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WTS: Propagation Tanks, Sump and Large Skimmer


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About a year ago, I was going to expand my garage reef operation and brought in some new tanks, sump, skimmer and other stuff to set it all up.  That got put on hold and then plans changed and I am shuttin down the garage operation altogether, so this new stuff that has sat here unused for a year+ needs to find a new home(s).

TANKS (new)

I have five 48" x 24" x 12" rimless tanks.  They are heavy duty 3/4" acrylic with rounded and flame polished edges.  Bottoms and backs are black.  Overflows are 8" x 6" and drilled for 1.5" bulkheads. 

3 tanks have the overflow centered on the right end (pictured), 1 tank has it centered on the left end and one has it centered on the back.

These are very nice tanks that I had built for propagation and coral holding, but they are nice enough to be used as show tanks for a shallow reef, tide pool, look-down reef or other setup.

Bulkheads are included and I can throw in a 2x4 sheet of black eggcrate if you are setting up a prop system.  I had also built 3 'industrial' 36" tall tank stands for these.  OK for garage use, but not the living room (at least if you are married).  They are free to go with the tanks if they will work for your application (and yes, that leg is a bit warped in the pic).

These tanks were made by Advanced Acrylics out of CA and run about $700 if you order one to these specs.  I'm asking $400 ea OBO.



SUMP ( new)

This is a new 36" x 18"  x 18" sump made out of 5/16" acrylic also by Advanced Acrylics.  There are holes for up to 3 down-pipes and 2 filter socks.  Skimmer chamber has 8" water depth and is about 13.5" x 18".  Return pump chamber is about 9.5" x 18".

I paid $375.  Asking $300 OBO



Skimmer (new)

This is a  Super Reef Octopus SSS-5000 INT Skimmer.  It is out of the box, but never used.

Rated up to 400-500g or a really well skimmed 250g which is how I used them.  These are the space saver version with the pump mounted internally for a relatively small footprint of 13" x 11" x 25".  I provided a water bottle for a size reference since I didn't have any guacamole handy.


These run $650, I'm asking $500 OBO.  


These are the core pieces for setting up a multi-tank setup.  Can work a package deal if someone wants multiple pieces.

Zoolander, feel free to put your marketing spin on any of this.  Any additional revenue you drive will be reimbursed in Acro colonies.

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