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Looking for old school red or blue mushrooms, bam bam zoas (orange) & Green Bay Packers zoas


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I started a nano for the classroom I work at, no skimmer so sticking to hardy colorful stuff. Was hoping to balance the colors with frags of the above. Located in SE Portland. The tank is in a special ed classroom and the kids love it, just got a pair of clowns fish wise. Can anyone sell or trade me the above listed stuff? 
It is not an official Tanks For Teachers system, was not sure it would work out so just set it up myself, was kinda afraid kids would bang the glass or admins would freak out, but so far so good. 
Thanks, Kate


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Thanks! I can trade you too, technically I still own the tank... just in case a kid gets too physical with it or I otherwise need to remove or switch it to freshwater. So I don't mind paying or trading. 

I used to have buckets of all of these, but they gradually got traded away, should have kept some.








green bay packers zoanthid.jpg


purple mushrooms.jpg


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David that is probably what led to mine going away. They should be limited in the nano at the school, and my 125 being so overrun with vermetids most of my sps died, I probably should be enthusiastic about the hardier stuff anyways. Plus you can see these across the room, they tend to be really vivid. For the class they don't really understand coral so going for maximum color. They like the fish.

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