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Everything posted by gradth

  1. Sand sifting starfish are pretty cool. My kids love mine, but he hides in the sand alot.
  2. Looks great, better then my 55 ever has.
  3. http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=1592976 I just asked a similar question and got some good responses.
  4. Well if your interested let me know. Like I said, may be a few weeks.
  5. When are you looking to buy one? I have a remora Aquac hang on back type that when I get ready to take down my 55 I was gonna sell. Probably be a few weeks before I get it tore donw though. I have it hanging on my sump in my fish only tank.
  6. One will stay as a fish only and the other is gonna be a sump.
  7. Sheet rock. Gonna go floor to ceiling with it and doors for access. At least that is the plan thus far. I wanted to go wood, but I am no finish carpenter and the wife wanted it to look like part of the house. So I am basically going to build a wall around it.
  8. Ugh, dont get me started on cyno. Been battling it for a water. Flow will help. Its my understanding that finding the cause of the excess phospates is the biggest thing. I just used Red slime remover, and minus making my skimmer go whacky for a week after, it did a pretty good job and its reef safe.
  9. Well this week I was pretty swamped, so didnt get to much done. Got the stand into the house tonight. What fun, the wife and a dolly/handtruck helped out and its in place. I had some scrap flooring left over from when our house was built, so Im gonna put that in the bottom of the stand. Figured it would make nice for clean up. Also ordered up my skimmer and pump today. :eek: Yikes this is getting spendy. (wife) all over me. I havent even figured out my lighting yet.
  10. I did to, but it was one of the first fish we had and the wife didnt want to part with it. Seems prett content down there. You can take him in to most stores and they will give you a bit of credit. I know Cayes does for sure.
  11. i through mine in my refugium. Great fish, just kinda rude to others.
  12. Yep that would be it. Sadly, due to bad advice i pulled him out of QT early and it gave my tank Marine Velvet and wiped out all my fish minus my hippo and my firefish pair.
  13. Yeah, when I get to that point im gonna tear down one of my 55's and build the sump/refugium. Yeah I dont really think the stand will have any issues. With any luck and some time I should be able to get the stand in the house by this weekend and hopefully get the tank leak checked and up in place. Then all the fun starts. hopefully get the stand painting done and the top on tommorow after work. I need to start planning my equipment list pretty soon. Have ideas, just need to find the parts. Any suggestions on lighting?
  14. bout done with the stand. Got to finish painting it and set the top on.
  15. LMAO, not likely. I harrassed my wife for the last couple months about getting a bigger tank. Finally paid off I guess. Hope to get the stand done in the next couple days and get it moved in and in place. Then Im going to form in a wall around it. Next I got to start ordering parts, rock, yada yada. Wifes not gonna like that part.(wife) If anyone has suggestions on pumps, skimmers, lighting all that good stuff, please feel free to toss them out. So much to choose from, wanna make sure I end up with good quality stuff.
  16. Started the stand today. Got a ways to go still, but its a start.
  17. Well I couldnt maintain myself so I did kinda unwrap it last night just to take a good peek at everything, then put all the wrapping back on. Just want to keep it safe and clean in the garage till im ready to move it into the house.
  18. So i finally did it. Picked it up today. 180 gallon 6x2x2. Plan on making a room divider with it between my kitchen and family room. Next step, stand and start gathering all the parts Im gonna need.
  19. I have had a cubicus for about 6 months. One of my favorite fish. Probably has the most personality of all my fish. eats right out of my hand. I have read and been told by a few different folks that while the possibilty of releasing the toxin exists, its very rare.
  20. Sportsmans has jubs for like 6 bucks also. 5 gallon type.
  21. http://cgi.ebay.com/FAST-SHIPPING-Koralia-4-Aquarium-Pump-Powerhead-Hydor_W0QQitemZ250369843538QQcmdZViewItemQQptZLH_DefaultDomain_0?hash=item250369843538&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14&_trkparms=72%3A1205%7C66%3A2%7C65%3A12%7C39%3A1%7C240%3A1318%7C301%3A0%7C293%3A1%7C294%3A50 i bought 2 from these guys and got them within a couple days. got 2 for the price a few LFS wanted for 1.
  22. Seahorse was by far the cheapest I found. Fantaseas price was outrageous compared to seahorse. The waters much cheaper there also.
  23. Ugh, well it was marine velvet. Turns out the ember blenny I had is the most likely canidate for bringing it into my tank. After about a 2 week quarantine I moved him over because he was not eating. About a week later he died(from what I thought was not eating). now a week later my bicolor blenny bit the dust, and a clown goby. I got all my fish out and into a hospital tank. My hippo seems really healthy and no signs. My percs had the film, but seem to be taking to the copper already. My other clown goby might pull through. Amazingly my pair of firefish have managed to come through the second bout of oodinium without a mark. So my tank is going through its second 1 month no fish cycle in 6 months. This is really fustrating. One question, I have 2 damsels that hang out down in my sump/refugium. they show no signs at all. should I get them out also? Anyway, this will be some down time to try and plan the new tank I guess.
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