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Everything posted by WAVES

  1. If your up north,,, Id hit Vivid aquariums for sure,, epic corals.
  2. As always folks there is more to the story, however a public discussion is not appropriate. Also no other stores "complained" about the group buy, it was brought to my attention as it was a violation to MAP pricing. I request to be informed from all of our dealers of MAP violations. MAP pricing is in place to keep margins healthy for all stores so LFS can survive. This hobby would be gone without them. There are no stores in town to be "blamed" for the situation. -joel
  3. Gate valve mod would probably help too, but I agree I think it just needs to break in better.
  4. so lame these all got combined, now this thread is meaningless. Will repost all available skimmers.
  5. http://www.pacificcoastimports.com/product.cfm?sid=19731181N83553161500102T1274043338951E204U144U56U100R44251150P26&p=149&cs=products%2Ecfm%3Fsid%3D19731181N83553161500102T1274043338951E204U144U56U100R44251150P26%26c%3D24%26kys%3D%26pg%3D2
  6. http://www.pnwmas.org/forums/showthread.php?t=18063 $15 used Danner (Mag Drive company) UV unit.
  7. It was brought to my attention this is not an ATI skimmer, I was mistaken, what I believe it to be is ATB not ATI. Sorry for the confusion,, Admin, if you can adjust the thread title that would be awesome!
  8. SOLD I vote we remove the 10 character BS post rule.
  9. I have a tank, but no regs. $60 for the 5 pounder
  10. Saturday is about my only day, or late in the evening. Im at the hospital still (wife has been here 7 weeks) most of my time when not at work. Since your in Vancouver, I could meet you on a lunch some time too, since I work off 78th and Fruit Valley Road area.
  11. no idea where to find lamps, but Im sure some poking around on google would tell you. I am sure it doesnt leak.
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