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Torch coral dying?


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Hi all. I had a pretty sweet torch coral for a while but over the past couple weeks its been bleaching/drooping pretty heavily. Ive tried moving it around but no dice. Is it too far gone? Is someone able to potentially foster or advise what could be the issue? Currently have a skimmer and hob filter with filter floss and purigen. As it stands now its 6 inches under water line sitting by a monti cap. (Not bleached, just took an unfortunate spill into the sand bed and scraped it recovering)


Alk. 9

Mag 1250

Calc 400

Nitrate 10

Po4 0

PH 8.2







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Try putting it somewhere more permanent. I’ve seen euphyllia look shrunk up and crappy like that just because once they start to open up the flow will make it wiggle and it stay small. Wedge it in some of your live rock and see if that helps.

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I've always tended to mount torch, hammer, frogspawn on a rock and set it in the sand or mount them very low on larger rocks. Like someone mentioned above they definitely seem to do better in lower lighting, at least in my experience.


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Phosphate could be the problem.

I'd also take a close look and make sure you don't have flat worms. Torches sometimes come with eggs that hatch and the flat worms hug right up against the rim of the skeleton.

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Euphillia corals tend to be hardy if you give them low to mid par and stable conditions.  That being said sometimes giving a struggling coral an iodine or similar dip could be helpful.  The seem to be susceptible to bacterial infection =[

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5 hours ago, Dakotapi3rc3 said:

Hi all. 


Thank you for the help. The lovely Mr.Bret has agreed to watch it for the short term. Looks like i have some research to do on gaining phosphates...

I dose NeoPhos by Brightwell to my ATO water, works great and is cheap. I dose 1 cap per 5 gallons of fresh water. 

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