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Everything posted by Chief

  1. Just curious. What browser are you using? We had this problem a while back, and I try to dig up the solution. Jay
  2. I heard a while back that you could freeze some RO water into an ice cube and rub that on the anemones foot and they will let go. I have never tried it myself, but you never know. :eek: Jay
  3. I would love to help, but I am still broken from the bike accident. I make a great supervisor!!! (laugh) I'm sure we can get some people together to get this done. Jay
  4. What kind of inhabitants are in the 55 now? What kind of tank would you like to have? Flow and lighting are very dependant on the type of animals you would like to keep. I agree with you on not wanting powerheads in the tank. I like the look and function of a closed loop. If you are going the closed loop route, I would suggest getting a Oceans Motions 4 -way to randomize your flow. It is the one regret that I have from my tank build. I should have put one in. Welcome to PNWMAS. I look forward to meeting you at the BBQ. Jay
  5. Ditto. I'll get the difference when I pick mine up. Jay
  6. Thanks everyone. I'm gonna live. No permenant damage, mostly road rash. DOH! I was lucky I didn't break my nose or any teeth. Oh well, I needed a vacation anyway. See everyone at the BBQ. I'll be the guy wearing the football helmet so I don't hurt myself. (laugh) Jay
  7. Very nice job Andy. Love the stand. Jay
  8. It's looking sweet Rich. I like the pvc bends. Might have to try that when I redo my plumbing this winter. Very nice. Jay
  9. Need more info. Is the tank parallel or perpendicular to the joists? How far apart are the joists? Size of joists? You want to set the tank evenly over the joists. I have heard that some people set their stands on 3/4 inch plywood to even out the weight, but I am not sure if that helps much. I decided to put my 240 gallon in the garage because of the weight. 240 X 8.6 = 2064 lbs live rock = 370 lbs tank/stand = 200 lbs about 2600 lbs. That's more than a ton of weight so I thought that the concrete floor was the safest option. Most homes should be able to handle the weight of a 120, but do some research before you set it up. Tell us about the joists. Jay
  10. I'll give it my best shot. R1 - Krux - Ryan J. ( former president of PNWMAS ) R2 - R2R2 - Ryan M. ( owner of Advanced Aquarium in Salem ) R3 - R-3 - Ryan Q. ( treasurer of PNWMAS ) R4 - Twitterbait - Ryan G. ( member ) I thought there was an R5, but I can't remember who it is. Help me out. Jay
  11. I thought it would be nice to have a small BBQ on the beach. We plan on taking lots of pics. Jay
  12. I used to test often and always squirted the remaining reagent back into the bottle. Now I hardly ever test ( once a month ). If my coral looks upset, I break out the test kits. (whistle) Jay
  13. Same here. Just need to know who to send the money to. Jay
  14. Thanks for the link Brandon. You are right, we should all sign this. It amazes me just how much human beings take for granted ( present company excluded ). I can't kill a spider in my own home without setting it free and there are yahoo's out there killing acres of reefs. It makes me sick. Jay
  15. Sorry about that. I run at 1280X1024. I will look into shrinking it as soon as I can get to it. Other than size, what do you think. Navigation should be much eaiser. Sponsors now have rotating banners on all pages. We are looking for a hack to incorporate the rotating banner on the forums, but I am not sure it would work. Not in it's present form anyway. Maybe an animated gif that rotates through the sponsors. Thanks for the tip. Jay
  16. Put me down for one. I could use 8 more switched plugs ( bringing the total to 24 ). Jay
  17. I'm hoping so also. I'm just keeping the options open at this point. Jay
  18. We can rent one out of portland. But they are about $150.00 a day. http://www.focalpointdigital.com/ I will call Steve Smith tomorrow and find out the final cost. Jay
  19. Chief

    Sick Hammer

    Thread moved. Sorry, I have no idea other than getting your alk back inline. (scratch) Jay
  20. Also, don't forget that we have PNWMAS T-shirts available. Contact Michael7979 for more details. This is the one event that I hope many of us can get behind. This is our chance to give back to the hobby that we all love. Show your support for this great cause and lets have a good time doing it. We are going to try to organize some carpools in different areas around the state. Stay tuned and we hope to see you at the beach in September. Jay
  21. Definately looks like one to me... but you could wait until they spread if you like. (laugh) I'm not sure the difference in aptaisia/majano but maybe someone else will chime in. Jay
  22. Whenever you are ready Mike, we can reserve the room. Just let me or R-3 know. Jay
  23. My favorite is kalk paste. Just mix kalk with a little water and make it the consistancy of a lotion... not watery, but can hold its form. I use a plastic syringe ( no needle ) and blast them with it. Never had one come back. (threaten) And I have a brittle star in my tank. Never had a problem. Jay
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