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Everything posted by gradth

  1. Well I have had a few folks never show up so Everything that is not sold is available. 2 for 15 bucks on the 10 dollar frags.
  2. Eric, you play mw2 on steam? if so hit me up. its under my adress but my gamer name on steam is Thrawn.
  3. That one was in direct line of the return until yesterday. I will give it a try, wait for them to heal up a bit. If anyone has a spare used 14k 250watt laying around let me know, I can swap you for a used 10k or a frag or maybe some cash if some of my frags sell.
  4. Well I seem to have a bristle worm invasion going on. Every time I move something I find bristle worms, I can see them out in the open all the time in the fuge as well. Found this guy today, about 3 inches long. Seems my RBTA either didnt like the light or did. That or the skunks irritated it. Split twice last night, so I have 3 in each tank now. Anyone have good ideas for coaxing them off rocks? Need to unload a couple. And lastly, went to Seahorse today and Woody had a pretty awesome shipment of Hawaiian fish in. Couple I have never actually seen in a store before. Against my better judgment and the fact that we lost our family favorite cubicus a while back I got a very small female Spotted boxfish(Ostracion meleagris). Woody had a bunch of males and females. If I come across a small male I will more then likely pick one up. Says "reef safe" with caution. Since I dont have much in there yet I will have to see how she does. Biggest concern is the toxin they can secrete if over stressed or dying. But its rare. This could be the cutest fish I have seen, about 1-1.5". Sorry lousy pic. Already a healthy eater and a bit of a spaz. About 100 times faster then my cubicus was.
  5. Thats funny, exactly what im doing. I like fallout, its pretty open to what you can do.
  6. sorry I screwed up you name, got to be strange some stranger walking up to you asking if your kyle?
  7. I have my run off run into my yard. I think you should be able to look up the info online, not sure where though.
  8. Yeah I traded them in to Nick at RC.
  9. No problem, sorry your roomie had to wait on me, traffic was horrible tonight. Hope it does well. #15 pending pick up
  10. Have not put any iodine in, should I? I dose my main tank with it, same dosing? How long did you leave lights out for?
  11. Kinda been a stalemate for about a month. Fiasco with my rot food, so my rots almost crashed. Took a bit to get them to take off, luckily I have to tanks of rots(just had a heater short out and cook one). Then I was off a day on a hatch so I missed it and had to wait for the next one. So far, I dont see any dead larvae. Just keeping the lights out for a while and trying not to peek to much.
  12. Updated the photos, whats sold and not. Added a zoa frag in there as well.
  13. I got the light up, that reflector puts out a lot of light. Gonna have to figure something out for antics. The chain its hanging from is tempory, i managed to misplace the stuff I bought for it so I made do with what I had. got my new pair of skunk clowns. they took all of about 5 minutes to find the RBTA. I moved the rock down a bit and they didnt even leave it when I moved it. Hope they do better than the last pair. Also picked up a cleaner shrimp since RC had such a good deal on them. And some snails. Just some tweaking to do and will defiantly switch out the 10k bulb with a 14k next time I buy bulbs.
  14. Real gamers dont use consoles.(threaten) LOL, its a choice. I just cant use a game pad on FPS games, its unnatural. Badcompany 2 and medal of honor blew. I will never give money to Dice again. Takes 6 months for them to get a game to work right. Wow I cant believe people play WOW. the best thing about WOW was southpark making fun of it.(by far the best episode ever). 7 days 21 hours till black ops(rock2)
  15. Round 2 So I had a clutch hatch last night. I stayed up and kept an eye on them until I could tell most had hatched. Turned down the air a bit. Covered the heater light. Right now I have a whole lot of larvae swimming around. Im not gonna get my hopes up this time but keeping my fingers crossed. Is it normal for them to try and swim to the surface? have a bunch that are sticking there nose towards the surface. I had a few spots that might of been letting light in so I fixed those. Heres to hoping.
  16. My Ocellaris wouldnt go near it when I first got the nem, but I had a little perc and he went right to it. After a while the pair started feeling it out and eventually chased the perc right out of the tank. I have 3 RBTA's in my main tank and they host all 3. have another rbta in my 40 and I just brought home a pair of skunk clowns and they took all of about 4 minutes to find it and begin hosting it. takes time, I have heard of people taking the nemo algae clips and putting them close to entice them.
  17. Man no PC gamers? boooooo. Big gamer, all the COD games, been playing the new FallOut, pretty fun. Cant wait till next tuesday when black ops comes out.
  18. Yes it is. What time tommorow would be good for you?
  19. Great to meet you guys today. Sorry it was kinda crazy at my house.
  20. Nice to meet you David and Amanda today. Hope the frags do well. Still got a bunch of frags left folks.
  21. Thanks David, see you tommorow. Still got a bunch left.
  22. Not really sure how to answer that, the polyps are green, the branches are tan I guess. The bottom picture of the mother colony kinda nails it.
  23. As stated above, there are a number of Reef Safe triggers. I have a pair of blue throats that I have had for coming up on 2 years in a reef. Most well behaved fish in my tank. Dont harrass other fish, never been near a coral, dont touch my shrimp, crabs,snails. Did get a finger nipped a few times by an over anxious male.
  24. The big rock of zoos? Sorry should of numbered that one too. If so I will hold that for ya. Like I said to, I have a few more frags similar to that one, and some green as well. David, got your pm.
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