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Everything posted by madmike

  1. yep, I have a 70 gallon in my garage and noticed it dip into the high 75 range yesterday:(
  2. ^^^^^^ I'd have to agree, my 6 foot tank took about 40 hours to get back to looking new!
  3. If the bulbs are DE i'll take them Mike
  4. yah, the clip just slides in, no click. I thought the same thing...but they work just fine. Just wait till you get your hands on one of the new style tunze's, they can rotate in any direction and really add flow to areas not possible with the older. When the new become more available, you will see alot of older ones for sale on the classified forums for great prices.
  5. Thanks. Isaac from Seahorse was nice enough to sell me one that they had in their frag tank for about 6 months. I just hope he is a slow grower, my 225 isn't scheduled for an upgrade for awhile,lol. 2 frags sold, 2 left. Thanks Mike
  6. One sold. These are going for about $80-100 a frag online when they are available. Mike
  7. I have 4 3/4-1" tyree montipora setosa frags mounted on small rocks that have been encrusting for a couple of months now. This is the real deal purchased as a colony from a 180gallon tank takedown. The colony was started from a frag purchased from tyree at a fragswap. $60 each located in Vancouver, WA Here is a cellphone pic of the mother colony, LMK if you need a pic of the frags. Thanks Mike http://i24.photobucket.com/albums/c24/smithrookie/IMG_0025.jpg
  8. i'm not sure if the JR has the web monitoring, check neptune aquarium systems website, it will list all of the Jrs features vs the ACIII or ACIII pro. http://www.neptunesys.com/
  9. I too run a 57w on my 225gallon reef, but don't really know if it is helping or not. I figure all is going well, so i'll continue to run it.
  10. ACIII all the way. Cheap, practical, and has all of the bells and whistles.
  11. great thanks. I'll drop by next weekend. Thanks again Mike
  12. Thanks for setting one of the larger ones aside for me! The red planet acro is pretty nice also. Ive been looking at all of the ORA corals lateley, they've got some really nice stuff coming out lately. Would you be able to order me a bunch of the newer stuff they have? Thanks Mike
  13. cool, i'll come in sometime in the afternoon. Thanks
  14. What time with the ora frags be in travis? Please hold one of the chilli pepper montis for me, i'll be in tomorrow. Mike (the guy with the red carpet)
  15. wait...no shipping needed, your just in damascus...saw albany from R3's posts,lol.
  16. Are all those colonies in the tank for sale, or just the smaller frags? How much are you looking for for them? larger colonies that is...ballpark? Mike
  17. Unfortunately, I didn't take any pics of the process. I used an orbital sander with sheets of 3m from 400 all the way to I believe 2500 was the highest that TAP plastics carried. Then I went from hand with micromesh from 3000-12000. I was talking with james at envision a short while after completing it and told him it would have been nice if I could have got larger sheets of micromesh to use in the orbital sander and he said that they were available, you just have to call and ask for them. If it were me, I would call and get full size sheets of micromesh and use an orbital sander, I don't suspect that they will be cheap though...but neither is a new tank,lol. You can borrow my dewalt sander and buffer if you want. I think that if you use the right sandpaper and right tools, it could go pretty fast, but may cost a bit. Here is a bad pic of the whole tank after setting up...cant quite get the white balance right with my current camera...need a new camera for christmas,lol.
  18. I took a envision 225gallon down to 400 grit sand paper and worked my way up to 12000 grit micromesh, and then used a dewalt power buffer with novus 3 and 2 and it turned out great! Too bad it took about 40 or so hours to do,lol! There were a ton of scratches so I ended up doing the inside and out. I was lucky that the tank was large enough to stand in while on end so it wasnt so bad getting inside, just a real mess though. Let me know if you have any questions. Mike
  19. Tropic marine pro here, Im able to run a large sps system with a constant water change system and kalk only and my params stay rock steady.
  20. Same here, great local member willing to give great deals on equipment! Thanks! Mike
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