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Order Placed! Trident NP coming

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Release date was quoted as May 30th.  I was thinking it could be midnight +1min of May 29th.  And then decided to check BRS at midnight (EAST COAST) +1min.  ...  Yup.  Became available last night and got my order placed.  Whoot whoot.

Looks like it's out of stock this morning.




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8 minutes ago, SuncrestReef said:

I’ll be curious to see your results.

Me too.   I'm convinced I don't have my N & P additions setup right - because I'm no longer willing to test NO3&PO4 daily.  (I tested daily for ~4months in late 2021)

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I was hovering over it while it was in stock, but I requested one locally and have my fingers crossed they get their allotment so I can keep it local.


if not I may offer to tank sit for you evoer the weekend, just send me your address!

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31 minutes ago, Krux said:

I was hovering over it while it was in stock, but I requested one locally and have my fingers crossed they get their allotment so I can keep it local.

I would have LOVED to get mine local.   In the past, I've made a specific point of buying MAP price items local... because there's absolutely no diff in price, just better local support.    In this case, I didn't reach out to check... And I Really want to turn this machine on and get NP readings.

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It's funny how far out of the loop I have become.  After years of being the defacto Neptune expert, I didn't even know this product was in the making since I'm no longer in the hobby.  I'm hoping Neptune has ramped up their documentation efforts instead of relying on independent reefers like me to create the needed in-depth documentation and tutorials for their products.

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Did they say what a 6 mo refill will cost? 2 mo supply comes out to $1/test…so this is gonna cost $365/year to run instead of the $220 for standard trident which runs 4 tests a day for that price?


Seems like this hobby never stops going up in price…

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7 hours ago, Blue Z Reef said:

Did they say what a 6 mo refill will cost? 2 mo supply comes out to $1/test…so this is gonna cost $365/year to run instead of the $220 for standard trident which runs 4 tests a day for that price?

No date nor price for 6mo reagent set.  I did your same math.  $/test.    It's a choice, clearly.

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I may be incorrect, but I think they made it easier to change the interval on the NP, like thrice a week or something?  Still expensive, and this may be bad intel, but like all things, reef within your budget!

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I have heard the same because they have a short shelf life.  I have also heard a 6mo kit will be coming eventually, so anyone's guess? 


Looks like his are good for 5 months, maybe they need to blow out the units they have been making for initial release and then can make more to bundle them into 6mo kits?  I imagine they have been ramping up for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ordered this unit, wounded myself over memorial day weekend, unit arrived, sat on the counter untouched, ... until Last Night!  It's installed.

First impressions, it helped to already have experience with the original Trident.  I pretty much knew how to set it up, just needed the new reagent instructions.    One test down, we'll see where this takes us.





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On 6/25/2024 at 9:04 PM, Krux said:

Moar updates plz

Made the last post, and promptly went to Vancouver Island BC fishing for a week.  Got home last night.   Luckily, there was wifi in the afternoon, to check on the tank and text instructions home.


Interesting Learnings.   1. I'm consuming PO4 at a much faster rate than I'd realized.

  • Started at 0.05.  Unfortunately, added 100ml of NeoPhos minutes before test #2 happened, so read 0.22 temporarily.  Ignore that.
  • Day 3 0.08 -> Day 4 0.03.  Stayed there.
  • Dropped to 0.01, asked for +50ml.
  • Dropped to 0.00, asked for another +50ml
  • Raised back to 0.03.

Tests start at noon, take roughly 1hr to complete.   PO4 additions are almost always done ~5pm-ish (with other daily chems).   So have had time to settle into the system, before the next day's testing.

Interesting observation, I *really* wish apex fusion didn't limit plots to 7 days max.    Really wish it was two weeks, or better yet, 1month!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Bad News Update... Looks like NO3 is reading fine, but PO4 measurements are in trouble... and I've found a R2R thread that it may be a trend. 

Signature of the issue.  Initial few days, PO4 matched Hanna, subsequent days PO4 reads more and more like Zero.   (0.03 -> then bounces between 0.01 and 0.00, per day)

I've been out of town, on and off, for more than two weeks.  During the first week, I asked the fish sitter to add NeoPhosphate in response to lowering PO4 readings.  But stopped, getting worried there might be an issue.  Got home last night, manually checked Trident NP vs Hanna manual tests.   NO3 matched.  NP-PO4 is bogus low.  Measured with Hanna twice.

My Notes, 7/7/2024

  • Trident NP @ 1pm  PO4= 0.0,              NO3 =10. 4 <-- Trident NP has been acting up.  PO4 reading has been getting lower and lower, confirmed manually today
  • Hanna @ 5pm        PO4 = 0.083 (27), NO3 (Hanna) = 10.3  <-- Manually  tested PO4 twice, consistent results

I've annotated my Apex graphs with how many ml of NeoPhosphate I've been adding, to get a feel if Trident NP tracked.  It didn't.

It's unfortunate that Apexfusion can only show 7 days.   So I must show a few graphs.   PAY ATTENTION TO THE X and Y-Axis, they auto scale per graph.   Y-left is Trident NP PO4.  Y-Right is ml of NeoPhos added per day.

Last few days, NP is reading 0.01-0.00


I asked for two 50ml and one 75ml NeoPhos additions, while I was out of two.  


Starting from first NP readings






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2 hours ago, obrien.david.j said:

Little excel action, and I can show the trend and history much easier.


Are you pulling the data from the Apex, or manually entering it into Excel?  I remember towards the end of my reefing days that my Apex stopped allowing me to export the data and I never found a fix.  Just wondering how that process works these days.

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