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Everything posted by Twitterbait

  1. Yes this is a fish site, and yes this is out of bounds. This thread would be gone long ago on some other forums because of the nature of the subject. the one rule we need to follow NO FLAMING I am on both sides of this thing and yes i can see it going both ways. in the end there are responsible folks and morons and i have met both. I think Mr. nugent had a good track on things with his comment but i also agree that if everyone had a gun in a large riot you would have a lot of dead people. Usually people who have a gun will stay and fight and that is noble, people who are unarmed will usually run, and that is wise. in the end you need a little of both or we would have a lot more dead people. I plan on getting my CWP eventually. Take a look at the statistics for the average police office (who is trained) to hit a moving target at close range... only 1 bullet in 9 will hit the target. you get further away and it gets much worse. now get some normal citizens and that could be a lot of stray bullets. I support the ownership of guns as long as it is by responsible people who keep them secure and keep themselves trained. I won't even discuss the stats of people who have their weapons used against them. I prefer a knife anyways, but then again that takes training too.
  2. get a FW sample from it and take it to a shop with a copper test kit
  3. I am sorry to hear Joel. I wonder if he got narced (nitrogen narcoses) and that may have contributed to the panic attack. It is unfortunate. these guys on the rebreathers are nuts because they usually don't get a chance to decompress fully because they are running for the surface. Sorry to hear.
  4. regardless of what anybody says, never use copper. it is evil stuff. the only reason it is showing ich is because there is something stressing the fish. what are your parms and does the fish have enough room to swim and places to hide?
  5. I am interested. Lemme know what you want for it.
  6. Ok a couple of things, 1. I was in Russia for 2 years back in 97-99 so i know what really happened in Chernoble as well as a site in Chelyabinsk that was much worse. And in ALL cases it was because some idiot turned off the safety systems during testing. they wanted to see if the reactors would cool themselves down if the safety systems failed and as we can see, it didn't work. Russian and east european reactors use liquid graphite to cool the reactor core. the problem with this is that liquid graphite tends to heat up when it runs uncontrolled through the system. American reactors use ammonia to cool them which has a tendancy to cool down when run uncontrolled. this alone makes american reacotrs much safer. #2. who told you they have no storage for nuclear waste? they have been storing waste in deep underground facilities for decades. they combine the waste with glass prior to long term storage. there have been tons of material that has been reconstituted into uranium for reactors again and again (yes, you can recycle nuclear material) I know a guy that works in nuclear waste reclimation and i know it is being done. when it comes down to it, yes it is not clean. but for the power you get it is the cleanest most effecient energy out there.
  7. Personally, i prefer nuclear. while it does have waste, they have found ways to reconstitute the waste again and again for use with less disposed waste. granted you gotta bury the stuff deep it is still one of the most effecient means of electricity and a correctly run reactor will have less ambient radiation than the surrounding area (federal law). The only time there have ever been reactor issues/problems have been when the safety systems have been shut off for testing. I say build a nice massive reactor complex in the middle of the nevada desert. solar is still pretty lame and wind has problems chopping up birds. geothermal only works where you have a source and those areas are inherently unstable. you don't want to go building a large power plant next to an active volcano... who would give you insurance??
  8. well, my turkey preparation started today (saturday) and will progress in stages till thursday to culminate in the most perfect, juicy flavored bird you could ever hope for. This year will also include stuffing in the bird for the first time and it is the secret family recepie so i know it will be friggen awesome. being a single guy my menu will be very simple. Turkey (27lbs), stuffing, mashed potatoes (skin on), and gravy on EVERYTHING!!! and of course pumpkin, bananna cream, cherrychocolate pies.
  9. you point out a very important problem with hydrogen cars. the most powerful and damaging greenhouse gas is... wait for it... water!!! i still like the idea of hydrogen cars best if they could find a good way to get the gas to us. you would be amazed (or not) at the technology out there to make cars more effecient. the problem is that the oil companies are still doing their best to buy the technology and then bury it as deep as they can. in the end they want to ride the gravy train as long as they can. just think about it, when we no longer need oil the only thing the middle east will be good for is gonna be sand.
