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Everything posted by ThePremiumAquarium

  1. Oh looks like the candy store(LFS) has one heck of a customer! Super nice! I think it just might be time for that 90g from Ryan! Scratch that, maybe even a bigger one looking at the variety in that beauty! Good job! Garrett
  2. I will let you know as soon as some are available. Actually I already have lots fragged. Just waiting for the right moment to distribute. I like good growth on my frags. Garrett
  3. Are you willing to ship? If so, I am very interested! Thanks, Garrett
  4. Major bummer about that chip, but everything looks awesome. I cant wait to soo what it all looks like after a while. You are lucky that they are going to replace your tank for you. That rocks! Keep the pics coming! Garrett
  5. Nice video. I love the plumbed in fuge! Garrett
  6. Awesome, and I like H2O's idea. If possible, that would be way cool. This is going to be one cool project. Good luck and think about what James said also. I have seen pop out tanks done before and they look beautiful! Garrett
  7. I would just try and keep as much of your old sand that is in good health i.e. doesn't smell horrible and is not black. Do a good saltwater rinse or two to make sure you get most of the nasty waste particles out. For the future I would make sure and have the following for the SB in your 155bf: nassarus snails x 50-75 sand sifting stars x 3-4 sand sifting cucumber x 2-3 checkered and qween conch x 2 each sand sifting gobie (diamond or twin spots work well) bottom swelling fish like dragonets, jawfish, etc. x 2-3 This of course all depends heavily on the deapth of the sand bed. I would go for a 3-4 inch bed with a mixed grain size. 20lbs 1-2mm width, 40-60lbs sugar grain size or slightly larger, and the remainder of your current sand. this allows for maximum suface area and diversity of critter habitat. Depends on what you like. I have a 4-5 inch SB in my 210g with a mix of Southdown and many different grain sizes of Carribean live sand. I don't have any big grain sizes(over 1-3mm), as I find it to be non benifitial and not attractive. My sand bed is always clean and looks very white. I have tried many different methods in the various systems I have done and find this method to be the nicest looking and easiest to take care of. Garrett
  8. ThePremiumAquarium


    I am not sure. That is a tough call. For the simple issue of finding room for the tank, I would say go with the 72" on back. 48" is still really wide and will make one hell of a cool landscape. Good luck and keep us updated. Garrett
  9. Thats a pretty sweet DIY project. Nice man. Later, Garrett
  10. Welcome welcome. Thanks for the pics. Nice tank! Garrett
  11. I also have a small skimmer that isn't in use at the momment. Its some off name brand, but I have honestly never used it. A week without a skimmer usually shouldn't be to bad for your system. You could just do a water change to help at the end of the week. I went months without a skimmer on my last system and had no problems. I had to do more frequent water changes, but everything did great. Garrett
  12. Well I hope it reproduces often! lol. It really is the hottest anemone I have ever had the chance to look at. Garrett
  13. Thanks everyone for the great comments. I will post more pics soon. My macro lens is acting up and I think I need a new one. Oh and reef-fisher, anytime bud. You live right down the street. I just have to remember to stop by. Garrett
  14. Sweet anemone! That thing is huge. Thanks for sharing, Garrett
  15. No problem. Just let me know when. Garrett
  16. That is killer. If Dave doesn't jump on it let me know. I will jump. Garrett
  17. I managed to grab a couple of new shots of the tank this morning and thought I would share. I will post some more soon. This is a massive blue acro stag I picked up from Ryan about a month ago. It is doing great and has some really nice new growth from peices that broke of during transport. Here are a couple of really nice zoanthid colonies I have aquired in the last couple of months. 1 has a couple of hundred polyps of really awesome blue zoas, and the other has about one hundred polyps of really awesome rainbow palys. This picture is after fraging about 100 polyps off of the rainbow palys. The frags are looking great and have some nice new babie polyps poping up. And here is a cool picture of the hot pink bubble I got just over a month ago. It is now home to two of the 4 pink skunk clowns in the display. The color hasn't changed to the expected rose bubble color yet. It is doing great and has grown nicely. Thanks for checking the new stuff out. Garrett
  18. Alright, here are some updated pictures. Here is a pic about 15 minutes after eating a silverside There are two pink skunk clowns that have decided to host in the anemone. There are 4 in the tank and the other 2 host in the carpet anemone at the bottom of the tank. The anemone has grown quite a bit, but has not changed color. It will be interesting to see what happens over the next couple of months. I feed silversides to both the pink bubble tip and the green carpet 1-2 times a week. They eat quickly and are always out and fully extended. I also have a green bubble tip that I don't usually feed, and it too is doing great(actually has split twice since I got it a couple months back). Thanks for checking it out, Garrett
  19. Welcome and glad to see another reefer on the board in Salem. If there is anything you need help with let us know. These guys are great!. Look forward to seeing some pictures soon. Keep us posted. Garrett
  20. Yeah, I really would like to see something similar to our current banner. Including multiple examples of our hobbies amazing corals, fish, and invertibrates looks great and gives outsiders an idea of they beauty of the hobby. Plus it just looks awesome. Garrett
  21. Tangs rock. Good choice. Very nice tanks. I cant wait to see how this new venture will turn out. Your 125 was very nice. Thanks for posting, Garrett
  22. I will try and snap some real soon. Garrett
  23. Those are sweet. I would be interested. PM being sent Garrett
  24. The pics on RC look very nice. I really like this one. Keep us updated! To cover the blue eggcrate that is showing, you may want to just place some frag epoxy over it and let coraline build up on the epoxy. You might not have to worry about it and the coraline may just cover all of the blue, but if not give it a try. In the future you are going to have to have a bunch of us come down and check this thing out. It really is awesome! Garrett
  25. Most excellent! Nice name and great zoas. Frag them up to make sure that they make it. Plus they usually grow faster when they are fraged I have found. Awesome, Garrett
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