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Everything posted by oldbrownies

  1. Oh, here is america's verson (the origional) http://www.jul.com/
  2. time to start winning the lotery
  3. Does anyone have frags of Stylophora? Reds, Pinks, Peaches? Hopefully on the eastside?
  4. Get one locally if you can, Clowns don't ship very well
  5. I have to say, they do have fish on there that none of the stores I have ever seen have been able to keep. But until I walk into a petco and see a healty reef tank with thriving corals and fish (or just any fish with any health or life left in them). That site makes me sick, hopefully they are just selling directly from wholesalers. But it really scares me that some of the stores I have been into sell anything alive (if you want to call it that)
  6. 13 hours actinic, 12 hours 400 watt MH 10K on a 65 with aragonite sand
  7. If your handy and are able to wire up ballasts and things, lighting can be cheap, check out these guys (hellolights.com) and (reefgeek.com) they usually have nice prices on things they have other equipment too... and for an RO, I would just go with a "bare bones" unit, they are pretty basic, and as your tank starts to get more complicated you can upgrade any RO pretty easily
  8. instead of plastic shavings I used a rough cheap "coral sand" from petco, it grows coralines like crazy too, alot faster than the rocks I made without the sand. if you can't find shavings its a good alternative
  9. Then we'd be looking at a jet powered skimmer
  10. oldbrownies

    Crab ID

    not sure what they are, but I had one like that, more of a purplish color... once he was removed my fish stopped dying in the night
  11. down on the bottom of the page there is a 5 gallon bucket version too
  12. that is one amazing project, I'm really glad to see this kind of bouys going in around these areas that are receiving so much damage from the anchors
  13. hey ron, did I give you a frag of mine? If not I have one
  14. I'm so jealous of that 300 gallon tank!!!
  15. I would switch to reef crystals, not ocean pure. I never really didn't like ocean pure, but thats just my opinion. I assume you are dosing kalk? If not you should, it would help your skimmer to produce a more consistant foam and help to remove phos. Also, how old is the tank, and how long has it been since the most recent piece of LR been put in there?
  16. I have a couple patches of this stuff, one in my overflow and one on a branching hammer, and they never really seem to do anything bad, they do get big every now and again (golf ball size), then I just pluck out a chunk and throw it out. You guys sure its that evil?
  17. Hello, we are Adam and Trent (old and brownies). We live out on the edge of Gresham with our "zoo". We have the 2 chihuahuas (a cow and a rat), a giant rabbit, and 2 tanks a 65 mixed reef, soon to be sps only, and a 55 gallon fowlr, soon to be softies. I (adam) have been in the reef hobby for 10 years now but have only become serious with it in the past 3 or 4, and have kept fish as long as I can remember.
  18. they do use them, with those fake whales they tow behind boats, it scares them for a while, but they are quick to realize that its just humans messing with their heads
  19. superjohnny, are you going to the meeting? I have a frag of white pom pom I could part with
  20. Now if I could only get ahold of a dragonface pipefish here in portland
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