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Group Buy 2!! Sponge Bob Favia !! 20 Dollars !!

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Ten spots !! 5 alternates !! 20 dollars gets you a frag of this fabulous sponge Bob favia !!!  Jeff at Cuttle Fish is bringing the fire !!


To secure your spot, reply to this thread.  

 You will have 24 hours to make your payment if not it goes to the alternate 

PayPal account:  paypal@pnwmas.org
Amount: $20

Include your screen name and which group buy.

All frags will be available for pickup on September 24 at the Cuttle fish and Corals Party!!!


You better jump on this deal it’s going to go fast !!


SVTGuido paid

half astronaut paid

CDP paid

Lexinverts paid

cougReef paid 

Coyote paid

Sixspeed paid

Sandfab paid

Emerald paid

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