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Mr S

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Everything posted by Mr S

  1. Hang in there. There are lots of grant possibilities out there. Try NSF or NSTA or even NOAA. They have lots of grant opportunities. I have always had better luck with grants from science organizations versus district stuff. You could also hit up the local LFS's to see how much they could donate. I assume you would gather your own livestock locally at the beach. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
  2. We make rock at school. I don't follow any of those recipes. I use Portland Cement, Oyster shells and acrylic shavings. The acrylic shavings make the rock lighter and stronger. I just eyeball the mixture til it is the consistency I like. I then do wacky stuff with it like pouring it over an inflated rubber glove. Makes for lots of caverns and caves. You can shape it all sorts of ways. The main thing is that you need to cure it for awhile after you make it. There are several ways of curing. I am patient about this so I just put it in fresh water with a powerhead and change the water at least once a week. Some people add vinegar to speed up the process but I dont. Hope this helps. I think we could possibly do a rock making workshop at my classroom some Saturday or Sunday if there is enough interest.
  3. not a problem with kids so long as they know how to behave!!! grownups also LOL
  4. There is another thread giving addresses of the intended hosts.
  5. Mr S

    First Rics

    I can usually tell by the price I paid for them. Yumas really expensive. Floridas cheap!!!! lol
  6. My vote is a red sea dejardinaii sailfin tang. Cool fish
  7. ps, if anyone else wants to sign up, put your name and address on this thread.
  8. okay. Here is what we got!!! Thanks to the people who volunteered their homes. Sunday, Oct 15th from 2 til they tell you "NO" (4 to 6) reefhut: dc chemist: H2O cooled: Thanks again the above people. YOU ROCK! have a good time(laugh) Edited out addresses. Info will given out at a central meeting location with maps. Jay
  9. I think Salem can be what ever we want it to be??!! Randy I think the offer of Vancouver works. It gives people a chance to visit wherever they want to. Same thing with your Mike. Maybe CCR will also sign up in Salem for tours. Let me know if you guys want to host.
  10. So far only one person has signed up to be on the tank tour. Don't be shy. We need more people. No one cares if the house is dirty. (only your tank!!!)(rock2) PM me if you can be on the list!!!!! The tour date is October 15th. Tours will start at 2 and run til 4-6 whatever the host wants.
  11. Well, silly me I put it to the kids to vote on. Showed pictures and everything of potential inhabitants and the overwhelming vote was an octopus!!!! I will post pictures. At this point I am making the escape proof lid and will then release the critter. It will not be a poisonous one and I realize that the life span of an octopus is about a year but I have researched quite a bit and think it is ethically okay. And futhermore the kids are stoked about it. Will keep you posted.!!! A fun thread. Thanks for all the input.
  12. Advanced has the medicine. Give them a call first.
  13. Put some nori in there and also try Mysis shrimp if you have not already. Or some macro algae
  14. I have a 29 gal tall that I am setting up for the kids in my class. I can't decide what to put in it so I figured I would do a forum thread. More input the better. Here are my options so far. 1. An invertebrate tank focusing on every type of shrimp that can live happily together. (no Mantis) 2. An Angler fish (but live feeding is a drag and would probably get parent phone calls) 3. A symbiotic tank. (clown and anemone) and a (watchman and pistol) 4. No seahorse tank (they are a pain) I am not at school on weekends 5. A pipefish tank? do they eat mysis and can the go the weekend without being fed. 6. Any other suggestions? 7. Put a halide on it and do a crazy zoo tank
  15. Still using paint program and then importing. My color does not look like this in my tank. The green is much more bright. Any suggestions?
  16. here is another pic of zoos
  17. I will need instructions on using photobucket. I am computer challenged!!!
  18. Okay, on October 15th we are having the north of Wilsonville tour de tanks. It will include Portland and all outlying areas, and Vancouver. People interested in being visited should give me an address and what part of town they are in. I will then post all interested parties and people can hook up and car pool or visit by themselves. Hosts are under no obligations to give frags, supply food or drink, or be friendly if people show up at 7! The touring will start at 2 and run til around 6. If this time is not conveniant the let me know when you pm me and I will state your hours for visitation. It should be a great time. Don't forget to pm me if you want to host.
  19. It just proves my point that all the duck fans except it sounds like Travis live in Eugene!!!
  20. I think OSU's defensive backfield will be what makes or breaks us. I was rather miffed that all Gunderson got to do was kill time with hand offs. He did not get to throw the ball. Both O line and D line were quite impressive. The defensive back really was not put to the test. Always an OSU Achilles heel. It will be interesting to see who rises. I think this year will be more exciting because there are no overwhelming standout teams.
  21. What, aren't those football players you are growing in your tank?
  22. Get a couple of more chromis. When they are in groups of 3 they have a tendency of 2 picking on one. If you can make the drive to Albany some afternoon it would be worth the trip. Bring a cooler and lots of baggies. I can also show you what it going on with my tanks. Let me know ahead of time though because I might want you to run an errand for me.......heh heh heh.
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