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Everything posted by dsoz

  1. As long as there are lights, and some water movement, you can go a couple of days without a skimmer. Just think of all the people that are running sumpless right now (like me). I do have a HOB skimmer, and a few power heads for flow. My sump is not hooked up yet. I need to move the whole tank to a new room, and will hook it up when it gets moved. Just turn off the equipment until either the snail crawls out, or you smash it with a dowel and knock the pieces out. Stupid snails... dsoz
  2. Thank you for all the work you put into making this site enjoyable! dsoz
  3. They are only nitrate factories if they get full of stuff and not cleaned out. about two minutes of active squeezing and smashing in saltwater usually does the trick to get them clean enough without killing off the bacteria cultures. Good luck with the ones you have left. dsoz PS I agree with holly- amaizing thread!
  4. Are you thinking inside or outside? That does not sound so good. If there is any mistakes in your silicone job, water will leak in between the panes, and that could be a pain in the neck! Also If I was doing it, I would do it right. Remove the old pane and replace it. Otherwise you will have two panes in the back. That can look silly. Especially if condensation happens in betwen the two panes. Check LFS and see if they can order a new piece of top and bottom trim. Breaking the plastic is really easy. Silicone will hold it in place. If you are set on doing it, maybe paint the new piece on the side that will be inside the "sandwich" that may hide any condensation that forms. dsoz
  5. I have never been to Advanced. I can't wait to see what kind of stuff is there. dsoz
  6. Come to the next meeting (post tonight about location). We usually do a sand swap where everyone brings a cup of sand or so. It all gets mixed together and we all take some home. A great way to share with others. I am interested, and Bluecheese usually gets in on the goods.
  7. It is a little bit scary. I did it about 10 years ago on a 55g AGA. The worst part was breaking off all the trim on the top edge. I could not get it off in one piece. I had to order a new top trim piece. I don't remember how much it cost, but it wasn't much compared to the cost of a new tank. After that, it is not much more work than re-caulking all the silicone in a tank. Good luck. If you need help or advice it sounds like there are many people here that can help. Make sure that you smooth the edges of the new pane of glass if they are going to be exposed. This can be done with a diamond bit attachment on a dremmel. You could also use a glass grinder. I have one of these if you need to use it because one of my other hobbies is making stained glass windows. Replacing cracked tank parts is where the two hobbies overlap. dsoz
  8. I would be interested. Do you have pictures? I will PM you.
  9. so sorry for your loss. :(
  10. Mine have long antenna. My larger one also has has spikes off the back of the shell. Teenage mutant ninja stomatella! Heroes on the half-shell! LOL
  11. My vote is stomatella. If it is, they are great! They eat all sorts of algae, and they are supposed to reproduce in our tanks. They look kinda like a slug with a half shell on the top. They come out at night, and move quickly to the shadow when the light comes on. dsoz
  12. Anything bright colored. The dull brown and green of the most comon zoas does not excite me.
  13. I got some nice pieces on Saturday. I don't have pics yet, but the wife and daughter really like the pink stylo. I hope it is a fast grower. It may need to have a dominant spot in my tank (according to the daughter). I should get some pics up on my thread soon. As soon as I can find the cord to connect my camera to the computer (my son lost it...). dsoz
  14. dsoz


    I cannot add anything to the discussion because I am also wondering this. I did want to welcome you to the club
  15. dsoz


    very nice! And nice pics too.
  16. I agree, get from a LFS. I researched this when I got back into the hobby. The stores around here are competative in prices, within a few bucks of most things that I was looking at. Also, I can see the condition of what I get, and I can watch them to see if they eat (the fish, not the store owner). But the biggest reason is to keep the good stores in business. If they don't sell fish they don't stay open. If they don't stay open they cannot help us when there is a crisis. Have you read any of the praise that people have been saying about some of the stores in the area? How they take the time to help US when WE are in need. I have seen people rant and rave on NR about how bad the fish stores are in different areas of the country. I feel lucky to live in an area where the stores are mostly good and descent. my $0.02 Cheers dsoz
  17. How much is "a year or so" in terms of containers of lime? I know it depends on a lot of factors, tank size, animals that use Calcium, etc. I bought one bottle, in anticipation of starting to dose calk. Should I get more? Are we talking bottles, or cases... I have a 45g, lightly stocked with new coral frags. 7 SPS (acro and monti frags), 1 FS (4 heads), 1 candy-cane (1 head, starting to make a second mouth), 2 small stalks of pulsing xenia, less than 100 zoa polyps, a golfball size GSP, and some shrooms. I will be getting a rose BTA in the next month or so. I know that the softies and anemone don't use much (if any) calcium, but the stoney corals do. I have only used the lime to nuke some apstasia that came in on some frags that I got from a LFS. It seems to be working, I have not seen the ones that I have pasted come back (yet). Thanks
  18. In my oppinion, if the choice was chemical water, and fresh mixed, I would choose the freshed mixed. I may be bad, but I don't have the space or resources yet to mix water for 24 hours before use. I am lucky to get it mixed for 1 hour with a powerhead with a venturi for air. I know I am new, and I know I am doing it wrong. I will soon have the space and resources for a water mixing bucket, but it has not happened yet. dsoz
  19. +1 what impur said. Try to salvage what you can. I am sure that bluecheese would also help out with the opperation. I have a dremmel that you can use to chop what you can. Get a cheep 10-20 g to use as a QT. PC lights would probably work for the short term. Or get a used light setup and MAKE IT WORK. Don't give up on it. I would be willing to help you out on Sunday. Powdertang has some individual T5 for $30 each. Or all 8 for $240. If you get them, you could set up a small tank and keep chopping and dipping until the pest is beat into submission. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=4138 Before you give up and throw them all away, give them to someone that is willing to work to see if they can be saved (I would be willing). I have the space, and soon I will have the time. All I would need is a light setup and a couple of powerheads. Maybe you can get some of them (or parts of them) back someday. dsoz
  20. dsoz

    New frags from Josh

    Those are nice. I hope the ones he brings to Portland this weekend are just as good
  21. Not true. I like it! I hope my tank will soon look as good. Love the clam! What type of light is that? dsoz
  22. WOW! I think is the only thing that I can say. I guess owning a fish store has it's perks! I would love to see it when it is finally set up with rock! dsoz
  23. NICE! You need to post some of those pics on Nano-reef.com. The people there would appreciate your setup. When are you going to start fragging and trading some of those pieces?
  24. If you are looking for super glue. I just saw SG gel at Dollar Tree. 3 tubes for... I think it was $1. They were each the 0.07 oz size. I saw them 10 minutes after I bought 3 tubes for $3 at a different store... ARGH!!! I agree with impur. Bluecheese is a great guy, and his offer to let you QT at his house it very generous. Phileppe is the man!
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