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Wanted to borrow in Eugene: UV sterilizer


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Does anyone have a UV sterilizer they aren't using, I could borrow for a few weeks?


My Scribbled Rabbit fish has suddenly turned up with ich.

No idea how! Everyone has been healthy ever since I had them (a year, I think), they were quarantined and I haven't added anything new in a couple of months, and then only corals.


He is the only fish showing signs, and I don't have a large enough QT tank to put all the fish from that tank in.


Am trying garlic, and a diatom filter right now, but was thinking a UV sterilizer might help, too.

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Ick parasites can come in on any substrate, including frags. Also, did you treat the fish when you Quarantined them? If you did not treat them, then the parasite just survived the QT process, and rode into the tank.


You could try some stuff called RubyReef KickIck. It is supposed to be reef safe, but it is expensive. Jon (wegotjs) has used it several times successfully, and it will help eliminate the parasite from your display too. Most of the LFSs up in Portland carry it, but it is more expensive in the store than it is on-line (like from Marine Depot http://www.marinedepot.com/ps_ViewItem~category~Ruby_Reef_Kick_Ich_2_L_Saltwater_Aquarium_Supplies_Medications_Parasites~vendor~Ruby_Reef~SearchStr~~action~view~idProduct~RR1113~idCategory~FIMEPS.html ). If you do use it, use double the dose, for at least double the time.


Good luck



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I would also agree with the cleaner shrimp. they are neat, and they help out, even though they aren't a cure. keep using the garlic, and yes, you can use my 36 watt uv sterilizer, maybe we can trade the use for a couple months for a frag of paly or something? (naughty)


By all means feel free to come over and grab it, and check out my tank, and take back your filter sock, and was there something that you had of mine??? I dont remember, but it seems like there was.

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I would love to go for a cleaner shrimp, but have a pistol shrimp in the tank!

Won't he eat the cleaner?


How about neon gobies? I wanted some anyhow, but the LFSs haven't had any for a while.


And Curtis, I'd be grateful to trade something for the use of the sterilizer!

You are right that you left something here, too! It's your net!


Are you around today (was thinking around 6 or 7pm?)?

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I'm in the throws of an ick battle atm. My green clown goby had a massive outbreak and died in a couple days. I thought I would be OK, but then my female perc started showing signs. It has now spread to the male perc, but the yellow clown goby and Potter's angle are doing OK. I'm not worried about the Potter's because it regularly accepts cleanings from the cleaner shrimp. The clowns tend to not let the cleaner shrimp near them although this morning I was delighted to see the male giving the shrimp a ride for a few seconds. Anyway, I started using garlic soaked formula 1 (12-24hr soaks) for feedings and have actually increased my feedings at this point and also started adding Tropical Science Marine-Max Disease Prevention & Life Extension System. Its a 2 part mix of probiotics and antioxidants. I have a 29g (w/ 25g of actual water) and I added 3 tablespoons of each the first day and then 1 tablespoon of each every other day. The bottle ran about $20 bucks at the LFS. I'm about 10 days in now and the female clown actually looks to be improving this morning. I'll keep you posted, but so far so good. *keeps fingers crossed*

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I've been feeding garlic soaked food regularly (before the outbreak), but I suspect a pH spike was the culprit.

I thought my tank was ich free, but it seems, I was wrong.

We were out of town a few weekd ago, and the ATO line got clogged. My daughter didn't notice until the return pump sucked air. She unclogged the line, and over the next few hours, a bunch of kalkwasser being added (even though it was dripped) brought the pH up to over 9.

Fortunately I checked in with her about the tanks every day and told her to add vinegar slowly and watch the monitor.

Was afraid I'd find everything dead when coming home, but things looked just as always.

Then, a couple of weeks later one fish showed up with white spots.


He looks fine now, but it's to be expected with the ich life cycle.

I'm using the borrowed UV sterilizer (Thanks, Curtis!) and am also filtering non stop with a diatom filter, blowing off the rocks every day.


I'll be doing that for a month at least and keeping my eye out for the next cycle.

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So things took a bad turn for me yesterday. My YCG has ick now and the clowns look a little worse. Its really hard to see, but it looks like both clowns have a small nip/tear in one of their swimming fins (i cant recall the proper name atm...I know pectoral, dorsal, tail, but cant think of the name for those). I want to get them in a QT, but I doubt I'll ever catch the YCG and it would be nice to just get the tank treated so i dont have to worry about future outbreaks. I guess I'll get the Ruby Reef and try it out. If anyone has experience with this product I would really appreciate a PM. Thanks.

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