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Everything posted by reefgeek84

  1. Sat. night I went and saw the movie click... Sandlers movies seem to be hit or miss for me...some I really enjoy and others not so much. I went into this movie thinking it was not going to be very good cause the alot of the movie review sites said it was no good!!! It was any awesome, lots of funny parts and an absolutely wonderful meaning...that I really think everyone can relate to that wants or has a family. Story line was very well thought out, not to much stupid humor humor (which most sandler movies are), this is along the line of "Spanglish". It is sad and to be honest made me shed some tears... But I really think it is worth seeing or at least renting it!
  2. Tomorrow, when the light is on I will take a video of the flow so you can see what the pcx-40 through the oceans motions looks like.
  3. 50 gal corner pentagon... I did all my holes for the returns on the top of my tank... I did this for a couple of reasons, first and foremost, I want less holes in the back of my tank to reduce the many pionts of leaking that would be there if I had an extra four holes... As for placing the holes, which ones?
  4. What kind of anemone is this? It is absolutely stunning!
  5. Ok, well thank you...I was more throwing that out there to see if others agreed with me...I did not need one especally for me...
  6. Oh my bad I did not see that you lived in bend...if you want you can call me when the time comes and run ideas by me... I learned a whole bunch by doing mine... Yes, 1000gph will be plenty I have the pcx-40 with the OM and everything is happy...any more and I think a bunch of sand would be movig around...Plus if you were wanting to go with the pcx-40 it is like 1100 gal an hour at zero ft of head....
  7. Depending how much space you have on the top of your tank, you can drill a couple of holes on the top and put the returns in there... You might want to check the classified forum for the 120 gal eqiutment sale, there is a pcx-40 for sale that would be perfect for the closed loop. I love my oceansmotions...If you want help with plumbing I would be happy to hel...
  8. Yeah, that is what he said...I would love to get that tank and let it sit in storage...until I would have the home to put it in...500gal tank in a 3rd of an 850 sq ft. apartment, might not work on alot of different ways :-)
  9. I have heard table shrimp is fine, is this the case? What is the best thing to feed it?
  10. A plane went into a house and demolished it and ruined two other houses around it. Pilot has died, no other deaths invlolved. A firefighter did go to the hospitol due to heat exhuastion. Was anyone there and did you see it?
  11. I know I was being lazy!!!! I bet he got rid of all the colonies huh? That is awesome if you could catch those shrimp devoring a starfish would be cool, pics but vid would be better.
  12. Well for some people they work on Sundays...so that makes it kind of hard...or to far of a drive or have prior commitments, I just did not want to go today...but most weekends I am out doing family functions sort of things...So having pictures and a simple write up of how it went would be nice for those of us who really could not make it.
  13. How did the meeting go? anyone got any good photos? I think there should be a thread created after each meeting with an overview of the meeting and someone who goes alot should take some pictures so we can see that stuff.
  14. it sounds like you are running the same type of set up.... The Gen X will be much better!!! Do not go with the sqwd, get an oceansmotions if you are going that route. Why are you splitting the return off the sump? Why not just run the all the return water from the sump to a sea swirl?
  15. Ok, thanks guys...I did a little re-arranging and the Jawfish has his own space, when he goes to work a little more, I will post a video on why everyone should have a jawfish Thanks for the helps guys.
  16. I have a serpent star and my Jawfish, thought the rock that the serpent lives in would be a good home. Now I have heard rumors about brittle stars eating fish, but what about the serpents? I do not worry about the star eating other fish, but when the jawfish sleeps with him, I do not know if that would be too tempting...anyone with expeirence?
  17. (drinking) (drinking) (party) (party) (party) (party) Huge Happy Birthday to Spayne (party) (party) (party) (party) (drinking) (drinking)
  18. Also set it up to where you can use Loc-line to direct the water flow...I did not at first and have switched to it since and I love it and so do the corals.
  19. Honestly, go with an external, I was going to run a mag 9.5 and Rich told me I would need more flow...I was convinced it would be fine...story short.... I have now have a gen X external pump. If you want random flow I would go with an oceansmotions, I love mine!!!!!!!
  20. Sweet ,thank you that is what I thought...I just wanted to make sure.
  21. Ok, so I oicked up a diamond goby from Joel, and he is healthy bit is not shifting through the sand (wife) (wife) , he is just building a burrow under a rock and just hanging out in there and a serpant star in there (which worries me slightly)...But my quesiton is has anyone else had a sand shifting goby, not shift sand after being introduced into a new tank. I mean he has only been in there a couple of days, and I am thinking maybe he is just making a home...but its almost like he is a shrimp goby...So has anyone else expeirenced this?
  22. A LTA when the lights turn on, I'll take somepics.
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