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Vance164's first reef build 120g


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So this will be a slow build and more just a thread for me to watch my progress with but any help and tips are welcomed along with constructive criticism!!!


This is the 120 I will be using that I just tore down.



Tear down



Here it is with one ReeFi light I purchased at the reef expo! 3 more to come...



Aquarium I was going to cut up for baffles



But then found this :(



So I went and bought some tanks at habitat for humanity and a new 55 gallon at the dollar per gallon sale



Drilling glass for filter sock holders



So it was time to start building the sump I defiantly need a lot more practice with my silicone skills


Here is the inlet chamber to filter socks to under over under bubble trap






Skimmer chamber



Turned out I ended up with a few sheets of tempered anyhow!!!



Refugium chamber added



And now the finished product


Edited by Vance164
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Thanks emerald will see how handy I am tonight after I leak test the sump haha.


Thanks aquanius I like a longer aquarium myself and Daniel reccomend 4 over a 6 foot since that's what he is running so I will slowly add them as money permits.

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Thanks higher thinking. Water tested it today had one small pin hole leak in the fuge chamber to the bubble trap on the return. So resealed that and should be all good to go! Hopefully picking up 70lbs of pukani this weekend.


Small leak :/



All chambers but return full



Any tips you guys have are appreciated

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Have you estimated the amount of water return that will fill the sump when the power goes out? It looks like it's holding quite a bit of water. You have to remember that not only will you have the water from the overflow, but also what is in your skimmer.


Also, I realize it's too late now, but a tiny leak wouldn't really affect functionality. The water will move through fast enough that even with a small leak going into your pump area, the water line would still go down just like normal from evaporation....(if that all makes sense).

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Yea I knew it wouldn't matter too much but wasn't a big deal to reseal so I just did I still have plenty of time. There's still about 25 gallons worth of volume left in the sump l so I was hoping that should be enough for over flow I imagine in the event of a power failure? I filled it completely for the leak test and pumped it all out into 5 gallon jugs and was just shy of 30 gallons.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Little update so I don't start slacking off.

First a few weeks ago I bought about 75 lbs of dry pukani from beer503



Then I wanted to begin cycling the rock so was getting ready to buy some ro/di water from higher thinking when I was lucky enough to win the ro/di system from the monthly meeting/ bbq very thankful for that. Feel almost bad being my first meeting and winning




So I got it setup temporarily today so I can start to cycle this rock.



So that's my update for now. Also bought a 2 little fishies reactor from powder blue.

Any tips on cycling rock are appreciated and thanks for such a great community looking forward to being apart of it for a long time!

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Fill up your tub, mix salt for few hours, add rock, add microbacter from brightwell, add only couple small pest free pieces of live rock, and wait. Don't forget circulation pumps.

Thank you Jorge! I have one wave maker but think it may be too much much flow for this amount of water so need to get a smaller one. What temp do you guys reccomend? Also I can do with no live rock correct just will take longer? After adding bacteria Jumpstart do you feed the bacteria during the cycle with anything like pure ammonia? Edited by Vance164
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A raw piece of shrimp will do. You don't need the live rock but it helps get the pod population going. A temp of 78 should do. Add light to help get the coraline algae going. The live rock is also to help the coraline spread onto the other rocks as well.

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Looking good! I like the way the sump turned out - nice logical flow sequence. Congrats again on scoring the RODI... it was nice to meet you at the BBQ.

Thanks it was great meeting you as well. I really hope the sump works out if not I guess I have all the tools to build another one hahaha!

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A raw piece of shrimp will do. You don't need the live rock but it helps get the pod population going. A temp of 78 should do. Add light to help get the coraline algae going. The live rock is also to help the coraline spread onto the other rocks as well.

Thank you just from reading the Internet it has me scared of using live rock I know it should be fine but just seems scary my luck I'd get something bad in there. I may change my mind though. Thank you for the info!
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