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Everything posted by stylaster

  1. Hi Guys I noticed our coral id guide was a bit lacking. So i added new corals to SPS, LPS, and Soft coral ID area. If anyone thinks i mis-id'd something please let me know Roy(rock2)
  2. i run the fishing line right though the middle of the stalk and then around the rock or what ever your trying to attach it to. Set it in a place with low current give it a couple weeks to attach, snip the fishing line and pull out
  3. Just wanted to wish everyone a Happy and Safe 4th of July!(rock2)
  4. you can cut it at the bottom of the stalk, it will regrow in a week or so. The tricky part is getting the top part attached to another rock. I usually sew them on with fishing line, since they are so slimy roy
  5. i have that same 70 watt halide i use to keep chalices and acans, the shrooms that are in the tank right under the light do just fine, just give it time to acclimate to the new light and it will do fine
  6. im positive they are brittle stars they dont get much bigger then 1" or so across, during the night if you go look with a flash light they will usually be out of their holes and crawling around
  7. First one im not sure, the second is a brittle star leg, i have a lot of these little guys in my tank too. Last is a type of sponge, i forget the name, but harmless filter feeder
  8. ooh bummer i like the contrast of the brownish skeleton to the neon green polyps
  9. looks good, do you know what species the purple acro frag is?
  10. Good idea i hardly ever see anyone using the chat feature on here anyway
  11. if you want i can take a look at is Sunday and see how you got it setup
  12. That would be cool if someone wants to be the club videographer
  13. Ok seems like every time i go to the store they never have these snails. I am looking for about 10 of them. They tend to breed regularly, which is why i want them. Anyone have any for sale? Thanks again Roy
  14. im bald that makes me smart and sexy, after all i have a built in solar panel for a sex machine haha
  15. i have a colt coral if you are interested for free only down side is you have to come get it in longview
  16. I run a fan over both of my tanks and then went to home depot and picked up a portable ac unit. That works wonders if you have your tanks in a smaller room (ie spare bedroom)
  17. I had a peice of setosa, never really was impressed by it. I ended up trading mine, not a super fast grower like other montis either
  18. Im looking for a 1-2" frag of the ora australian delicate acropora. If anyone has some pm me thanks roy
  19. Hi Guys Im going to sell one of my prized pieces. It is a red with pinkish highlights enchinophyllia. The coral dimensions are 5" x 4" Im asking 200.00 obo. You will have to come pick up this beauty in Longview, WA. The pic attached is the coral in the upper right hand corner. Thanks Roy
  20. ok cool thanks guys, how do you do your baffles? one low one high one low? or other way around?
  21. I had a great time as well, found out that Bob Fenner and I know quite a few people who have been in the trade a long time. Great job PNWMAS!!!
  22. Hi Guys Im putting together a 125 gallon tank with a 55 gallon sump. The sump is a 55 acrylic tank, so no problems drilling or gluing in partitions. I was wondering if you all have any good suggestions of how it should function. My idea was have one end with the return lines into a filter sock, along with the skimmer located there. Create some baffles then into a algae filter area, some more baffles, then carbon and phosphate remover and then the return line. What do you guys think? roy
  23. that is a large brittle star arm, hes a good 12" from tip to tip. I do water changes every 3 weeks (25%) only fish is a hectors goby which ive had for about 3 months now
  24. Here is my other tank. It is a 29 gallon AGA. No external filtration, just doing liverock and sand. Currently the tank has been running for about 8 months now. It started out as an over stock tank from my 24 gallon and has taken on a life of it's own. I have a 70w 20k halide over it with blue and white leds. roy
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