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Everything posted by Twitterbait

  1. I run BB so i only do 4 hours of MH.
  2. I have some information for the admin to consider... you may want to consider ditching flashchat... it has been found to contain some severe vulnerabilities lately on bigger boards. We may be at risk of having a hacker get our MySQL list of usernames and passwords. The same issue has been found with the pager system. We almost had a disaster on another board with it. I would recommend ditching it as well. To replace both of them i would look into a module called Chatbox. it is an active chat module that loads at the top of the forum pages. it also offers the ability to have a mod channel. if you must have flashchat i would recommend pulling it off of the forum and place it on the website with it's own MySQL database for username and passwords. everyone would have to register seperatley for it but at least it wouldn't compromise the forum. just some heads up. if you want info on chatbox let me know and i will see what i can get.
  3. Eheims are great. or you can shell out some $$$ and get a red dragon.
  4. that happens when there is new construction on the same supply line.
  5. yup! get it out while you can. shame i don't have the money or i would buy the baby from you
  6. you could always use some active carbon... for both problems
  7. in general you should wear eye protection and some kind of gloves when working in the tank. if you don't get hit by a coral toxin you may get infected by some free floating bacteria.
  8. I like my Ushio 150w 20k DE bulbs.
  9. as i have stated elsewhere... firefish are girlyfish and will be eaten by more agressive fish. get something manly
  10. What is included in the dual 250w setup?
  11. With the recent questions about Zoo toxins I would like to recommend that you all print this link off and keep it near the tank. If you get hit with Zoo juice then take it with you to the doctor. it will provide them with the information they need to treat you correctly and quickly. http://www.cbwinfo.com/Biological/To...oxin.html#0001
  12. I can understand the low tide smell... but farts??? hmmmm....
  13. would love to grab the truevue 100 but i won't have the $$$ till after the 15th of oct...
  14. my parents resolved it by giving us a list of chores if we demanded to be entertained or complained about being bored... after a while we learned to occupy ourselves.
  15. 5 months to cycle? wow. what did you add to the tank to cycle it?
  16. time for a bump. i really need to sell as i am moving soon
  17. I figured since he is in our club that i should point out that Steve Weast made TOTM on TRT for his cold water setup! he did an awesome writeup for it and it is a great read. For those with access here is a link. http://www.thereeftank.com/forums/plain.php?page=/totm/sept07.html awesome tank man!
  18. honestly i don't really care too much so i will stick to my favorites. GO DUCKS GO STEELERS
  19. um... yes i have a keep the change account. no it doesn't cost me anything. and yes i have made some money off of it. Any bank is going to sell you stuff... that doesn't mean you have to say yes :p I think it is kinda funny that joel, a business owner trying to make money... would expect another business not to do the same thing?
  20. I actually do outside contract work for LFS's that need help. I have a normal 9-5 job otherwise. IMO the best way to protect the corals is to have your own diver who you know is following the rules and not using bad methods. The shop i help at from time to time has this relationship with the divers. mac certification is just more inneffective red tape.
  21. They are not going to care what a bunch of foreigners say... just my .02
  22. newegg, SATA, RAM... sounds like they have it covered. Also look for something with dual channel memory if you can get a dual core. it will double your FSB speed and make the system run much faster.
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