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Everything posted by spayne

  1. spayne

    tank stand

    Fabulous stand! I do like the roll out sump idea. Make it a bit more accessible! It is amazing how much money these little boxes of water can suck right out of you. We have so much money invested in rock for the 240 and it still needs a bunch more! (crazy) Stacy
  2. That is a great name for a cat! I've always enjoyed the more creative names for pets. Next time serve clown fish in a nice zoa sauce! Wow! I can't believe I said that, being a cat lover and all. Bob! You're rubbing off on me! :eek: Stacy
  3. Nobody likes me, everybody hates me... I guess I'll go eat some worms! (drooler) Just kidding! Hey, Fluffy! Let Jay and I know if you want something out of our tanks for the school! BTW, you're lucky Ryan had another tort frag... yours was just about to mysteriously disappear out of his tank! plotting Stacy
  4. FYI... Jay is out there all by his lonesome. What is he playing? Oblivion! He could have taken it out and put in GRAW if he wanted to! naner I had a period where I was pretty obsessed with that one! I even played it online a few times. It's incredible... you think you're pretty good at a game, you go online and all the 12-year-olds wipe up the floor with you!
  5. Aye aye! Love them zoos, too! (drooler) Stacy
  6. Dang! I'm sorry about your curious kitties! That's why they're considered one of the number one killers in the animal kingdom. They kill indiscriminately. Bugs, fish, rodents... heck, I think if I died my cats would probably partake of me as well. hungry Love 'em all the same! We've been lucky so far. The 240 is in-wall so they can't get to the fish. But my 20 is open top. So I may be cussing a cat in the future myself! They are far more interested in the 240 though. More action in that tank. Good luck figuring out some way to keep the cats away! Squirt guns, loud noises (change in a pop or beer can), double sided sticky tape. You might look into some of the sprays to repel the cats, but I don't know how that would do with the reef. Could be chancy. Stacy
  7. There might be a couple of you who have wondered why I've suddenly dropped off the face of the planet. Course, there may be many of you that don't give a rat's crack either! We have an Xbox 360 and I made the mistake of getting "the Elder Scrolls: Oblivion" for it. OMG! I can't stop! It's like crack for me! (drooler) I swear, I'm going to get bed sores on my butt from sitting down all day playing it! Yes, boys and girls... I am obsessed! I openly admit it. Course, I'm okay with my addiction! It was pretty funny when we went into "EB" so I could get the guide to the game and the kid at the counter asked which one of us was playing it. Of course he looked right at Jay. Girls don't like games for crying out loud! That's just not right! So, just letting you know that I still exist! Feel free to say what games have gotten you into a gaming binge! Might be an interesting thread to show that I'm not the only wacky gamer in PNWMAS! Incidentally... how many of you have played a game, like "Doom" and when you try to go to sleep your brain is still running through the corridors? Just nutty! Okay, I have to get back out there and make sure Jay isn't messing up my game. I may be addicted, but I like him enough to let him play my game and trust that he won't destroy all of my progress! Stacy
  8. I'll put Stewie munching on a bristle worm back in! Stacy
  9. We like them! Even though the digi frag fell into one of them and killed it. Monti vs frogspawn... froggie wins! rofl Stacy
  10. I use PhotoBucket to host my images and use the image tag to link the picture to my post. PhotoBucket It's a good site. I like it! Stacy
  11. Here's our frogspawn. I measured it at 7", but Jay told me that girls don't know how to measure so it's probably wrong. :mad: The kicker is, we broke him in half trying to get a frag. So technically, he's 14"! Okay, that's cheating! Darn it! What if I glued them back together? naughty Stacy
  12. No kidding! I think Terminator has a jet pack somewhere! Crazy fast! Stacy
  13. If worse came to worse, we still have the 72 bow out back on the deck. Just need to reseal it and fix the brace that the halides melted! Stacy
  14. Thanks, Miles and Keith! When I saw him perched in the cap, I had to get a picture of it! Don't flush him, Bob! wife You sound like Jay, who also hates him with a passion. But he's got way too much character to ride the porcelain express. rofl Taunting you with more smileys, Keith! Did the PM I sent work? If not, here's the URL to my smiley stash! Smileys Galore! Stacy
  15. Destroyer of snails and hermit crabs. King of his domain. Former winner of "POTM" on the old site and my avatar. He's by far my favorite fish, although Jay hates him with a passion. He chalks up his livestock losses on the poor guy. He tries to say he's going to get rid of him, but I fight him tooth and nail. Besides, he's too darned photogenic to exile! Stacy
  16. Thought I'd post a few pics of my new zoanthids that I got at the meeting. Not my best camera work, much to my dismay though! But it gets the idea across. I got these blues from Rich (H20Cooled). Really bad picture. I have tried and tried to get a better one. I imagine once they're settled in and happier I'll have to move them into a better picture taking vantage point! These are surprise zoas from Roy (rmhuntley). We have him a frag of xenia and he had these extras from fragging. So bonus for us! And the last two pics are shots of the zoas I bought at Upscales after the meeting. Three different kinds on one rock. So now I'm up to 14 different varieties of zoas in my tank! My little toxic garden! Stacy
  17. Here's my favorite coral! Got it from Ryan at Advanced before the February meeting at Mike's. Thank goodness we stopped in early instead of waiting until after the meeting. Lots of people were apparently interested in it! Stacy
  18. Yes! Bring on the smileys! Okay, I know... off topic. But it makes me happy to see my contributions being used! Get the rest of them in there, Keith! naner (I know you have your hands full... just ribbing you!) Stacy
  19. I don't blame you guys for toying with it then "coming to your senses". Those are some big shoes to fill! Ryan has done such a spectacular job this past year, it would be a little intimidating to follow him. Plus being president is a big job for no pay. Granted, you'd have the support group of your fellow officers... but when you get right down to it the presidency of the club would be a rather daunting task! I have never toyed with the idea. Far too intimidating! Hopefully someone steps up though! I think Jay would be great as prez, as well as you and several other people. But it would be a huge undertaking! So we'll see what happens when the threads open up when people pitch themselves for the position! But I can tell you one thing right now... you won't see me in the presidency thread! scary Stacy
  20. Woo hoo! I only got "I can't believe you did that" about fifty times. No bruises or trips to the hospital for me! He was thinking about it though! :p Stacy
  21. Hey, thanks for fixing my smiley coding, Keith. I got to fix all of one! You're quick! You rock2! Stacy
  22. You go right ahead! If I find more good ones I'll send them to you, for there can never be too many quality smileys in the world! Stacy
  23. Yes, Jay should be pleased when he finds out I outed him. I wonder if he'll squeal like a little girl with skinned knees when he read this! popcorn Stacy
  24. I've got more where that came from! I'm a smiley junkie! rock2 Stacy
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