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Chiller service


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What is wrong with it?   Typically, chiller and small air conditioning units can not be "serviced" (if they are lacking coolant) as the refrigerant loop is closed and does not have a port for filling.  If you are really dying to have it serviced and cleaned, I would search craigslist for dehumidifiers.  There is an old guy on their that buys old dehumidifiers and cleans and services them and sells them.  A chiller, air conditioner and dehumidifier are all basically the same things.  (Cooling through phase change of liquid to gas). 



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It seems that my chiller is working fine. I guess it’s just too small for my system on these really hot days.  I don’t know if servicing would help it’s performance or if I just need to upgrade.  

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Hi, I have to disagree with some of the information on here. Small equipment certainly can be serviced. It often requires that taps are brazed onto the system. The problem with small equipment is that often the service cost can be nearly as much as a new unit. The main thing that would limit your chillers capacity is having a dirty condenser. Many people think that using a brush is enough since it removes the outer dirt, but I found that blowing the condenser out with pressure of really any kind gets the junk from the inside out. You can usually tell if the condenser is plugged by sticking your hand behind the fan. If the air comes straight out, your good! If it feels like it’s mostly coming out of the sides, then your plugged. If you or anyone else for that matter needs help with chillers I am more then willing to help. I do refrigeration for a living. Hope this helps! Pete

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what brand of chiller is it?  Some chillers are simply garbage (eco plus comes to mind).  I have used,  wore out, and broke about 12 different chillers in the past 10 years (not aquariums).  By far one of the best chillers are the Penguins.. https://www.penguinchillers.com/product-category/water-chillers/  

This guy started out be simply re purposing window AC to function as chillers but he has an excellent heat exchanger design and these things CHILL and chill RAPIDLY.   We ran his 1/2hp chillers on 200 gallons of water in 85 degree ambient temperature and kept the water at 68 degrees. 


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