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Everything posted by spayne

  1. I've been thinking of finding a used remora myself for my 20L. Originally I thought that frequent water changes would suffice for going skimmerless. I don't know how those other people do it without a skimmer! T5s are going to be sweet on your tank! And as for flow, I'm seriously thinking of making a "HOB" closed loop so I can get the clunky powerheads (the sweeps that stop working after a while that we used for our 72) out of the tank. It's amazing how much real estate equipment takes up in nanos! Pictures! You'd better start a thread and post as you go so we can see how things progress! Stacy
  2. Happy birthday! party (drinking) party If I didn't live so far away I'd buy you a pint/yard/keg... whatever you folks on the other side of the pond are accustomed to! Stacy
  3. Nice! I'm way excited about this exhibit! Stacy
  4. spayne


    I love how the smiley is in the link! :p That was funny! Nice find! The close up of the "business end" was priceless! Stacy
  5. Thank you... now I feel totally normal. Well, okay. Normal might very well be stretching it for me. Not quite ready for the strait-jacket! That bit showcased exactly why I find owls rather unsettling. I've always thought their eyes are rather human in appearance. They are one of my favorite birds though. Owls and "stick birds" (herons). Love 'em! Stacy
  6. I am so there when that exhibit is up and running. I absolutely love inverts! Way better than fish! I hope we do another group pilgramage to the aquarium. We missed the one last year. Stacy
  7. See, it's the reef gods spanking you. All of your extra money should be going into your tanks, not silly computer parts! rofl Stacy
  8. I remember playing some silly, text based game on a Vic20. At least, I think that's what it was. And incidentally, I'm not old! (wife) Stacy
  9. Step away from the computer! You, sir are to a computer what kryptonite is to Superman! (enforcer) Stacy
  10. I have a penchant for bizarre dreams. Not dreams such as I-want-to-bowl-au-naturale-with-the-bowling-ball-ablaze, I'm talking weird dreams. Jay thinks I'm absolutely nuts, because I have to tell him about them. Because honestly, I'm just as flabbergasted as he is by my cerebral hairballs that get spewed while I slumber! Last night, I dreamed that I was in a strange house. I went to the laundry area where the cat litter boxes were kept. A black and white spotted octopus, out of water mind you!, was crawling on the floor just about to eat my kitten, Boo. In the same house, I went into a bedroom... my dad's bedroom I think. He had his bed set up but didn't have much room because there was already a huge bed in there with two matching beds (frames and all!) stacked on top of it. Just weird! And don't get me started on the I-forgot-my-locker-combination dream, which really stresses me out, or the I-need-to-empty-my-bladder dream. Nothing quite like dreaming about going to the bathroom over and over and getting absolutely no release from it. Well, I hope I never get "release" from it or that will be a whole new thread for me to start. DOH! FYI, I don't do drugs. rofl So for those of you that think I'm crazy, there's your proof! Course, I'm hoping that there's a few others of you out there that will confess your off-the-wall dreams for everyone's amusement! popcorn Stacy
  11. You are absolutely right. I try very hard not to offend people when I post. In fact, after I write up my post I will preview the post to read it and put myself in the other person's shoes to ensure that I'm not writing anything inflammatory. It is very difficult to convey the appropriate emotion with the written word and many times I have written something and realized that it could be taken the wrong way. The other thing is that sometimes things should really be kept out of threads and taken to private messaging. Some things just don't need to be seen by everyone's eyes. Especially those things that are going to fuel a lot of negativity and dissension. We have to remember that other people who aren't familiar to the club are reading these posts... and I suspect that sometimes we may scare the heck out of them! I'm not saying that these things shouldn't be said. Take them to pm'ing. At the risk of sounding like a hippie (though I do live near Eugene and it's to be expected) we need to try to make this place, as well as TRT, as harmonious as possible. We will learn best in a happy environment. And our sponsors won't be saying "I'm not going to support these bickering losers anymore"! Just kidding! I had to crack a joke! Stacy
  12. Prison aquascaping! I can see the potential with that. You may start a new craze! rofl Stacy
  13. You're on! (clap) There was a beta of FFXI(?) in the Xbox magazine. I tried it for a couple hours, but just couldn't get into it. But I also had absolutely no idea of what I was doing which could have been a part of the issue. I had never played a MMORPG before... or FF for that matter. Then again, I didn't like the previous Elder Scrolls game and I CAN'T STOP playing Oblivion! (crazy) Stacy
  14. Drats! And I suppose you don't have a spare HD lying around like you did with the mobo? Stacy
  15. I had to take our two kittens in to the vet today to get spayed. sad Poor little guys, all walking funny and WHACKED OUT on drugs! One of them is acting as though she was smoking some crack out behind the vet. Won't sit still, just on the go. I imagine she's a bit on edge from being cooped up in a kennel all day though. The other one is acting like she's been taking too many bong hits. Eyes all glassy and staring a lot. I hated doing it to them, but having the cats spayed or neutered is a necessary evil. Especially when both of them went into heat once. Touch my butt, love my butt, smell my butt! DOH! Thank goodness humans aren't like cats! Imagine that, if you will. You're waiting in line at the grocery store and... okay, I guess I should just stop right there before a mod smacks me! whistle Stacy
  16. (comp) So, you let the Magic Smoke out of the computer when you cracked the case, eh? That sucks that you possibly blew the mobo! I'll put in a few words for you to the Great Computer Gods that things will be restored as quickly as possibly and that they don't smite you again. :p Stacy
  17. spayne

    tank stand

    Yeah, a DIY rock meeting! That could be great, messy fun! Stacy
  18. I'll holler at Jay (Chief) and tell him to get you hooked up with the club. Stacy
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