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Everything posted by coralreefer

  1. As an Oklahoma State alum, I'm loving the fact that they will be occasionally coming West, soooo, they can wup up on sum West Coast meat!!! Go Cowboys!!! DrMerle
  2. Marine Solutions and SWC are same skimmer...look at Marine Solutions also...I've got the MSX200...put a Bubble Blaster 3000 on it and never looked back... DrMerle
  3. Ken-- You raise some very good points...what you are describing is called the Redfield ratio, simply stated, over limiting one nutrient will reduce effectiveness of reducing the other nutrient (PO4--NO3), as they are proportionally removed by bacteria. The latest information I have concerning NP Biopellets is they are more effective at N03 reduction than PO4, and additional PO4 removal MAY be beneficial...thus GFO... My proposed approach may be off, but I would prefer to stay ahead of curve as long as possible until I see I'm headed down the wrong road... I am interested in 1) maximal tank/coral/fish health while 2) keeping maintenance time (i.e. vodka dosing) to a minimum. Good discussion here: http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1738775&highlight=redfield+ratio DrMerle
  4. Steve---please answer: 1) How big is your system? 2) How long have you been using them? 3) What are your PO4/NO3 levels? 4) How did you calculate how much to use? 5) What changes have you observed? DrMerle
  5. It does NOT take a reactor...a mesh baggie is fine...needs decent flow to establish aerobic bacteria...need to prevent anaerobic bacteria...near outflow of skimmer is great area, sump under overflow...splashing water, etc... DrMerle
  6. Time will tell on the downside, but I can tell you nothing "feels" crazier than adding vodka and/or sugar to a fish tank the first few times....I am following a lengthy thread on Reef Central and watching what happens as others ahead of me use this product...so far no negatives...just mild to moderate positives... DrMerle
  7. OK....as many of you know, I've been a vodka-sugar-vinegar + bacteria advocate for some time...last year it brought my nitrates and phosphates to zero after years of trying...however, the hair algae was persistent due to prior sins...tank was originally FOWLR...sand/rock impregnanted with PO4 and NO3...THUS...the tear down/rebuild... Anyway, I am using GFO/carbon with intermittant bacteria...no VSV currently...I am interested in trying NP Biopellets...considered "solid vodka", these pellets are placed in an area of decent flow/oxygenation, bacteria colonizes the surface, feeding corals while reducing nitrates/phosphates, with the excess being skimmed out. Works very similarly to liquid carbon dosing except 1) no problems figuring out dosing regiment 2) no chance of over dosing 3) no schedule to keep 4) doesn't promote cyano A great choice for newer tanks to prevent accumulation of nutrients, but allows for greater feeding frequency/amounts to fish and/or corals... Can be placed in any reactor or sump...additions are made very 6 months or so as media is used up. Trade off is cost...comes in 500 ml and 1L bags...1L runs about $100 and will run 150 gallon tank for 9-12 months... Most people report clearer water immediately with improved polyp extension (which I need) and color enhancement within 3-4 weeks. Sounds like something I could benefit from and I have an extra TLF reactor so...here we go... PS...I have photos of new setup, just trying to sit down for 20 minutes and follow CA2ORs directions as to how to get photos off DROID and onto this site... then I can post later pics and verify improvements if any...(rock2) DrMerle
  8. do a search on vodka dosing, sugar, vinegar, bacteria dosing... All are forms of carbon dosing which feeds bacteria...the bacteria then consume phosphates and nitrates, thus helping to lower both, which starves algae... I switched from sugar to dextrose, while also dosing vodka...persistent hair algae from years ago sins trapped in rocks made me start over...while I am not currently dosing carbon sources, I am occasionally adding bacteria, using Filtra M as a zeolite and running GFO/carbon... I am very close to ordering and starting NP Biopellets, which are "solid vodka" pellets, automating the dosing carbon theory. Stay tuned as I was close to starting a post on it. wannabe---if your water is cloudy, you have a bacterial bloom...stop dosing until things clear and then start over at a lower dose, perhaps half as much...this is not a process to rush... DrMerle
  9. Whelks if large enough are edible...I could never eat one...I had a whelk years ago...named him Lawrence...LOL...Lawrence...get it...hahaha...Lawrence Whelk...
  10. not yet...sounding...complicated...abort!...abort!...resistance is futile! This tape will self destruct in 5 seconds!!!.... DrMerle
  11. will work on it tonight and see what I come up with...thx...DrMerle
  12. How do I post pics from my droid onto website thread? DrMerle
  13. 15 gallon change on 135 gallon tank + 40 gallon sump once weekly. DrMerle
  14. Sold...$40 for acro!!! Double shot!!! Yea!! DrMerle
  15. Great...I'll box it up and send all "wheels" I've got with it...I'll handle shipping...you can send paypal for $50 to: to PM paypal address... I'll make sure it is clean...you need any pics? Address? DrMerle
  16. Now I'm confused...who wants what? I'd be happy to ship anywhere...I even made an "opener" for the pump volute as it can be a b...h to get these Sicces open...I'll throw that in... DrMerle
  17. 1.026 with refractometer...kalk top off... DrMerle
  18. Frank--Patrick had a Klein's 2 days ago...I WILL NOT OPERATE A REEF TANK WITHOUT A KLEIN'S!!!!..I currently have one in my tank...they will eliminate aiptasia/majanos within 2 weeks...they will feed at night...they will also eat anything else you want to feed...they "gently pick" at corals for a couple days then leave them alone...I've had 3 over the years...never had a problem...stay away from raccoons....Bryopsis responds to mag sulfate...might also consider a Kole tang... Drmerle
  19. Both pinwheel and meshwheel...I'll even "refresh" meshwheel... DrMerle
  20. I recently upgraded the pump on my MSX 200 skimmer from a Sicce 2500 to a Bubble Blaster 3000...now I have no use for the Sicce...has volute too. It is approximately 9 months old...no issues...they sell for about $109 new....I'll let this go for $50 just to keep accumulation of stuff in my garage to a minimum... DrMerle
  21. I'll take it for $20...pm me... DrMerle
  22. I run carbon/GFO 24/7 without negative issues. I mix the 2 together which helps keep GFO from solidifying...I change every 3 weeks. Softies/LPS produce chemicals 24/7 so I am not sure how much is gained by running carbon only "part of the time"...I just supplement iodine/aminos weekly... DrMerle
  23. test your phosphates...test your nitrates...can't know where you are at without those results...then you can adjust...might want to consider "feeding" LPS and softies....amino acids, rotifers, phytos, oyster feast...I also use ZEOVIT's LPS AMINO FEED... DrMerle
  24. Five weeks after the blow out, oil still gushes unabated. Where is the sense of urgency? I am amazed daily at the apathetic way BP approaches this...How about a giant rubber stopper? How about a fifty ton "brick"? How about a bigger dead end pipe slipped over the gusher? How about the world's biggest wad of bubble gum? Something? Correct me if I'm wrong but haven't they attempted only one thing so far? In 5 weeks? Logistically, I know a mile down under water ain't making things any easier, and I am sure they could maybe make things worse, but if they don't have a clue how to stop this now, they shouldn't be in the business. If they were in 1/2 the hurry to stop the gusher as they were to get oil flowing, we'd be done with this by now... DrMerle
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