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Clownfish baby's 3


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On 9/13/2019 at 11:59 PM, talkalot82 said:


Baby clowns day 2. 

A lot of clowns are getting bigger and chunky , some are not eating as expected and will not make it. Just like in nature the weak will die.

They are being fed rottifers three times a day. The tank is tinted green by live nanno phytoplanton. 

There are aprox. 50 baby's that hatched. Which was a really small egg clutch for these clowns. I however decided to hatch them anyway.

Here's some pictures




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Day 5

Baby percularis

Had a few more starvation deaths about 4. But that's common. 

Next sets of losses will be baby brine. You can have over eating, choking, and appendages damage to organs if shrimp is more than 2 days old. 

Started baby brine shrimp today. Clowns haven't mastered hunting the brine yet. So only a few have consumed any. Tomorrow they should have that down. 

Some clowns however will lag, and continue to eat rotifers. In the wild these clowns would not have survived. They would die of starvation and have late Metamorphosis. In retrospect if you can get these clowns to adulthood Pat your self on the back. You did better than nature. 

Today I also feed very small flakes. The sooner you can get flakes in clowns the fatter they will be with a rounded nutrition. Normally the smallest weaker clown will discover flakes. And soon the rest will follow.

Be advised feeding flakes dirty up the tank. soon after feeding it's water change time.  The flakes will need to be siphoned off the bottom or ammonia will build up to toxic levels.

Water changed are done with airline hoses, and a old credit card. Water is then taken from parents aquarium and dropped slowly back into fry tank. About 20 percent up until metamorphosis will be pulled out daily. Unless tests show larger amount required.  

So that's today's routine. Below are pictures of what they look like on day 5.






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day 8

Baby's eating baby brine shrimp and rotifers, and flakes. Noticed rotifers don't like the heat raise . They die in tank instead of reproduce. Thinking I may lower temp back down a degree. However baby's will metamorphosis quicker the warmer the temperature. 

But here are the daily pics. It's hard to see their growth but the pink tummy's bulge out at this stage. They look like peanuts from the top of the aquarium. One bulge is the head, next is the tummy, then they have a tail. 

I look forward to this stage. They are fattening up for the change. And I know they are eating enough.




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Sorry was in hospital. For day 10 update so here it is now

Day 10 

Baby's starting to metamorphosis. Which means they change colors in my case percularis just like percula mom turn black, then they get round body's. Looking more like a clown. Yes  orange clowns turns black for the change.  Where as ocellaris would turn orange at this time. 




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Day 11

I'm out of the hospital. Baby's are doing fine.

today from the top of the tank you can see first white stripes. Baby's no longer all look like little peanuts. Some look like a clown body. Smooth tummy's now. 

They are eating multiple foods. Why you ask. It's because every baby readily takes different foods. The end result I want them all on flakes, and a instant food. Starting in the morning with nano size flakes. Then later I feed live baby brine shrimp and live rottifers.  Later I will sneak instant baby brine shrimp.  A food for every stage in life. There are always stragglers in life.

I did a water change today. Very small. I don't won't to stress changing baby's. Temperature running 79.5 degrees. 0 ppm  ammonia. pH 7.8

Here's some pictures. In one if you look at water reflection you can see top of head where white stripe is forming. 






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Day 12

Our electricity went out today. I'm so glad I had my battery operated air pumps. And so thank full it's not freezing yet this year or my baby's would have died. 

Baby's still eating baby brine shrimp, rotifers and flakes. Did a small water change.  All is well going through metamorphosis. No deaths in 5 days. Stripes on heads are showing. 








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Day 15

Not too much going on with the clown fish today I did another water change. I'm on day 15.

I was in the emergency room again tonight so not much got done. I fed them flakes, instant baby brine shrimp and that's about it today. They would have liked to have had life Brine but I wasn't feeling good.

because my babies are in the garage the temperature did drop down in the tank today to 79 degrees from 80. but not a big enough difference for a long enough period of time to make a difference. I'll just adjust the heater accordingly for winter.

I did manage my pictures however.




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Day 17

There baby's are really starting to hang together. They think they are in a corner hiding, but it's just my taped walls are black. When they go into their grow out tank they will hose in one corner.

I started the cycling of the grow out tank last week for them. Hope I won't have a issue like last time where cycling bacteria shocked baby's. It's called toxic tank syndrome.   Happened On day 30 and I lost alot of them. Had to move remaining baby's to new tank instantly. No acclimating. Which you don't acclimate baby's in general. It actually does them more harm acclimating them at that stage. 

Grow out tank has a snail, and some live rock, Heater and sponge filter.  20190930_015631.thumb.jpg.54ed4ce7fe663e214cc2255fad4742c6.jpg


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