  10. sounds good. let me know where you want to meet. I have good friends at some of the LFS's (rosecity for one) that may make a good meeting spot.
  11. what guarantee do we have that this will be accurate when the time comes? I hope so. thanks for the link.
  12. ok ron, for you i signed it.
  13. I have a mask, fins, and snorkle. and the suit probably won't fit but i am interested in the rest. PM Sent
  14. I will help you but you will have to come out here... my car is not trustworthy. Plus i have extra bits and pieces in case you missed something i can donate to the cause. if interested just PM me.
  15. Let me know what your clearing out. I am moving into this hobby fast.
  16. are you sure your RO membrane is seated properly?
  17. if you are coming up near beaverton or hillsboro i will buy
  18. Please let me know what you have left and if you have a stand for any of them.
  19. do you need the router or the adapter for the computer?
  20. Thanks for bringing the tank all the way from Kaiser! It looks great and i cant wait to get going on it.(rock2) Mike is great to buy from and totally reasonable.(clap)
  21. Beleive it or not i do agree that we should always be diplomatic. N Korea is a good example assuming Kim Jung Il actually starts to feed his people finally... but unlike many pacifist i beleive that there comes a time where talking is not worth it anymore and action is required. Regardless of the reported reason, the plight of the people in iraq warranted action over talk this time. Yes i support the war over climate change. homelessness, hunger, pain, and suffering too... you talk about how the money from the war could have been used on so many things... what about the money spent on global warming? I won't even go into my opinion on the accuracy of these studies I was feeling a little defensive but i am doing better. I know we can have a civil discussion. I am sorry if i tread on someones beleifs, it is not my intention.
  22. No prob Drock, let me try to clarify, 1.. If abortion is not legal (except in extreme cases of rape, incest, etc...) then there are no fetuses to throw away. i would be able to support it more if they would use the stem cells from the umbilical cord seeing as how there are tons of those every day with each child birth and they would have an ample supply. 2.. My decision to support the war is due to the 2 options we had. one thing people fail to say when discussing WMD is that he did have them, he just didn't have the ones they were looking for. They found tons of chemical warheads when they got in there, they just didnt find and biological warheads that they initially thought they had. so the 2 options, Saddam Hussein or us? on the one side you have saddam, he kept control through tyranny and murder of his people. he was almost a microchasim of Stalin who seemed to be loved by the populace but behind the scenes was killing millions. the people had no freedom, no rights, trade embargos that limited supplies, hunger, and fear of being killed for speaking out. on the other side you have the american occupation. Beleive it or not... YES IT WILL BE TEMPORARY with our guys you have freedom, rights, a blooming economy, more respect on the world stage, resumed international trade with no embargos, expanding technology, jobs, and the ability to make something more of yourself. Yes there are problems but have you taken a moment to actually look at the problems based on the reports, not the media? The terror cells and extremests have done a good job pinning the violence on us but in the end it is civil war between the sunni and shia with us caught trying to keep order. This is the dicisive time for the population of that country to decide for themselves if they can last together. under saddam everyone was somewhat equal in their fear of being killed so they had no time to fight over differences... but now you have terrorists trying to cause problems by creating the rift between the factions. it is not our boys being over there that is the problem. we could walk out tomorrow but then you would have full on civil war and deaths of millions that would make the rwanda tragedy look like nothing. so yes, we are kinda stuck there while they learn to live together. Yes we will lose more solders. but in the end they will come together and we will leave. I choose to beleive that when it is all said and done that country will have a much better future when we are done. it is just going to be a hard road to get there.
  23. besides, my buddies have informed me of a much more pressing problem than global warming. http://www.dhmo.org/
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