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Everything posted by reefgeek84

  1. Upper Boones Ferry...taken the carmen exit off of I-5, its in the business park 2 next to burgerville, he is set back in there so you will need to look for it...but he is there. Joel's a good guy. Where are you located at?
  2. Animal planet has a special called free diver... A top free diver hits the hottest dive spots in the world...great show.
  3. Oh, I am located in portland, Tanasbourne area.
  4. I looked up quite a few of my cards and they average about 1.00-1.50...I would say at least 600-700 are worth a buck. They are mint condition!
  5. I would say close to 5,000 cards. -4th Ed.( I am pretty sure that is the set, white boarder and no symbol)-Almost full set, alot of the rares (missing 10-15 cards) -Ice Age- Almost full set, alot of the rares (missing 10-15 cards) -Homelans- half a set -Mirage- 30-50 cards -Legends-half a set -The dark- 10-15 cards -Fallen Empires- 3/4 of a set -Alpha- couple of lands -Arabian Nights-only a few -Antiquities- 30-50 cards -Alliances- 10-15 cards I have the "arena", not sure if it is worth anything anymore.
  6. I have a whole bunch of Magic the gathering cards I want to get rid of...I have no idea of an estimate on price...so does anyone know a good card shop I can go to?
  7. I would get a nano skimmer... I would get rid of the damsel if you want to keep another fish... What is your lighting, this will help us figure out what you can keep. Welcome aboard.
  8. No I doubt they are getting mad...if they are then leave that shop, that is what they are there for, for you to learn and get comfortable with everything...Ok, maybe I shouldn't speak for others on this, but if I owned a store I would love people just to come in and chat with me and look around.
  9. That is awesome, congrats and good luck with, make sure to keep us posted.
  10. welcome! Yes, it will not be long before you pull out all the fake stuff you have and start figuring out what body parts you can sell to get a reef tank going.
  11. Thats awesome!!! I would love to have a cold water tank, like steve weast.
  12. No they feed on algae as grazing but they will eat meaty treats, tangs in general are pigs.
  13. Thanks...I yeah I really like the blue monti.
  14. yeah, I thought so...I had to share with someone...what better then everyone here LOL!
  15. Check out had bad these teeth are!!!! www.myuglytheeth.com
  16. Ok, So I am new to this whole macro picture thing..so I tried my best with it... All these frags are from Joel @ Waves, so a big thanks to him.
  17. This is twitterbait's post from TRT. So with the weather warming up (especially here in OR) I figure it would be a good time to tell ya'll what i have been doing on my tank to keep things cool. I know situations vary but if you don't have central AC then these ideas might help. I always watch the weather forecast for the next day and if the temp will be climbing to within 5 degrees of my tank temp i initiate my cool down procedures. first make sure it is cooler outside than in. then unplug your heater in your tank. Open all windows and put a fan blowing in on most but leave a few open with no fan, or a fan blowing out. you need to bring cold air in and push warm air out. go to bed, wake up early 6-7AM and close all the windows and cover all of them (close curtains/blinds, etc...). set your tank lighting to come on at this time and then set it to turn off at Noon. have a fan blowing on the sump or even better on the top of the tank instead, this will blow the heat from your lights away from the tank as well. since your heater is unplugged your tank will probably be in the low 70's, don't freak out, the lower temp means the further your water has to go to heat up. If you have a small window AC unit throw it on powersaver and then close up all the rooms that don't need the cool air from it. the less volume of air the AC has to cool the more efficient it will be. make sure it is recirculating the air in the house not pulling the outside air in. as the day goes on the tank will heat up but it should stay within a good range. you can either set your lighting timer or manually turn on your lights when you get home around 5-6 PM. then let the lights stay on until 11-12 midnight. that will give your kids the light cycle they need in 2 portions and help you manage the temp. if the next day is still warm... wait until the temp outside is lower than inside and start from the beginning. Emergency cooling ideas are as follows... 1. Keep multiple 2-liter bottles of water frozen and float them in the sump. 2. Keep a bunch of RO ice cubes to throw in your tank 3. Throw a fan or 2 on your sump. 4. Allow your water level to drop a little further and then top-off the evap plus some from your cold RO unit/top-off bucket (it is a good idea to keep your RO storage container in a cool dark place for this) 5. Get a chiller, the pacific coast imports 1/10 HP chiller works great for temperature control on tanks up to 200gal! they are not priced to bad either look at $350-400 plus $30-50 for a pump if you need one. I hope these suggestions help. try to keep the tank temp below 82 if you have coral/inverts or 84 if you only have fish. Remember that it is always better to drop the temp fast if it gets too hot rather that trying to do it slowly. the longer the temp stays high the more stressed your babies will be and the more you may lose. I may not have covered everything... and this is all based on my experience. your comments and suggestions are welcome. stay cool
  18. No I totaly completely agree with you. But the internet is out main way of learning and researching what we want to get...but then you come across that and see a 70gal difference, that makes it tough for someone to decide if they can have that fish or not. All the books I have claim any where from 20-40gals for that fish.
  19. Ok, so everyone talks about this fish needs so many gallons to in a tank...but I have always taken that with a grain of salt. Now do not get me wrong I would not put a nurse shark in a 75 gallon tank or a gray angle in a 50 gal tank, but I do not listen to this whole debate to much...My examples... www.liveaquria.com states a potter's angle needs min 30 gals and marinedepotlive.com claims it needs min 100gal. -Marine Depot "Maximum Size: the Centropyge potteri grows up to 5 inches. General Size Specifications: The dwarf angels will come to you generally 2 to 4 inches Minimum Tank Size: The Potter's Angel prefers a tank of at least 100 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim. Diet: The Centropyge potteri is a omnivore and likes to eat marine algae, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, and other meaty treats. Level of Care: The Potter's Angel is a medium maintenance fish. Behavior: The Potter's Angel may act semi-aggressively toward other fish. Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). Range: Hawaii, Hawaiian Islands. General Notes: Centropyge potteri, Jordan & Metz 1912, Potter's Dwarf Angel, is another fish found only in Hawaii. Able to get along with other Pygmy Angels in a tank of at least 75 Gallons or more, due to territoriality. Very shy, and secretive as well, the Potters Angel does not readily adapt to captivity, and is not a fish recommended to be kept in an aquarium. If one chooses to try this fish, it should only be tried in a Reef tank of 100 gallons or more. " Liveaquaira- "The Potter's Angelfish requires at least a 30 gallon, well-established tank with multiple hiding places and live rock for grazing on microalgae. It may attack soft corals and other sessile invertebrates in the reef aquarium. " Even the pros can not come to a general consenses...
  20. Dang it!!! I was hoping it would work out.
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