by piece and let it sit for 5 or 10 mins or so. Any worm or mantis will come to the surface area. After the wait inspeck each rock very carefully and you should catch the culprit. Word for the wise though, be very carful. What ever it is, if its killing your fish it can inflict a nasty wound on you my friend!!!
  10. hmm maybe some type of pagoda. or pectina.
  11. 20K Radiums 365 days a year my friend!!! If you like you some deep blues and purples youd love these lights!!!
  12. I have 2 frags of lunar eclipses with 3 polyps each and 2 frags of purple death palys with 3 polyps each. $15 each or 2 for $25
  13. yo I did see the pictures and I like the purple, but I am looking for maybe a pink or orange one with different colored polyps.
  14. sweet! (clap)Thats awesome! picky little buggers!
  15. yo Bangais ' dont make good group fish unless they are a small pair. As they get older the dominent male will start x'ing off the others until it is just him. I agree with maybe a small lot of firefish. If those dont sound apealing you should speak to Garrett. He has the hook up on Helfrich firefish sometimes and got me and a friend a few of them awhile back. Beautiful fish!
  16. Hmm Thats so weird how some people are efected so diff by stings and zoas/palys. I get stung by my carpet all the time. doesnt hurt or make any welts, just sticks to me for a few. lol But zoas and palys on the other hand make me break out and itchy.
  17. +1 on Garrett I would definatley stop by and see Garrett in Salem. Cant beat him for cuc and he always has some nice zoas. In fact im dropping off some purple death palys and lunar eclipses tomorrow for him. lol Maybe I will see ya there! Drive safe!
  18. food my scarlet cleaners do that all the time. Only at night though. I have moonlights so ive seen it 3 or 4 times and my Bangai always munches a bunch of them up. lol
  19. also also have a large frag of lunar eclipses if that sweetn's the deal.
  20. my guess The problom with macro rock is it leaches phosphates, so can the new sand if it hasnt been cleaned well enough. Have you checked your phosphates? That is going to be my guess. To many disolved solids.
  21. Ive got some corals I would like to trade. Looking for a sweet plate. First is a hot pink acan colony. very healthy, 15+ heads. Next is a large chunk of superman monti. about 3" x 1 1/2". Also have a small frag of a tableing eflo I got from Tim at west side. Pictures dont do justice. I dont have a picture of the superman yet but its very red and healthy.
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