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Frag Swap Thread February 2019


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This February meet at PDXMonkeyboy's is going to be a full blown free for all frag swap, so those attending are encouraged to get some corals ready to trade in anticipation of the event. These are the general guidelines I like to recommend for these coral exchanges.

If you would like, you can do your trading on the fly by just bringing by a few pieces and hoping that some one will have a desirable coral you want...Or better yet, you can post up what you have to trade and work out a preemptive exchange here on the forums, that method always works best for me. You can feel free to use this thread to post your trade-ables in or start a thread of your own.

But First, let me get you some of Bert's basis tips for success here.

1.) make an attempt to have a fragment of reasonable size and health and try and get things cut and ready a few days to a week ahead of time to have the wounds healed up for the exchange. And double/triple check for pest invertebrates or algaes before sending your corals out, we try to keep invasives to a minimum here...And once you get your frags home, just in case, always acclimate the specimens then dip the corals before you put them into your personal aquarium. QT Aquariums are best but good old Potassium Chloride, Revive, Coral RX, Melafix, Iodine, or other suitable coral dip will do much better at prevention than nothing.

2.) Try to package your corals appropriately. This can mean not putting a spiny coral like birds nest into a thin dollar store bag or not utilizing insulation on an extended cold or warm trip. Try a small cooler or Styrofoam. If you can't find either of these and the destination is a long distance, keep the vehicle air conditioned or heated appropriately. As far as packaging goes you can double bag and use thicker mil plastics, or something else like a Tupperware or specimen container. I have even used washed out yogurt or cottage cheese containers that stack well inside the coolers. Just use something that will work, nothing like losing a nice and colorful animal because the bag got too cold and leaked all the water out on the way home.

3.)Do your best to be courteous and fair to one another by not take advantage of each others ignorance or generosity. These are people of all levels in the hobby so give them the benefit of your knowledge and experience instead of the cold shoulder. And speaking of generosity, that giving nature has always been smiled upon here at PNWMAS and pay it forward tends comes back around these parts.


So Let's see em folks,  Whatcha Got!? Corals that is!

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I have a bunch of zoas as well, some green slimmer sps frags, like infinity amounts of purple monti cap, and some green and blue sps, and also some really nice looking "frammer"  which is a frog spawn that looks like a hammer...or is it a hammer that looks like a frog spawn.  Will probably make some branching cyphastria frags as well.  Also have two rock flower nems. 

I am looking for Acans, smooth skin acros or some montis.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've got a bunch of zoa's (rastas, water melon, bam bam, blue eyed blondies, WWC purple monster), some SPS (JF birds nest, ORA spongeodes, tubbs stellata, blue Digi, to Forest fire Digi, purple valida acro, WWC yellow tips, Idaho grape Monti, orange Monti cap, milka Stylo, blue stag), and a little LPS (trumpet, green hammer).

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I have two large stylo colonies (small cantaloupe/large grapefruit sized) and a small seriatopora colony (lime sized), as well as a neon green spongodes that I am going to bring, looking for kedds reds, tubbs blues, and some interesting favia/favites, maybe an acan polyp or two? 


Wishfull thinking, if anyone has recently fragged their acros i have my wish list in the WTB section, mostly looking for specific old school pieces, can sweeten the deal with frags from my papyal account.


If nobody wants to trade for my colonies they will go to TFT or something as they are taking up too much space and are eating through my alk, they aren't coming back with me! 


Tomorrow is water change day, will move what I have up front for photos.

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I miss my branching cyphastrea, it got too close to a chalice of mine long ago and got anihalated. Maybe I can get is back at this meet. I would't mind a small frag of rastas either, not sure if I have anything that would interest you though Jeremy, Blue Eyed Bithes or Raptors Rainbows maybe, you probably already have those though. I have some "wild ones" I don't know what are too if that is of interest.

And is the Stylophora you have purple Krux?

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On 2/2/2019 at 9:42 AM, Paratore said:

I’m hoping to make it to this. Working on pics :)
Got a whole bunch of zoas for trade and possibly some sps.

I’m looking for LPS. Bubble coral, euphyllia, elegance, other bright flowy corals :)


Sent while trying to get my next coral fix.....

Hey Cody - are you going to make it tomorrow?  Would be cool to see some of your zoas. 

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Pics for attention.


Also the purple polyp model was a little smaller than I estimated once I pulled it out from behind the rocks, more orange than grapefruit.


The are all the glow in the dark bright type, I run less blue during the day so they don't really fluoresce.









Edited by Krux
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Would anyone be interested in the GB Hawaiian God Zoas and GB Cosmic Dust ? I have a few frags of each I was thinking about bringing. 

Here is a close up picture of the GB Hawaiian God 




GB Cosmic Dust

This is a macro shot of the colony before I fragged it. 


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I can frag a piece of branching cyphastrea for you Bert and the wild zoa's sound interesting. I've got lots of rastas too and I will have some with me.

I've got lots of purple milka stylo if anyone wants some.

I'm going to bring a mix of things to trade or sell pretty reasonable tomorrow too.

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12 hours ago, What_The_Frag said:

Would anyone be interested in the GB Hawaiian God Zoas and GB Cosmic Dust ? I have a few frags of each I was thinking about bringing. 

Here is a close up picture of the GB Hawaiian God 




GB Cosmic Dust

This is a macro shot of the colony before I fragged it. 


I would be intersted in either maybe both. What are you asking?


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