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Everything posted by Gabe

  1. I always forget something when I make a post. Members get a 10% discount.
  2. Man Rick.... You take some great pics! Tank is looking great.
  3. more stuff Green psilipora (spelling?) 2 1/2 inches $5 Green psilipora 3 1/2 inches $10 SOLD Pink birdsnest baseball size $20 (sitting on top of another birdsnest) Green slimer? #1 3 1/2 inches $15 SOLD Green slimer? #2 3 1/2 inches $15 Green slimer? #3 3 1/2 inches $15
  4. All sold...Thanks everyone. I don't get a chance to post stuff for sale very often,(sad) but Emerald525 is helping me out.(clap) Kim will be down in Medford on Saturday, she has agreed to deliver these to the meeting on Sunday. (wish I could go myself) If anyone would like any of these I can send them up with her. If you won't be at the meeting, you would need to make arrangements with her. Thanks again Kim, you (rock2) I am usualy only on here late, if you need to get ahold of me feel free to call 541-210-0900 Thanks everyone Gabe A: birdsnest purple/blue w/green tips 1 1/2 inch $5 B: birdsnest purple/blue w/green tips 1 1/2 inch $5 SOLD C: birdsnest purple/blue w/green tips 1 1/2 inch $5 D: red montipora digitada 3 1/2 inches $15 SOLD E: red montipora digitada 3 1/2 inches $15 SOLD birdsnest purple/blue w/green tips $20 birdsnest purple/blue w/green tips $10 Gorilla nipples 11 or 12 polyps on eggcrate $10 sold Unknown zoa fast grower 60+ polyps $15 sold
  5. I like that word... caveat. It's fun to say. Thank you for making me smile. Gabe
  6. I have 3 RBTA's. I very rarely "feed" the nems. They seem to get plenty of stray food when I feed the fish. Occasionaly I will thaw out some silversides and give them a true meal. +1 on them staying put once they find a spot they like. I did put in an "anemone island" seperate from where my stony corals are. They would have to cross sand to get to the main structure. I believe the bubbles vs. stringy has to do with flow, at least that is my experience. (more flow, more stringy)
  7. Thanks guys. Still doing some research. I have always thought they were beautiful. Thanks Shaun, the one you pictured is kind of what I have been thinking.
  8. Does anyone have any experience with Gorgonians? Which to avoid, which are more stable? I am looking to trade or sell a large green sinulara, and think a nice gorgonian would fill that spot nicely. Thanks in advance, Gabe
  9. I loved my cherub. Very sad when he jumped. Will probably get another. The only thing he ever picked at was my bristle star.
  10. Maybe 100 to 110 gal. total volume. I change 10 gal. every 2 to 3 weeks.
  11. Very nice. We called ours the great pacifier. Always worked to soothe the unhappy baby.
  12. Gabe

    Powers out!!!

    Only out for a little over an hour, but made for fun viewing of what the tank does in the dead calm. Lots of critter activity.
  13. 45 min. and counting... We may be roastin dogs in the fireplace before long.
  14. Gabe

    Big News

  15. Nice diy! Very simple yet efective.
  16. That is a way cool piece! I also like birdsnest. Fun to experiment with.
  17. I use one anytime I do something that stirs stuff up in the tank. The main reason for not running all the time is I'm not set up for one. I plan on using them full time when I put the sump etc. in the garage.
  18. Thanks, it's beautiful. Gorgeous tank btw!
  19. What is the monti in the second to last pic?
  20. Just a thought....If you don't have room outside the sump for the valve, could you put it on the inside of the bulkhead? You would have to stick your hand inside the sump to shut the valve, but your probably gonna get wet anyways. +1 on always having valves both sides of your pump also. Gabe
  21. Hey Garrett. You have the best collection of clean up crew! Too bad that is never on my mind when I am up thereDOH! Since I am not sure when I'll be up next, how much to ship some stuff to 97501. Thanks again for the great deals when we have been there. That last purple acro I got is looking great. Gabe
  22. I'm a sparky. I couldn't come up but would be willing to answer any questions. Gabe
  23. I would make sure there is no salt tracking anywhere inside. Even seemingly dry it will still conduct very well.
  24. Maybe a sponge? Hard to tell.
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