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Kenya coral


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     So, my mother has a thing for Kenya's and about a week and a half ago I add one. Not bad looking as far as Kenya's go lavender with lime green branches. However, I have not seen any polyp extension and every day it seems smaller and smaller. Any ideas? Sorry the pic is very bad.


12g eshops sump 

2x Viperspectra 165w set to 10% white 40% blue

240dc Simplicity Skimmer

eFlux 1900 return pump set to about 40% maxed out for eshops 800gph external overflow

2x eFlux 800 wave pumps

Red Sea Coral Pro Salt

PH 8.2

Salt 35 ppt

Calcium 420 mg/l

KH 17 ppm

Phosphate 0 ppm

Nitrates 0 ppm

Temp set to 77F but stays 79-80F

RODI 0 tds




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Best I can do with my phone. I need to get a camera. The coral in question didn't have any polyp extension at the unnamed questionable store but was plump and looked like a bonsai tree. All my corals are softies at the moment the only exception is a green Galaxia who's kept top center and away from everybody else. most my zoas are newer and were shipped but even they open for a few hours a day..IMG_20230423_181414220_HDR.jpg


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Def looks like it’s shedding. Whenever I would have the brown shed lingering I would blow it off with a wavemaker and it really helped speed up its recovery from that upset state.


Also as mentioned, with nitrate/phosphate zeroed out, most corals are gonna be pissed. I would probably feed more to bring them up a bit.

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It looks like an upset leather of some sort. In my tank, they tend to like slightly dirty water. However, that lil guy could just be adapting, or shedding, or just having a Tuesday. 


Did it look like the attached pictures by chance?


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Yes, just like that. I did like suggested and pointed a wave maker at it and the next day it shed, and I can now see polyps. I hope it ends up looking like yours. In the store it had no color and no polyp extension, but it had nice structure. I saw it at the store for more than 3 weeks before I bought it. When I brought it home the color was great under my lights however shortly after it shrank slimed and looked sadder than at the store. I hope it's truly on the mend.

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