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Everything posted by ClayTheSavageFraser

  1. Ok, here's what I would do! I would get one of those gravel cleaners and suck out as much crap as you can from the top! Then take out the sand you want, just the top layer! I would definitely empty 30 percent of the tank water into a rubbermaid with a heater and power head and then put your corals in these rubbermaids! After that put your rock in another bucket then use that gravel cleaner to sift out the top layer of the sand you will be removing. Then build a big pile of cleaned sand then use a cup to remove it! Then I would put the rock back in and fill it back up with 20 percent of the water and let the stuff settle and turn on your skimmer and I would borrow a canister filter and put poly fiber in it and use a power head to stir up the debris again and let the canister do its job! I would repeat this until you see everything clean and clear! Then I would remove the canister and do another 20 percent water change. and then check your peramiters and proceed from there. I would run some carbon at this point too! That should do the trick! And then tadah less sand and new aquascape! Woohoo! No damsels and time for some nice pretty peaceful fish! Have fun buddy! Clay
  2. Get ready for a long day! I hope you have water mixing right now with some heaters in it and powerheads churning the water! Get lots oh rubbermaids and 5 gallon buckets! I used a car trailer to move mine and it was beautiful! Just make sure you don't let anyone else mess with anything especially the heaters! And use the lids! If you can use a trailer then you could use all the water! Good luck and sleep good tonight! You're gonna have a long day ahead of you! I wish I could help but I'm in eugene! Clay
  3. Sweet! Buddy, looks awewsome!
  4. Kevin!! Howzit brah!! Any Kaamainaa discounts? I'm from Maui, went to king kam III elementary and Lahainaluna!! Yeah, man!! Should be coming your way in July, well to Maui and ways!! And I have family that can get permits, ah, yeah!! Woohoo!!! Clay
  5. I would love to help in anyway!! Hope you're keeping your head up!! Clay
  6. The N.O.A.A has a bill to put these corals on the list of endangered species! I think we all need to collect these in anticipation of losing the chance to see these in the near future. Acanthastrea brevis Acanthastrea hemprichii Acanthastrea ishigakiensis Acanthastrea regularis Acropora aculeus Acropora acuminate Acropora aspera Acropora dendrum Acropora donei Acropora globiceps Acropora horrida Acropora jacquelineae Acropora listeri Acropora lokani Acropora microclados Acropora palmerae Acropora paniculata - Fuzzy Table Coral Acropora pharaonis Acropora polystoma Acropora retusa Acropora rudis Acropora speciosa Acropora striata Acropora tenella Acropora vaughani Acropora verweyi Agaricia lamarcki - Lamarck's Sheet Coral Alveopora allingi Alveopora fenestrate Alveopora verrilliana Anacropora puertogalerae Anacropora spinosa Astreopora cucullata Barabattoia laddi Caulastrea echinulata Cyphastrea agassizi - Agassiz's Coral Cyphastrea ocellina - Ocellated Coral Dendrogyra cylindrus Dichocoenia stokesii - Elliptical Star Coral Euphyllia cristata Euphyllia paraancora Euphyllia paradivisa Galaxea astreata Heliopora coerulea Isopora crateriformis Isopora cuneata Leptoseris incrustans Leptoseris yabei Millepora foveolata Millepora tuberosa Montastraea annularis - Boulder Star Coral Montastraea faveolata - Mountainous Star Coral Montastraea franksi Montipora angulata Montipora australiensis Montipora calcarea Montipora caliculata Montipora dilatata - Hawaiian Reef Coral/Irregular Rice Coral Montipora flabellata - Blue Rice Coral Montipora lobulata Montipora patula - Sandpaper Rice Coral/Spreading Coral/Ringed Rice Coral Mycetophyllia ferox Pachyseris rugosa Pavona bipartite Pavona cactus Pavona decussate Pavona diffluens Pavona venosa Pectinia alcicornis Physogyra lichtensteini Pocillopora danae Pocillopora elegans Porites horizontalata Porites napopora Porites nigrescens Porites pukoensis Psammocora stellata - Stellar Coral Seriatopora aculeata Turbinaria mesenterina Turbinaria peltata Turbinaria reniformis Turbinaria stellula
  7. Come get some of my critter infested macro, and a sea cucumber would do the trick too!
  8. Yep, I wish we got a pic of "newfisher"s worm!! It was a big one!! His wife called it the lochness monster!! LOL!! Clay
  9. Acrylic magnets always end up scratchin the tank! I hate them!! You know what I have found to be the best is small pieces of acrylic from a local plastics shop. It does mean you have to scrape it yourself, but use the corner of it and it works like a charm!! Worms, if it's black and looks like a bristleworm then get rid of it, if you can catch it!! If it's pink, then leave it alone they are good scavengers!! Welcome to the forum, I love this forum and have benefited tremendously from the combined knowledge of all the experts and seasoned hobbyists here!! Great group!! Best ever!! Clay
  10. Doesn't look like he has too much of a selection. I am interested seeing what is coming spring. Clay
  11. A cheap older one would do!! We need one at the shop!! One that we can adjust the size and runs on toner not ink cartridges!! If you got one laying around and would like to donate it or if you got to get some moola out of it let me know how much!! Thank you for your time and consideration, Clay
  12. Ok prepare yourself for the best hobby in the entire world!! You get to have a piece of what ever part of the world you would like! I started with a 100 gallon, then got a 20 gallon for my sons room, then a 55 for the art room. After a little while upgraded houses and with that went with a 210 gallon plumbed to the garage and turned my 100 gallon with an internal sump into a sump/display refugium!! I still have all the other tanks and am looking forward to setting up a frag tank this weekend!! I also got my bestfriend jon hooked on this hobby too!! He is "Newfisher" And he started with a 59 gallon corner bowfront that I found him and now he has a cylinder tank with pipefish and seahorses, and a 90 gallon fowlr and a nano for his room, he blames it on his wife who also loves it. Yeah, I have another friend that I started on a road of wonderful oceaness too!! His name is "Kemist" Josh is a great guy and has some great set ups!! Welcome to the site and I hope you get as fired up as me and all my friends!! Oh, and if you ever are interested in a Tattoo I am your man!! www.allprophetstattoos.com Clay
  13. LOL!! I have the fixtures. Just didn't want to pay the stupid prices at the LFS's for the bulbs!! Have you seen what they want for that small fat f'er!!! Holy mama!! I don't want to pay that! So yeah I am Probably going to go to lowes, or home depot for the t8 bulb. Clay
  14. Oh Algae you never cease to surprize me!! I just belly laugh for a good minute!! That was hilarious!! (laugh) Clay
  15. What kind of anemone? i want one!! LOL!! Mine never splits!! Clay
  16. Woohooo!! Show us some of your stuff!! Tell us about whatchu got and hey let's get together maybe do some trading!! I am so glad we are getting more Eugene Reefers on here!! Welcome buddy!!! Clay
  17. Looking for a 96 watt square pin compact flouresent bulb one of those litttle fat ones. And a 24 inch t8 refugium bulb. Anyone got one hangin around?(scratch) Clay
  18. neg rep point It shows it on my user cp, its big and red! Just for saying "oooooo....aaaaaaa....oooooo" Thank you! [php] [/php] Clay
  19. No you don't need the conditioner, and this system must be a coralife one. It takes forever!! It is probably a 50GPD filter. What I would do is set up an ATO with this system. It will benefit you and your fish and your coral!! Clay
  20. Um...ya know the pieces not worth selling? And the little branches of tenius and unknown acro? Any chance at getting these from ya so that you don't have to kill them or mess with them? I will...? Sunshine and Smiles, Clay
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