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Everything posted by talkalot82

  1. Clowns day 6 Most clowns are eating baby brine now. Lost 2 to starvation, but I'm shocked they made it 6 days.. most die on day 3. I suspect there will be no more deaths.
  2. Someone looks sad you're selling
  3. Day 5 Baby percularis Had a few more starvation deaths about 4. But that's common. Next sets of losses will be baby brine. You can have over eating, choking, and appendages damage to organs if shrimp is more than 2 days old. Started baby brine shrimp today. Clowns haven't mastered hunting the brine yet. So only a few have consumed any. Tomorrow they should have that down. Some clowns however will lag, and continue to eat rotifers. In the wild these clowns would not have survived. They would die of starvation and have late Metamorphosis. In retrospect if you can get these clowns to adulthood Pat your self on the back. You did better than nature. Today I also feed very small flakes. The sooner you can get flakes in clowns the fatter they will be with a rounded nutrition. Normally the smallest weaker clown will discover flakes. And soon the rest will follow. Be advised feeding flakes dirty up the tank. soon after feeding it's water change time. The flakes will need to be siphoned off the bottom or ammonia will build up to toxic levels. Water changed are done with airline hoses, and a old credit card. Water is then taken from parents aquarium and dropped slowly back into fry tank. About 20 percent up until metamorphosis will be pulled out daily. Unless tests show larger amount required. So that's today's routine. Below are pictures of what they look like on day 5.
  4. Day 4 Still eating rottifers, Water temperature 79.5 °f .25ppm ammonia which is normal and not harming fry at this stage 7.8 pH
  5. V2bio 1500f sand bed filter never used still in box . $60.00 Comes with media. Decided not to use it. Been sitting in garage
  6. Baby clowns day 2. A lot of clowns are getting bigger and chunky , some are not eating as expected and will not make it. Just like in nature the weak will die. They are being fed rottifers three times a day. The tank is tinted green by live nanno phytoplanton. There are aprox. 50 baby's that hatched. Which was a really small egg clutch for these clowns. I however decided to hatch them anyway. Here's some pictures
  7. Percularis clowns batch three day one. Had a super small clutch. Only about 50 eggs Were layed. But 50 fry are eating rotifers.
  8. I'm in Beaverton today. Are there any stores here
  9. Day 24 Put clowns in grow out tank today. They were hard to catch, but I got them. Didn't have a chance to count them but looks like 30 to 40. All baby's swimming around. I will post a video on the pnwmas face book page.
  10. I also run these on all tanks with heaters and chillers. It's really cheap $35.00. designed for saltwater. Not only control heater and chiller. It has a alarm for if tank gets too hot or too cold. Easy to set and adjust. Alarm can be heard in my house. Inkbird
  11. I use to run eheim Jager but they weren't down hill. And have allot of bad reviews now. And Centeral Pets don't even carry them anymore.
  12. I run all my heaters with controllers and but new ones every year. But I have to order them. My tanks in garage
  13. Aqueon heaters on Amazon up to 300 w only 10 bucks right now. My 100w was only $9.00.
  14. Just about to start grow out tank for this batch. Most have first stripes now. Eating flakes and instant baby brine. I will take them of brine a day before the move to prevent deaths. Later they can go back on.
  15. Tried to do this picture with proper dates
  16. My fry normally die supper small. Like first 9 days

  17. Day 19. Most clowns have first stripes. They are getting big. Few more days and they will be in grow out tank with others. In a few months they will need homes.
  18. I've got baby's but they will take a bit to grow out for homes. They are 40 days old.
  19. It worked though. Here's my second order. I did one order to see if it was real, then this one.
  20. I think it was a 24 hour sale. I loaded up. I've purchased salt at cost before when I worked for aquarium business, and it wasn't that low.
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